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  • 樹木が都市の大気汚染の「原因」だったという驚きの調査結果、気温の上昇で植物に異変

    あまりの猛暑で植物の光合成が停止し、熱帯雨林が二酸化炭素の吸収源から放出源へと転じるなど、未曽有の気候変動により常識外れの事態が次々と起きています。新しく、気温上昇が原因で植物が放出する化学物質が変化し、これが都市部の大気汚染の隠れた原因になっていたとの研究結果が報告されました。 Temperature-dependent emissions dominate aerosol and ozone formation in Los Angeles | Science https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adg8204 The Sky over Los Angeles: Rising temperatures affect air quality https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/news/archive/press-

    • Bluesky: An Open Social Web - Bluesky

      Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating and opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data. What does this mean? Your data, such as your posts, likes, and follows, needs to be stored somewhere. With traditional social media, your data is stored by the social media company whose services you've signed up for. If you ever want to stop using that company's s

        Bluesky: An Open Social Web - Bluesky