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201 - 240 件 / 595件

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heの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 595件

  • A UC Berkeley linguist explores what Kamala Harris' voice and speech reveal about her identity - Berkeley News

    A UC Berkeley linguist explores what Kamala Harris’ voice and speech reveal about her identity "When we talk about Kamala Harris as a modern candidate, she is in some ways embodying all of the ways the country has moved on from the idea that you can only be one thing at once." By Jason Pohl Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a July 30 campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia. What she says and how s

      A UC Berkeley linguist explores what Kamala Harris' voice and speech reveal about her identity - Berkeley News
    • Ukraine claims to control 1,000 sq kms of Russian territory

      Residents in parts of the Kursk region have been warned to shelter in basements, and a growing number have been evacuated Ukraine's top commander has said Kyiv's forces control 1,000 sq km of Russian territory as they press their biggest cross-border incursion in two-and-a-half years of full-scale war. Commander Oleksandr Syrskyi said Ukraine continued to "conduct an offensive operation in the Kur

        Ukraine claims to control 1,000 sq kms of Russian territory
      • チェチェンの指導者がサイバートラックを絶賛、マスク氏を招待【動画】

        チェチェン共和国の指導者、ラムザン・カディロフ氏が、「テスラ」のサイバートラックに機関銃を搭載し、自ら乗り回す動画を公開している。 搭載した機関銃を構える姿も カディロフ氏は8月17日、テレグラムに、イーロン・マスク氏がCEOを務める「テスラ」社の、サイバートラックを運転する動画を公開した。 またそのサイバートラックには、機関銃も搭載されており、動画にはカディロフ氏が機関銃を構える様子も映っていた。 カディロフ氏は動画において、サイバートラックを称賛し、イーロン・マスク氏をチェチェン共和国に招待したという。 Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin’s closest ally & a child rapist, said he received a Tesla Cybertruck from Elon Musk. Kadyrov wrote “Elon, thank you! Come

        • 【ロシデレ】「ラブ・ストーリーは突然に」|ノンクレジットエンディング(第7話)

          エンディングテーマ(第7話):アーリャ(CV:上坂すみれ)「ラブ・ストーリーは突然に」 配信:https://nex-tone.link/GhnErmS5f ⟡エンディングアニメーションスタッフ⟡ 絵コンテ・演出・撮影:桒野 貴文 作画監督:迫由里香 原画:Nicca 動画検査:動画工房作画部 小田道子 動画 動画工房作画部 楊魔善 太田 愛香 陳 洪鑫 原田 怜奈 色指定・仕上げ検査:伊藤裕香 仕上げ:スタジオエル 3Dエフェクト:増田滉也 背景:若林 里紗 保田 勇樹  制作進行:國定 篤 アニメーション制作:動画工房 ▶︎全国24局にて放送中 TOKYO MX BS日テレ サンテレビ KBS京都 メ~テレ  HTB北海道テレビ RKB毎日放送 テレビ新広島 ミヤギテレビ  テレビ静岡 新潟放送 テレビ山梨 テレビユー福島 あいテレビ  長崎放送 IBC岩手放送 チューリップテレビ

          • Siegel at 59: Director, Rebel, ‘Star’ (Published 1972)

            HOLLYWOOD — The accent on youth, coupled here with the emergence of the ‘ director as “star,” has slowed down the careers of most middle‐aged filmmakers who have gray hair instead of long hair and wear hornrimmed spectacles instead of tinted eyeshades. But the career of Don Siegel, age 59, contradicts just about every rule in the Hollywood book. Mr. Siegel, whose current lilt, “Dirty Harry,” is ex

              Siegel at 59: Director, Rebel, ‘Star’ (Published 1972)
            • preventAfromBingなどはなぜ第5文型(SVOC)なのでしょうか?Cは名詞か形容詞ではないのでしょうか?まったく分かりません^... - Yahoo!知恵袋

