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coordinate withの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 550件

  • Scala 3 - A community powered release

    Scala 3 - A community powered release After 8 years of research, experimenting, trying out, discussing, numerous contributions from academic & community collaborators, the Dotty project will finally graduate in fall 2020, by becoming Scala 3. This blog aims to capture what it takes to coordinate the Scala 3 release efforts and to invite you to help us make it a success! Current situation? We are c

      Scala 3 - A community powered release
    • AWS Step Functions launches large-scale parallel workflows for data processing and serverless applications

      AWS Step Functions expands support for iterating and processing large sets of data such as images, logs and financial data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), a cloud object storage service. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service capable of orchestrating over 10,000 API actions from over 220 AWS services to automate business processes and data processing workloads. Now, AWS Step

        AWS Step Functions launches large-scale parallel workflows for data processing and serverless applications
      • On Rails

        16 years ago, David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) took the stage and delivered one of the most impressive code demos the world has ever seen. It was not only an impeccable presentation but also a very well-timed one. In 2005, developers knew that in order to ship web apps, they needed to deal with a lot of boilerplate code. Ruby on Rails came to change all that. Last week, Remix went open source and th

          On Rails
        • Trademarks in Open Source

          Trademarks in Open Source Introduction Cases Unmanaged Trademarks: Naked Licensing FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network Discussion Common Law Trademarks Planetary Motion, Inc. v. Techsplosion, Inc. Discussion Fair Use Defense to Trademark Infringement: Nominative Use Playboy Enters. v. Welles Discussion License Terms’ Bearing on Trademark Use MIT Discussion BSD-3-Clause Discussion PHP-3.0 Discu

          • In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm

            In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout Stanford University Abstract Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundat

            • WebKit Features in Safari at WWDC21

              There’s a lot of news coming out of WWDC21 about WebKit and the web technology that’s shipping in Safari 15 on Apple’s platforms. Many of the new features were announced on Monday, at this year’s WWDC21 Keynote, and listed in the Safari 15 Beta Release Notes. But that’s not all, and we’re excited to share it with you. Ten sessions at WWDC21 will go into greater detail and announce even more. New v

                WebKit Features in Safari at WWDC21
              • Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 96

                Safari Technology Preview Release 96 is now available for download for macOS Catalina and macOS Mojave. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update in the Software Update pane of System Preferences on macOS. This release covers WebKit revisions 251210-251627. Web Animations Enabled the Web Animations JavaScript API by default (r251237) WebAuthN Implemented Authenticator

                  Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 96
                • Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 109 with Safari 14 Features

                  Safari Technology Preview Release 109 is now available for download for macOS Catalina. With this release, Safari Technology Preview is now available for betas of macOS Big Sur. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update in the Software Update pane of System Preferences on macOS. Safari Technology Preview is currently only available for Intel-based Macs. This release i

                  • Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions

                    Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions Implicitly defined, continuous, differentiable signal representations parameterized by neural networks have emerged as a powerful paradigm, offering many possible benefits over conventional representations. However, current network architectures for such implicit neural representations are incapable of modeling signals with fine de

                    • eBPF for Service Mesh? Yes, But Envoy is Here to Stay

                      Our goal here at Solo.io is to bring valuable solutions to our customers around application networking and service connectivity. Back in October, we announced our plans to enhance our enterprise service-mesh product (Gloo Mesh Enterprise) with eBPF to optimize the functionality around networking, observability, and security. To what extent can eBPF play a role in a service mesh? How does the role

                        eBPF for Service Mesh? Yes, But Envoy is Here to Stay
                      • NeRF at CVPR 2022

                        There are more than 50 papers related to Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) at the CVPR 2022 conference. With my former student and now colleague at Google Research, Andrew Marmon, we rounded up all papers we could find and organized them here for our edification, and your reading pleasure. Below are all the papers at CVPR’22 that we could find by scanning titles and reading the associated papers, som

                        • Wool Felt Desk Pad

                          When paired with the Grovemade Desk Shelf and Desk Tray, the small desk pad allows you to navigate the exchange between your digital and analog work with ease. Simply slide the desk pad under the shelf, moving your digital tools out of the way to make space for a notebook or piece of scratch paper. Our desk pads come in five sizes to give you the flexibility you need. Small, medium & medium plus p

                            Wool Felt Desk Pad
                          • Pixelblog - 41 - Isometric Pixel art — SLYNYRD

                            IntroIsometric pixel art is based on the isometric projection, which is a method for accurately ‘projecting’ 3D objects into fancy 2D. Unlike perspective drawing, there is no vanishing point in isometric projection. Furthermore, the 3 coordinate axis have equal foreshortening, eliminating the need to alter lengths based on the perceived distance from the viewer. This allows one to create 3D object

                              Pixelblog - 41 - Isometric Pixel art — SLYNYRD
                            • Swipey image grids.

