シンポジウム「圏論的世界像からはじまる複合知の展望」@慶応大学 (Jan 25, 2020) http://www.inter.ipc.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/symposium.html 「圏論とプログラミング」発表スライドメモ - Qiita https://qiita.com/i…
Sets Let’s begin our inquiry by looking at the basic theory of sets. Set theory and category theory share many similarities. We can view category theory as a generalization of set theory. That is, it’s meant to describe the same thing as set theory (everything?), but to do it in a more abstract manner, one that is more versatile and (hopefully) simpler. In other words, sets are an example of a cat
John Baez This is a course based on Fong and Spivak's book Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory, taught by John Baez and turned into nice webpages by Simon Burton. For more details, dive right in and check out Lecture 1. Chapter 1: Ordered Sets Lecture 1 - Introduction Lecture 2 - What is Applied Category Theory? Lecture 3 - Preorders Lecture 4 - Galois Conn
Category Theory Illustrated is a primer in category theory and other mathematical theories that is made to be really accessible to people with no prior exposure to the subject, without being dumbed down, by utilizing visual explanations. Read online Get pdf Praise Category Theory Illustrated is the best introduction to Category Theory I’ve ever seen. It is highly visual, full of useful examples an
Parts 1 and 2 are found here and here From one perspective, categories are just another algebraic structure, like groups, monoids and rings. They are these abstract things that have some abstract equational axioms and operations. They are the next stop on our magnificent category journey. A monoid is a thing that has an associative operation with a unit. Addition and 0 make numbers a monoid. Multi