              おっしゃるとおり,補語は名詞や形容詞なら分かりやすいですね。 They elected him class leader.なら him に対しては class leader が補語であり,himをclass leaderが叙述しているとして,よく,he = class leaderの関係であるとか,He is class leaderという文が作れるなどと言われます。 けれども,より厳密には He is class leaderと考えるのでなく He was elected class leader. と考えるほうが,実際の意味を正確に表しています。 ご質問のprevent A from B-ing すなわち,たとえば You prevented him from drowning. では,himをfrom drowningが叙述しているといっても,意味のうえでは He was preve

                preventAfromBingなどはなぜ第5文型(SVOC)なのでしょうか?Cは名詞か形容詞ではないのでしょうか?まったく分かりません^... - Yahoo!知恵袋
              • ASSASSIN’S CREED NEWS ⛩️ on X: "My last comment on this topic, because I'm fed up. Only those who stir up hatred against Yasuke are racist. If he wasn't black nobody would have a problem with him, be honest with yourselves. And no one mentions Naoe becaus

                • A photographer traveled 10,000 miles through Ukraine. This is what he saw

                  A photographer traveled 10,000 miles through Ukraine. This is what he saw Photographs by Byron Smith Story by Oscar Holland, CNN Published September 1, 2024 A group of displaced Ukrainians flee Irpin, a suburb of the capital Kyiv, in the early weeks of Russia’s invasion. A group of displaced Ukrainians flee Irpin, a suburb of the capital Kyiv, in the early weeks of Russia’s invasion. In Byron Smit

                    A photographer traveled 10,000 miles through Ukraine. This is what he saw
                  • Is Kamala Harris a 'failed border czar' as Trump says?

                    Vice-President Kamala Harris met with CEOs in 2021 about aid for the Northern Triangle From its opening line, Donald Trump’s first television advertisement blasting rival Kamala Harris took aim at what his campaign believes is her biggest weakness - immigration. “This is America’s border tsar,” a narrator said, over images of the vice-president dancing, “and she’s failed us.” A series of statistic

                      Is Kamala Harris a 'failed border czar' as Trump says?
                    • Good Samaritan to sue for up to $1m over false rape accusation

                      Good Samaritan case: Man to launch $1 million lawsuit over false sexual assault claim Kenan Basic lost his job and his marriage. Now he plans to sue the woman who made the claim for up to $1 million.

                        Good Samaritan to sue for up to $1m over false rape accusation
                      • A California Bill to Regulate A.I. Causes Alarm in Silicon Valley

                        A California bill that could impose restrictions on artificial intelligence has tech companies, investors and activists scrambling to explain what the first-of-its-kind legislation could mean for their industry in the state. The bill is still winding its way through the state capital in Sacramento. It is expected to reach the California state assembly appropriations committee on Thursday before fa

                          A California Bill to Regulate A.I. Causes Alarm in Silicon Valley
                        • Snaplet is now open source

                          Startups are hard. One of our favorite startups, Snaplet, is shutting down. Despite that, they built an amazing team (some who now work at Supabase) and some incredible products. One way to ensure that your products out-live your business is to open source what you've built. I'm a huge fan of what Snaplet built so I reached out to Peter to see if Snaplet were interested in open sourcing. He said y

                            Snaplet is now open source
                          • Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit

                            Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit Trump falsely claims Harris used AI to fake rally crowd 05:28 Former President Donald Trump on Sunday falsely claimed Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign lied about a crowd attending her Aug. 7 rally in Detroit, Michigan. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said a photo of the crowd was created using artificial intelligence and

                              Trump falsely claims Harris campaign used AI to fake crowd in Detroit
                            • 最先端NLP勉強会 - 2024

                              日程  8/25 (日) 19:00-21:00 (1日目 夜) 会場  ダーツバー&ダイニング REGALO 秋葉原駅前店 〒101-0025 東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1丁目13 チョムチョム秋葉原 2階 推奨ルート:千代田線「根津駅」乗車、→「新御茶ノ水駅」下車。徒歩13分。 参加費 学生:4,000円 社会人:6,000円 参加登録:7/1 (月)-7/14 (日) 候補論文のリストアップ:7/10 (水)-7/18 (木) 7/29 (月)( ※延長) 現地発表/聴講者の決定:7/22 (月) 「これは読むべき」な論文への投票:7/19 (金)-7/29 (月) 担当する論文への立候補:8/1 (木)-8/6 (火) スライドURL提出:8/19 (月) 勉強会:8/25(日), 26(月) ※締め切り時刻は特に指定がない場合日本時間23:59 (注)運営からの連絡メールが迷惑メ