                              When someone says 'SVG animation', what do you picture? From conversations at my workshops I've noticed that most people think of illustrative animation. But SVG can come in handy for so much more than jazzy graphics. When you stop looking at SVG purely as a format for illustrations and icons, it's like a lightbulb goes on and a whole world of UI styling opens up. One of my favourite use-cases rec

                                Swipey image grids.
                              • research!rsc: Programming Language Memory Models (Memory Models, Part 2)

                                Programming language memory models answer the question of what behaviors parallel programs can rely on to share memory between their threads. For example, consider this program in a C-like language, where both x and done start out zeroed. // Thread 1 // Thread 2 x = 1; while(done == 0) { /* loop */ } done = 1; print(x); The program attempts to send a message in x from thread 1 to thread 2, using d

                                • contain - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                                  CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                                    contain - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                                  • MAN WITH A MISSION×milet「絆ノ奇跡」Music Video

                                    MAN WITH A MISSION×milet「絆ノ奇跡」 『テレビアニメ「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編』オープニング主題歌 https://MWAM.lnk.to/P5bwzgAY milet×MAN WITH A MISSION「コイコガレ」 『テレビアニメ「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編』エンディング主題歌 https://milet.lnk.to/koikogareYT 「絆ノ奇跡」Music Video Director:Yasuhiro Arafune (EPOCH) Cinematographer:Takeshi Muramatsu 1st Assistant Camera:Shinji Matsumoto 2nd Assistant Camera:Shinsuke Nagashima (KOKIHIFUMI) Lighting Director:Ryohei Watanabe (O

                                      MAN WITH A MISSION×milet「絆ノ奇跡」Music Video
                                    • OCRの読み取りミスを修正する手作業をAIに代わりにやってもらってみた | DevelopersIO

                                      はじめに 新規事業部 Passregiチームの山本です。 先日、CX事業本部の平内さん(SINさん)が、FAXで受信した紙の帳票をOCRで読み取ってCSVファイルにする方法に関して、ブログを公開されました。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/computer-vision-read-api/ 上記のページの最後に、課題としてOCRが読み取りをミスすることがあり、そのミスを手動で修正する必要がありそう、と分析されていました。 このページでは、OCRの読み取りミスを自動で修正するために、AIを使って試してみた内容について記載します。 問題点と解決方法 問題点の整理 上のページの取り組みで残った問題点は、以下のような状況した。 文字の読み取り自体はできていた 読み取りを行う範囲(単位)がズレてしまった(複数のセルを1つとして認識してしまっている)。その結果、

                                        OCRの読み取りミスを修正する手作業をAIに代わりにやってもらってみた | DevelopersIO
                                      • Keeping Google Meet ahead of usage demand during COVID-19 | Google Workspace Blog

                                        As COVID-19 turned our world into a more physically distant one, many people began looking to online video conferencing to maintain social, educational, and workplace contact. As shown in the graph below, this shift has driven huge numbers of additional users to Google Meet. In this post, I’ll share how we ensured that Meet’s available service capacity was ahead of its 30x COVID-19 usage growth, a

                                          Keeping Google Meet ahead of usage demand during COVID-19 | Google Workspace Blog
                                        • Three Decades of Agile – Manage Complexity

                                          The Agile Manifesto [1], created in 2001, brought about a significant shift in the development of (software) products. The values and principles in the manifesto have since evolved and expanded, and we continue to discover better ways to implement them. Overall, the changes have been positive and continue to benefit the industry. This article discusses the journey we have collectively taken over t

