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  • スクラムチームを超生産的にするためのパタン・ランゲージ|天野 祐介 (ama_ch)

    The Patternsハイパープロダクティブチームを体系的に生み出すため9つのパタンはこちらになります。 1. Stable Teams 2. Yesterday's Weather 3. Swarming: One Piece Continuous Flow 4. Interrupt Pattern: Illigitimus Non Interruptus 5. Daily Clean Code 6. Emergency Procedure 7. Scrumming the Scrum 8. Happiness Metric 9. Teams that Finish Early Accelerate Faster https://www.scruminc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/teamsthatfinishearlyacceleratefaste

      スクラムチームを超生産的にするためのパタン・ランゲージ|天野 祐介 (ama_ch)
    • How does the Linux Kernel start a Process

      ...and how to ptrace the entry point and m3ss w1th da stack. In this article, you will learn what happens inside the Linux Kernel when a process calls execve(), how the Kernel prepares the stack and how control is then passed to the userland process for execution. I had to learn this for the development of Zapper - a Linux tool to delete all command line options from any process (without needing r

        How does the Linux Kernel start a Process
      • Time on Unix

        Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

          Time on Unix