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fibonacciに関するエントリは4件あります。 数学プログラミングscala などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Blazing fast Fibonacci numbers using Monoids』などがあります。
  • Blazing fast Fibonacci numbers using Monoids

    This post illustrates a nifty application of Haskell’s standard library to solve a numeric problem. The Fibonacci series is a well-known sequence of numbers defined by the following rules: In fact, that’s not only a specification of the Fibonacci numbers: that’s also valid Haskell code (with a few gratuitous parentheses to resemble traditional mathematical notation). However, that solution is inef

    • DottyのMatch Typeを使ってコンパイル時にFibonacciを計算する - xuwei-k's blog

      見た目通りで、あまり難しくないので、特に説明することがない。 macroさえ使わずに書けますね。 shapelessにあったような色々な機能が標準で装備されています。 みなさん、Match Type使ってもっと複雑な色々な計算書いてみましょう。 ちなみに、この単純な実装だと、大きい数渡すと(コンパイル時に)大変なことになるのでご注意ください。 plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.lamp" % "sbt-dotty" % "0.4.1") build.sbt scalaVersion := "0.26.0-RC1" Main.scala package example import scala.compiletime.ops.int.{-, +} import scala.compiletime.testing.{typeChecks, typeCheckE

        DottyのMatch Typeを使ってコンパイル時にFibonacciを計算する - xuwei-k's blog
      • The Fibonacci Sequence as a Functor

        Over the years, the articles on this blog have spanned a wide range of audiences, from fun facts (Multiplying Non-Numbers), to undergraduate level (The First Isomorphism Theorem, Intuitively), to graduate level (What is an Operad?), to research level. Today's article is more on the fun-fact side of things, along with—like most articles here—an eye towards category theory. So here's a fun fact abou

          The Fibonacci Sequence as a Functor
        • Rust on the MOS 6502: Beyond Fibonacci (18 September 2021)

          18 September 2021 (programming rust llvm c64 retro chip-8) On August 15th, the following answer showed up on the Retrocomputing Stack Exchange site: llvm-mos compiles a considerable subset of C++ to 6502 machine code out of the box. IIRC it's just missing "runtime support"; things like RTTI, exceptions, and the runtime layout of VTables. [...] I came across this answer about a week later, so just