                                          • Safari 15 の新機能とかまとめ | サイボウズ フロントエンドエキスパートチーム

                                            先日 Safari 15 がリリースされました。 https://webkit.org/blog/11989/new-webkit-features-in-safari-15/ 影響の大きそうな箇所や、知っておいたほうが良さそうな箇所を中心に紹介します。 HTML theme-color meta タグ上での theme-color のサポートが追加されました。 指定することで、ブラウザのメニューバーやタブバーといった領域のカラーを変更することができます。 prefers-color-scheme と併用することで、ダークモード/ライトモードに応じた色の指定もできます。 Design for Safari 15 CSS aspect-ratio プロパティのサポート aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN lab() lch() h

                                              Safari 15 の新機能とかまとめ | サイボウズ フロントエンドエキスパートチーム
                                            • HTML Standard

                                              7.4 Navigation and session history7.4.1 Session history7.4.1.1 Session history entries7.4.1.2 Document state7.4.1.3 Centralized modifications of session history7.4.1.4 Low-level operations on session history7.4.2 Navigation7.4.2.1 Supporting concepts7.4.2.2 Beginning navigation7.4.2.3 Ending navigation7. The usual cross-document navigation case7. The javascript: URL special case7.4.2

                                              • GitHub - basecamp/thruster

                                                Thruster is an HTTP/2 proxy for simple production-ready deployments of Rails applications. It runs alongside the Puma webserver to provide a few additional features that help your app run efficiently and safely on the open Internet: HTTP/2 support Automatic TLS certificate management with Let's Encrypt Basic HTTP caching of public assets X-Sendfile support and compression, to efficiently serve sta

                                                  GitHub - basecamp/thruster
                                                • Exploring Generative AI

                                                  Generative AI and particularly LLMs (Large Language Models) have exploded into the public consciousness. Like many software developers I am intrigued by the possibilities, but unsure what exactly it will mean for our profession in the long run. I have now taken on a role in Thoughtworks to coordinate our work on how this technology will affect software delivery practices. I'll be posting various m

                                                    Exploring Generative AI
                                                  • New UUID Formats

                                                    New UUID Formats Abstract This document presents new Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) formats for use in modern applications and databases.¶ Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.¶ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working doc

                                                    • NeRFの仕組みを1からわかりやすくまとめたい - kentaPtの日記

                                                      1. はじめに NeRF (Neural Radiance Field) とは、複雑なシーンに対して、任意の視点からの3次元的なシーンを画像から再構成する技術です。以下の動画にあるように、物体に対して、様々な角度から見たときのシーンをキレイに再現することができます。反射に関しても、それぞれの角度から見たときの見え方が反映されており、角度によって同じ場所でも微妙に違う反射特性を見て取ることができます。この手法を利用して、例えば、地点AとBで画像を取得した場合、その中間地点の任意の角度から対象物体を見たときのシーンを生成可能です。 この記事では、このNeRFと呼ばれる技術と、それを実行するにあたって必要な周辺の技術について簡単にまとめたいと思います。以下に示す、NeRFの論文と照らし合わせてながら解説を行います。しかし、本記事では、NeRFを実行するまでの流れを示すため、各要素技術に関しては詳

                                                        NeRFの仕組みを1からわかりやすくまとめたい - kentaPtの日記
                                                      • Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained

                                                        Recently, I am learning how Elliptic Curve Cryptography works. I searched around the internet, found so many articles and videos explaining it. Most of them are covering only a portion of it, some of them skip many critical steps how you get from here to there. In the end, I didn’t find an article that really explains it from end-to-end in an intuitive way. With that in mind, I would like to write

                                                          Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
                                                        • Overview | ChessCoach

                                                          – Chris Butner A neural network-based chess engine capable of natural language commentary Chris Butner @PlayChessCoach on Lichess: Watch | Stats | Challenge (1+0 or 0+1 up to 15+10) Introduction ChessCoach is a neural network-based chess engine capable of natural-language commentary. It plays chess with a rating of approximately 3450 Elo, which means it should usually beat even the strongest human

                                                          • You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus

                                                            Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain. Updated at 7:43 p.m. on Feb. 25, 2020. In May 1997, a 3-year-old boy developed what at first seemed like the common cold. When his symptoms—sore throat, fever, and cough—persisted for six days, he was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. There his cough worsened, and he began gas

                                                              You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus
                                                            • isolation - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                                                              CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                                                                isolation - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                                                              • Meander – Robert Hodgin

                                                                Meander is a procedural system for generating historical maps of rivers that never existed. My all-time favorite map-based data visualization was created in 1944. Harold Fisk, working with the US Army Corp. of Engineers, mapped the length of the Mississippi River. What sets his visualization apart from others is that he maps the river through time, and manages to do so in a way that is both beauti