                                最先端NLP勉強会 - 2024
                              • Camila Cabello - HE KNOWS (ft. Lil Nas X) (Apple Music Live)

                                Watch my full #AppleMusicLive performance now, exclusively on @AppleMusic ! ▶️ apple.co/CamilaAML C,XOXO (Magic City Edition): https://CamilaCabello.lnk.to/CXOXOMagicCityID Shop C,XOXO Merch & Music: https://CamilaCabello.lnk.to/Store Follow Camila Cabello Official Website: https://www.camilacabello.com Mailing List: https://CamilaCabello.lnk.to/NewsletterID Instagram: https://www.instagram.com

                                  Camila Cabello - HE KNOWS (ft. Lil Nas X) (Apple Music Live)
                                • Melty — open source AI code editor

                                  Something went wrong! Hang in there while we get back on track The open source AI code editor for 10x engineers Melty is the first AI code editor that’s aware of what you’re doing from the terminal to GitHub, and collaborates with you to write production-ready code. Meet Melty We’re Charlie and Jackson. We’re longtime friends who met playing ultimate frisbee at Brown. Charlie comes from Replicate,

                                  • Zettlr: note-taking and publishing with Markdown [LWN.net]

                                    Markdown editors are a dime a dozen. Cheaper than that, actually, since many of them are open‑source software. Despite the sheer number of options, finding an editor that has all of the features that one might want can be tricky. For some users, Zettlr might be the right tool. It is a What You See is What You Mean (WYSIWYM) editor that stores its work locally as plain Markdown files. The project i

                                    • Hacking a Virtual Power Plant

                                      I recently had solar panels and a battery storage system from GivEnergy installed at my house. A major selling point for me was that they have a local network API which can be used to monitor and control everything without relying on their cloud services. My plan is to set up Home Assistant and integrate it with that, but in the meantime, I decided to let it talk to the cloud. I set up some schedu

                                        Hacking a Virtual Power Plant
                                      • NIST Releases First 3 Finalized Post-Quantum Encryption Standards

                                        NIST has released a final set of encryption tools designed to withstand the attack of a quantum computer. These post-quantum encryption standards secure a wide range of electronic information, from confidential email messages to e-commerce transactions that propel the modern economy. NIST is encouraging computer system administrators to begin transitioning to the new standards as soon as possible.

                                          NIST Releases First 3 Finalized Post-Quantum Encryption Standards
                                        • UTokyo BiblioPlaza

                                          西洋哲学は古代ギリシアで始まったと言われる。その伝統は、いくつかの経路を辿って、現代私たちが学ぶ哲学の基礎をなしている。そこではどんな問題が提起され、どんな議論が交わされ、どんなアイデアが提出されてきたのか。ギリシア哲学の重要性を広い視野から見渡すことを意図した本書は、放送大学でのラジオ教材として作成されたが、一般向けの概説書として、著者が2021年に刊行した『ギリシア哲学史』(筑摩書房) と合わせて読んでもらえる。 全15章は、大きく3つのパートに分かれる。第1のパートは最初の2章で、全体へのイントロダクションとして「ギリシア哲学」の定義と位置づけを行い、1100年の期間を4期に分けてそれぞれの段階の哲学の特徴を提示する。 第2のパートでは、「複眼的哲学史」として10章にわたり哲学史の10の筋が紹介される。それぞれの筋は10節ずつで10の哲学者・学派を紹介して、多様な哲学の展開が辿られる

                                            UTokyo BiblioPlaza
                                          • Kamala Harris’ VP pick has a long history with China. But Beijing may not be happy about it | CNN

                                            Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ running mate has a decades-long connection with China. But in the eyes of Beijing, that may not necessarily be good news. Tim Walz moved to China fresh out of college in 1989 to teach high school for a year, and then frequently returned to the country during a decade of taking American students on summer cultural exchanges. The 60-year-old

                                              Kamala Harris’ VP pick has a long history with China. But Beijing may not be happy about it | CNN
                                            • Serbia: Thousands join Belgrade protest against lithium mining

                                              Thousands of people in Serbia have protested in Belgrade against plans to mine one of Europe's largest deposits of lithium - a crucial raw material for electric car batteries. Activists say the mine would cause irreversible environmental destruction to Serbia's Jadar Valley, where the deposit is located. A licence granted to mining giant Rio Tinto was revoked in 2022 following widespread protests

                                                Serbia: Thousands join Belgrade protest against lithium mining
                                              • 「地面」の意味で使われるfloor(ロンドン、レスター・スクエアの傷害事件で、極右デマが始まりそうな情報空間を見た) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)

                                                7月末にマージーサードのサウスポートで子供たちが何人も連続して切り付けられ3人が亡くなるという痛ましい事件があってからしばらく続いていた英国(主にイングランドと、北アイルランド)の極右のネットワークによる暴動は、日本でも関心を集めたようだ。ただその関心の少なからぬ部分が「背後にロシアが絡んでいる」という誤情報、もしくは「ロシアがらみでは」という推測に基づくものだったようで、英国ウォッチャーとしては「ロシアなんか絡んでこなくたって英国では極右は活動してます。もうずっと昔っから」と指摘しなければならないだろう。イーロン・マスクが英国でものすごい影響力を持っているかのような認識もあるようだが、英国でのインフルエンサーはマスク以上のがごろごろしているわけで、「マスクがー」ってのもちょっと違う。 そう思ってブログを書こうとしているのだが、何せそんなことは書いてて楽しいわけでもなんでもないのだから、全

                                                  「地面」の意味で使われるfloor(ロンドン、レスター・スクエアの傷害事件で、極右デマが始まりそうな情報空間を見た) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)
                                                • Disney+ terms prevent Disney World food allergy wrongful death lawsuit, attorneys claim

                                                  Disney+ terms prevent Disney World food allergy wrongful death lawsuit, attorneys claim Disney+ terms prevent Disney World food allergy wrongful death lawsuit, attorneys claim 02:45 PLAINVIEW, N.Y. -- The Walt Disney Company's response to a grieving Long Island family's lawsuit has them vowing to fight on. CBS News New York on Wednesday spoke with loved ones of the woman who suffered a fatal aller

                                                    Disney+ terms prevent Disney World food allergy wrongful death lawsuit, attorneys claim
                                                  • Flux AI Image Generator

                                                    AI画像プロンプト最適化比較プロンプトジェネレーターを使用して生成された画像における未最適化プロンプトとAI最適化プロンプトの違いを見てください 画像プロンプト:In a cozy sunlit corner of a charming living room, a fluffy orange tabby cat lounges gracefully atop a plush, patterned cushion, his fur glistening like honey under the warm rays. His bright green eyes, flecked with gold, lazily follow the flutter of a colorful butterfly dancing just outside the window. The soft sound

                                                      Flux AI Image Generator
                                                    • Brazil Blocks X After Musk Ignores Court Orders

                                                      X began to go dark across Brazil on Saturday after the nation’s Supreme Court blocked the social network because its owner, Elon Musk, refused to comply with court orders to suspend certain accounts. The moment posed one of the biggest tests yet of the billionaire’s efforts to transform the site into a digital town square where just about anything goes. Alexandre de Moraes, a Brazilian Supreme Cou

                                                        Brazil Blocks X After Musk Ignores Court Orders
                                                      • Interview Of Google's Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, On The August Core Update

                                                        Home / Google News / Google SEO / My Interview Of Google's Search Liaison On The August 2024 Core Update My Interview Of Google's Search Liaison On The August 2024 Core Update This week, I interviewed Danny Sullivan, Google's Search Liaison, with the goal of better understanding where Google Search quality is at right now, where it is going in the future, and what we, as content creators and searc

                                                          Interview Of Google's Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, On The August Core Update
                                                        • GEEKOM AX8 Proレビュー:Ryzen 9 8945HSで体感性能が凄まじいミニPC | ちもろぐ

                                                          低価格なモバイル向けCPUを使って気に障るのが・・・体感性能の遅さです。 Win + Eキーでエクスプローラーを開く、右クリックでメニューを出すなど。シンプルなアクション動作に対する反応が悪いです。 しかし、最新プロセス(TSMC 4 nm)で製造されたRyzen 8000 HSシリーズなら、まるでデスクトップPCのような体感性能を得られます。 というわけで「Ryzen 9 8945HS」を搭載するミニPC「GEEKOM AX8 Pro」をレビューします。 (公開:2024/8/9 | 更新:2024/8/9) この記事の目次 Toggle 【重要】サンプル提供:GEEKOM 今回のレビューで使用する「GEEKOM AX8 Pro」を、直接メーカーから提供していただきました。なお、レビュー内容に関して、提供元から特定キーワードの使用やベンチマーク内容の指定(競合製品の選定)など。レビュー内

                                                            GEEKOM AX8 Proレビュー:Ryzen 9 8945HSで体感性能が凄まじいミニPC | ちもろぐ
                                                          • ニュージランドの女性、飼い犬を太らせ過ぎた罪で2ヶ月の刑務所入りに

                                                            ペットに餌をやり過ぎることも、ある種の動物虐待と言えるのかもしれない。ニュージーランドの飼い犬を、まともに歩けなくなるほど太らせた飼い主が、裁判で有罪となった。 数メートル歩くことが困難 その犬を保護したニュージーランドの動物愛護団体SPCAによると、飼い主の女性はオークランド市マヌカウ地方裁判所から、2ヶ月の禁固刑を言い渡されたそうだ。 2021年10月、現地警察は捜査令状を取り、オークランド郊外にある女性の家を家宅捜索してその犬を発見。とりあえずオークランド市のアニマルシェルターに輸送した。 その時、警察に協力した動物管理局員によれば、Nuggiという名のその犬はまともに歩けない状態だったそう。女性の家から警察の車まで10mほどの距離だったが、Nuggiの脚は体の重みに耐えられず、息切れもひどく、途中で3回休まなければならなかったと話している。 その日のうちにSPCAに引き取られたNu

                                                            • What to know about this summer’s major surge in COVID infections

                                                              William Brangham: As summer winds down, much of the U.S. is experiencing another COVID surge. It's the biggest wave we have seen in at least two years, and hundreds of people are still being killed every single week by this virus. According to the CDC's analysis of hospitalizations, 25 states in the U.S. have or likely have rising numbers of COVID infections. And the spread is nationwide, in the W

                                                                What to know about this summer’s major surge in COVID infections
                                                              • Elon Musk should face arrest if he incited UK rioters, says ex-Twitter chief

                                                                Elon Musk, above, was described as having ‘taken on the aura of a teenager on the bus with no headphones, creating lots of noise’ by Bruce Daisley. Photograph: Alamy Elon Musk, above, was described as having ‘taken on the aura of a teenager on the bus with no headphones, creating lots of noise’ by Bruce Daisley. Photograph: Alamy

                                                                  Elon Musk should face arrest if he incited UK rioters, says ex-Twitter chief
                                                                • Israel rescues Bedouin hostage held by Hamas in Gaza

                                                                  Kaid Farhan Elkadi was told by Israel's prime minister the country was moved by news of his rescue The Israeli military says commandos have rescued from an underground tunnel in Gaza a Bedouin Arab hostage who was kidnapped by Hamas during the 7 October attack on Israel. Kaid Farhan Elkadi, 52, was rescued in a "complex operation in the southern Gaza Strip" by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and S

                                                                    Israel rescues Bedouin hostage held by Hamas in Gaza
                                                                  • Long COVID|Dr.L@感染症専門医

                                                                    新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミックは、世界中の人々の健康と生活に多大な影響を及ぼしました。急性期を乗り越えた後も、多くの方々が長期にわたる健康上の問題に直面しています。 この現象は「Long COVID」として知られるようになり、医学界や公衆衛生分野において重要な課題となっています。 Long COVIDは、「SARS-CoV-2感染後に発症し、少なくとも3か月間継続する慢性的な症状群」と定義されています[1, 2]。 Long COVIDには、改善するもの、悪化するもの、継続するものなど、さまざまな症状や状態が含まれます。 また、Long COVIDはpost COVID-19 condition、post-acute COVID-19 syndromeなどとも呼ばれますが、本稿ではLong COVIDという用語で統一し、その特徴について解説します。 疫学Long

                                                                      Long COVID|Dr.L@感染症専門医
                                                                    • 2. Views of the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas war

                                                                      The February survey asks several questions about America’s role in the Israel-Hamas war. To begin with, U.S. adults voice mixed opinions on whether President Joe Biden is favoring one side too much or striking the right balance. The largest share – a 40% plurality – say they are not sure. These views are largely unchanged from a previous poll in conducted in November and December 2023. About as ma

                                                                        2. Views of the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas war
                                                                      • 【🎥本編無料公開中🎥】THE WHOをスターダムに押し上げた二人の男たち『ランバート・アンド・スタンプ』(字幕版)

                                                                        作品詳細はこちら https://www.sonypictures.jp/he/1280443 🎥映画100本無料公開 on YouTube!🎥 新しい映画を毎週公開! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mklYI_Rw6I4&list=PLFso1_1lLNnhcb8C43sGOTUIWjRsGbl9S&index=1 「ザ・フー」彼らは如何にして世界を熱狂させるバンドへと成長を遂げたのか。 知られざる二人の立役者に迫る、真実のドキュメンタリー 【あらすじ】 「ザ・フー」。誰もが知る60年代を代表するUKロックバンド。彼らを世界的スターに導いた2人のマネージャー、キット・ランバートとクリス・スタンプにスポットをあて、無名のバンドがスターダムを駆け上がるまでの当時の舞台裏を描き出したドキュメンタリー。1963年の二人の出会いから74年の金銭トラブルに

                                                                          【🎥本編無料公開中🎥】THE WHOをスターダムに押し上げた二人の男たち『ランバート・アンド・スタンプ』(字幕版)
                                                                        • The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters (Live on Inas Nacht)

                                                                          A little Nothing Matters moment with @Inas_Nacht ✨🍇 Thank you so much for having us ❤️ Stream 'Nothing Matters' here! https://tldp.lnk.to/nothingmattersID ❤️🏹 or Our debut album 'Prelude To Ecstasy' 🍇 https://tldp.lnk.to/preludetoecstasyID” Join us in The Parlour for games: https://tldp.lnk.to/theparlourID Or join our mailing list and we’ll tell you all our secrets: https://tldp.lnk.to/signup

                                                                            The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters (Live on Inas Nacht)
                                                                          • Lawrence: 'Stupidest' candidate Trump did not answer reporters' questions

                                                                            Donald Trump rambled and lied for over an hour without any follow up questions or fact-checking. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell says that while he hopes Vice President Harris answers questions from reporters, after the press conference that Donald Trump turned into a “charade,” Vice President Harris has “absolutely no greater obligation to do so because of what Donald Trump pretended to do today.” »

                                                                              Lawrence: 'Stupidest' candidate Trump did not answer reporters' questions
                                                                            • What you need to know about the latest attacks between Israel and Hezbollah

                                                                              What you need to know about the latest attacks between Israel and Hezbollah Hezbollah’s attack was anticipated, weeks in the making against Israel’s recent targeted killings, fuelling concerns about regional escalation. Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel [File: Karamallah Daher/Reuters] Hezbollah and Israeli forces have e

                                                                                What you need to know about the latest attacks between Israel and Hezbollah
                                                                              • How Intel Missed the iPhone : The XScale Era

                                                                                There is a mythology about Intel’s iPhone ‘miss’. It’s a mythology about how Intel couldn’t see the iPhone’s potential and so ‘turned it down’ in a decision driven purely by the financials of a possible deal. In other words, a classic case of ‘disruption’, with an incumbent hooked on high prices and margins and disinterested in a simpler and cheaper product. There is a problem though. Key elements

                                                                                  How Intel Missed the iPhone : The XScale Era
                                                                                • OAuth from First Principles - Stack Auth

                                                                                  I've wanted to write a blog post for everyone who learns things the same way that I do; by trying to break them. I'll start off with an awfully flawed implementation that authorizes a user with a 3rd-party app, and then continuously attack it until we arrive at something that's secure, kind of. N.B.: This is not for you if you're looking to implement OAuth 2.0 in production. You're probably better

                                                                                    OAuth from First Principles - Stack Auth