                                                                • コティディアンのタートルネックカットソー!サイズ感&着こなし編 - 1978 -アラフォーからの一生モノ探しー

                                                                  今回は先日紹介したquotidien(コティディアン)のタートルネックカットソーについてサイズ感&着こなしをご紹介します。グリーンのタートルネックの着こなしに興味がある方は是非ご覧ください。 レビュー記事はコチラ。 コティディアンのサイズ感はコチラ。 グリーンタートルネックカットソーの着こなし。 春の着こなし2選。 秋の着こなし。 冬の着こなし。 まとめ。 レビュー記事はコチラ。 未読の方は先にこちらをご覧ください。 ニットに多いタートルネックですが、カットソーというのも良いですね。 これは目から鱗というか今後も買い足したいアイテムです。 www.1978.tokyo コティディアンのサイズ感はコチラ。 175㎝、63㎏、肩幅45㎝くらいの斉藤さん。が購入したのは サイズ2 です。 ラコステもそうですが、フランスブランドのサイズってわかり難いですよね。ラコステがサイズ2だしこれも2で大丈夫

                                                                    コティディアンのタートルネックカットソー!サイズ感&着こなし編 - 1978 -アラフォーからの一生モノ探しー
                                                                  • CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House

                                                                    We, the leaders of the Group of Seven, met in Cornwall on 11-13 June 2021 determined to beat COVID-19 and build back better.  We remembered everyone who has been lost to the pandemic and paid tribute to those still striving to overcome it. Inspired by their example of collaboration and determination, we gathered united by the principle that brought us together originally, that shared beliefs and s

                                                                      CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House
                                                                    • OSTP Issues Guidance to Make Federally Funded Research Freely Available Without Delay | OSTP | The White House

                                                                      Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) updated U.S. policy guidance to make the results of taxpayer-supported research immediately available to the American public at no cost. In a memorandum to federal departments and agencies, Dr. Alondra Nelson, the head of OSTP, delivered guidance for agencies to update their public access policies as soon as possible to make pub

                                                                        OSTP Issues Guidance to Make Federally Funded Research Freely Available Without Delay | OSTP | The White House
                                                                      • Star Schema vs. OBT for Data Warehouse Performance | Blog | Fivetran

                                                                        Which data warehouse schema offers better performance? Let’s find out. ContentsStar schema vs. OBT: An analysis of which is better for your data warehouse‍ The results: Denormalized tables result in faster query response‍ Analysis details‍ Other considerations Data warehouse modeling is a crucial but overlooked part of the development of a data warehouse. Data warehouse modeling is the process of

                                                                          Star Schema vs. OBT for Data Warehouse Performance | Blog | Fivetran
                                                                        • inset - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                                                                          CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                                                                            inset - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                                                                          • My upgrade to 25 Gbit/s Fiber To The Home

                                                                            My favorite internet service provider, init7, is rolling out faster speeds with their infrastructure upgrade. Last week, the point of presence (POP) that my apartment’s fiber connection terminates in was upgraded, so now I am enjoying a 25 Gbit/s fiber internet connection! My first internet connections (Feel free to skip right to the 25 Gbit/s announcement section, but I figured this would be a go

                                                                            • New – Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry is Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                                                                              AWS News Blog New – Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry is Now Generally Available Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easy to connect applications together. It can use data from AWS services, your own applications, and integrations with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) partners. Last year at re:Invent, we introduced in preview EventBridge schema registry and discovery, a way to 

                                                                                New – Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry is Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                                                                              • What's New in Emacs 28.1?

                                                                                Try Mastering Emacs for free! Are you struggling with the basics? Have you mastered movement and editing yet? When you have read Mastering Emacs you will understand Emacs. It’s that time again: there’s a new major version of Emacs and, with it, a treasure trove of new features and changes. Notable features include the formal inclusion of native compilation, a technique that will greatly speed up y

                                                                                • Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations?

                                                                                  Sukhoi Su-25SM3 of the VKS shot down in Ukraine. Credit: Ukrainian Ministry of Defence More than a week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Air Force has yet to commence large-scale operations. Inactivity in the first few days could be ascribed to various factors, but the continued absence of major air operations now raises serious capability questions. One of the greatest surprises

                                                                                    Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations?