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  • Wikiphilia - The New Illness 日本語訳

    以下の文章は、Mr Ed による Wikiphilia - The New Illness の日本語訳である。 Wiki病(Wikiphilia):Wiki をインストールして利用することで、グループが直面するどんな問題も解決できるという不合理な信念を特徴とする精神病。この妄想症は、1995年に最初に確認されて以来、発症数を増し続けている。Wiki病は必ず二つの段階を見せる - インストール後の短い間、Wiki の可能性を熱狂的に期待する第一段階と、その期待を Wiki が実現し損ねているのを否定するように徐々に移行する第二段階である。 Wikiとは何か? Wiki は、ハイパーリンクにより接続されるテキストベースのウェブページ群をユーザが作成できるウェブアプリケーションである。Wiki の本質的な特徴は以下の通り。 全体的な編集可能性 - どのユーザも Wiki のコンテンツのどの部分で

    • (PDF) Money and Mental Illness: A Study of the Relationship Between Poverty and Serious Psychological Problems

      Method: a financial contribution per month was granted to 100 individuals with severe mental illnesses for a 9-month period. Assessments of the subjects were made before the start of the intervention and after 7 months' duration. A comparison group including treatment as usual only was followed using the same instruments. Significant improvements were found for depression and anxiety, social netwo

        (PDF) Money and Mental Illness: A Study of the Relationship Between Poverty and Serious Psychological Problems
      • 竹端寛『家族は他人、じゃあどうする?』7月19日発売 on Twitter: "精神病の人に、50ユーロを9か月間「投与」してみたら、対象群に比べて不安やうつ症状が減り、人間関係も豊かになり、生活の質も向上した、という興味深いスウェーデンの論文→Money and Mental Illness  https://t.co/JiTq5gCnKM"

        精神病の人に、50ユーロを9か月間「投与」してみたら、対象群に比べて不安やうつ症状が減り、人間関係も豊かになり、生活の質も向上した、という興味深いスウェーデンの論文→Money and Mental Illness  https://t.co/JiTq5gCnKM

          竹端寛『家族は他人、じゃあどうする?』7月19日発売 on Twitter: "精神病の人に、50ユーロを9か月間「投与」してみたら、対象群に比べて不安やうつ症状が減り、人間関係も豊かになり、生活の質も向上した、という興味深いスウェーデンの論文→Money and Mental Illness  https://t.co/JiTq5gCnKM"
        • 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says - Bloomberg

          • What Is Coronavirus: Mapping the Pneumonia-Like Respiratory Illness in China, Globally

            We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot. Why did this happen? Please make sure your browser supports JavaScript and cookies and that you are not blocking them from loading. For more information you can review our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy. Need Help? For inquiries related to this message please co

            • Resignation syndrome: Sweden's mystery illness - BBC News

              For nearly two decades Sweden has been battling a mysterious illness. Called Resignation Syndrome, it affects only the children of asylum-seekers, who withdraw completely, ceasing to walk or talk, or open their eyes. Eventually they recover. But why does this only seem to occur in Sweden? When her father picks her up from her wheelchair, nine-year-old Sophie is lifeless. In contrast, her hair is t

                Resignation syndrome: Sweden's mystery illness - BBC News
              • WHO | Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico

                Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico 24 April 2009 - The United States Government has reported seven confirmed human cases of Swine Influenza A/H1N1 in the USA (five in California and two in Texas) and nine suspect cases. All seven confirmed cases had mild Influenza-Like Illness (ILI), with only one requiring brief hospitalization. No deaths have been reported. The Government of

                • Amazon workers face 'increased risk of mental illness'

                  Online retailer Amazon employs more than 20,000 people across its eight warehouses during its peak Christmas season A BBC investigation into a UK-based Amazon warehouse has found conditions that a stress expert said could cause "mental and physical illness". Prof Michael Marmot was shown secret filming of night shifts involving up to 11 miles of walking - where an undercover worker was expected to

                    Amazon workers face 'increased risk of mental illness'
                  • Kid606 - The Illness

                    directed by Joel Trussell A curious cat steals a sacred laptop.

                      Kid606 - The Illness
                    • Mental disorders and mental illness

                      © 2024 Psych Central, a Healthline Media Company. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See additional information. © 2024 Psych Central, a Healthline Media Company. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes on

                        Mental disorders and mental illness
                      • 病いと疾病、および病気(Illness and Disease, and also Sickness)

                        医療人類学の教科書には、ふつうの人たちが理解し、感じている病気の概念や経験を「病い・やまい」(illness)とよび、医療の専門家—— とくに医師ないしは彼/彼女らが依拠する生物医学(biomedicine)——が定義する病者への診断のことを「疾病・しっぺい」(disease)と 呼ぶと書いてある。 このように病気(sickness)に関する全体的な経験を、病いと疾病(時に疾患と訳すこともある)に分けることは、とりわけ、医療の専門家 にとっては、病人やその家族の経験や理解について配慮させる意味で、きわめて重要な指摘である。 このような二分法は、医学哲学者(現在はバイオエシスト)であるH・トリストラム・エンゲルハート, Jr.(1974)が、医療を説明モデル(Explanatory models)という解釈図式で説明しようとしたときに論理的に引き出されるものとして指摘構想されていた。しかし、

                        • iLLNESS(BBC)インタビュー 現代の、第3空間としてのストリート

                          POPなポイントを3行で ユースに大人気のストリートブランド・BLACK BRAIN Clothing 「ネット発のストリート」ってどういう意味? 人はそれぞれ3つの位相で「空間」を持っている 今、ストリートとは何なのか? これまで筆者が考えていたストリートは、大まかに言うと路上の現場だと思ってきた。それは1970年代のニューヨーク・ブロンクスでゲットーな暮らしを送っていた人たちが、生き残る術として、無法地帯の路上で大麻やドラッグの売買を生業にしていたような、そんな雰囲気だ。 そんな文化をラッパーたちが歌ってきたことにより「ストリート」という概念は広まってきたし、すでに「ストリート感」や「ストリートファッション」という言葉は日本でも一般化している。 しかし近年、若い世代たちは現場や路上ではなくYouTubeやInstagramをはじめとするSNSを介して音楽やファッションなどの情報を入手・

                            iLLNESS(BBC)インタビュー 現代の、第3空間としてのストリート
                          • Pathological Gambling Mental Illness

                            Visiteurs depuis le 24/01/2019 : 4509 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 25 There is an association with risk in pathological gambling, more so than financial gain for most individuals. Individuals diagnosed with this disorder are frequently highly competitive, overly concerned with approval from others and prone to other 'addictive' type disorders. Pathological gambling disorder Definition Patho

                              Pathological Gambling Mental Illness
                            • Germanwings crash: Co-pilot Lubitz 'hid illness'

                              Dusseldorf prosecutor: "Torn-up documents and sick notes support the assumption that the patient was hiding his illness" The co-pilot suspected of deliberately crashing a Germanwings airliner into the French Alps hid details of an illness, German prosecutors say. Torn-up sick notes were found in the homes of Andreas Lubitz, they say, including one for the day of the crash, which killed 150 passeng

                                Germanwings crash: Co-pilot Lubitz 'hid illness'
                              • Gender disparity in the rate of partner abandonment in patients with serious medical illness - PubMed

                                The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

                                  Gender disparity in the rate of partner abandonment in patients with serious medical illness - PubMed
                                • Racism Is Not A Mental Illness

                                  An act of terrorism unfolded on American soil last night when Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina. The victims were attending a Wednesday night Bible study. Roof reportedly sat in on this service for about an hour before going on a shooting rampage. His intention was “to shoot black people” --

                                    Racism Is Not A Mental Illness
                                  • The Discovery Illness - Crisp's Blog

                                    When helping teams and companies shift towards the product model, one of the key concepts introduced is practicing product discovery. Prior to this shift, a typical scenario starts with a stakeholder—someone up top—sharing detailed requirements on what to build. This approach leaves the so-called “feature team” with very limited opportunity to influence the solution. Now, contrary to the old way o

                                      The Discovery Illness - Crisp's Blog
                                    • Soft Illness

                                      PotrAs for PaperVision3D version0.1.0 コード,実装例 ライセンスは GNUGPLと修正BSD,参照するクラスによって違うので注意. Peter Selinger 氏が作成した Portrace をベースに nitoyon 氏が移植した PotrAs を Papervision3D 上に展開するライブラリ. Papervision3D オブジェクトとして機能不足(他オブジェクトとの親子関係が持てない).でも,あんまり直す気は無い. 中に入ってる LightingMaterial は PaperVision3D の MaterialObject3D としても使用可.次期バージョンまでのつなぎ位には使えるんじゃないかと. あと,3Dで使うためにPotrAsを改変してブランチを作った.具体的には TurningPolicy と Transform() と

                                      • Hacknot - Wikiphilia - The New Illness

                                        Wikiphilia: A mental illness characterized by the irrational conviction that any problem faced by a group can be rendered solvable through installation and use of a Wiki. This delusional ailment has been occurring in increasing numbers ever since it was first identified in 1995. Wikiphilia usually manifests in two distinct phases - the rapturous anticipation of the Wiki's potential in the short po

                                        • The Relationship Between Creativity and Mental Illness

                                          “I think I’ve only spent about ten percent of my energies on writing,” Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Katherine Anne Porter confessed in a 1963 interview. “The other ninety percent went to keeping my head above water.” While art may be a form of therapy for the rest of us, Porter’s is a sentiment far from uncommon among the creatively gifted who make that art. Why? When Nancy Andreasen took a stand

                                            The Relationship Between Creativity and Mental Illness
                                          • conquered finally his illness patient The | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                            単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル6)「conquered finally his illness patient The」「病人はついに病気を克服した。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                              conquered finally his illness patient The | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                                            • THE D.O.T.のマイク・スキナー、最新ミックス「tokyo illness」を無料DL配信中 - amass

                                              ザ・ストリーツ(The Streets)名義での活躍でも知られる現THE D.O.T.のメンバー、マイク・スキナー(Mike Skinner)が最新ミックス音源「tokyo illness」を無料DL配信中。約34分

                                                THE D.O.T.のマイク・スキナー、最新ミックス「tokyo illness」を無料DL配信中 - amass
                                              • Mental illness, challenging behaviour, and psychotropic drug prescribing in people with intellectual disability: UK population based cohort study

                                                Research Mental illness,... Mental illness, challenging behaviour, and psychotropic drug prescribing in people with intellectual disability: UK population based cohort study Research Mental illness, challenging behaviour, and psychotropic drug prescribing in people with intellectual disability: UK population based cohort study BMJ 2015; 351 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.h4326 (Published 01 Sept

                                                  Mental illness, challenging behaviour, and psychotropic drug prescribing in people with intellectual disability: UK population based cohort study
                                                • Covid linked to risk of mental illness and brain disorder, study suggests

                                                  It found that one in nine patients were also diagnosed with things such as depression or stroke despite not having gone to hospital when they had Covid-19, which was surprising, said the lead author, Dr Max Taquet of the department of psychiatry at the University of Oxford. The researchers used electronic health records to evaluate 236,379 hospitalised and non-hospitalised US patients with a confi

                                                    Covid linked to risk of mental illness and brain disorder, study suggests
                                                  • 三島 亜紀子「「論争中の病(contested illness)」の患者への合理的配慮――シックハウス症候群・化学物質過敏症と社会モデル」

                                                    「「論争中の病(contested illness)」の患者への合理的配慮――シックハウス症候群・化学物質過敏症と社会モデル」 ◆質疑応答(本頁内↓) ■キーワード ■報告レジュメ 研究目的 「論争中の病(contested illness)」とは、「生物医学的エビデンスを欠いているために、病気の実在性に疑義が呈され、患いの正統化をめぐって医療専門家と患者、また医療専門家同士の間で『論争』が生じている」病を指す(野島2019:87)。これは「医学的に説明できない症状(medically unexplained symptoms: MUS)」とも称され、代表的なものとして、化学物質過敏症、筋痛性脳脊髄炎/慢性疲労症候群、過敏性腸症候群、ライム病などがあげられるが、本研究では論争中の病の一つの「化学物質過敏症」に注目する。 化学物質過敏症の患者の救済のために、これまでも制度改革や啓発がなされて

                                                    • Types of Mental Illness

                                                      There are many different conditions that are recognized as mental illnesses. The more common types include: Anxiety disorders: People with anxiety disorders respond to certain objects or situations with fear and dread, as well as with physical signs of anxiety or panic, such as a rapid heartbeat and sweating. An anxiety disorder is diagnosed if the person's response is not appropriate for the situ

                                                        Types of Mental Illness
                                                      • Havana syndrome: Report links mystery illness to Russian intelligence unit

                                                        Havana syndrome: Report links mystery illness to Russian intelligence unit

                                                          Havana syndrome: Report links mystery illness to Russian intelligence unit
                                                        • Critical Illness Insurance Market Growth, Trends 2032 | MRFR

                                                          ✉ info@marketresearchfuture.com 📞 +1 (855) 661-4441(US) 📞 +44 1720 412 167(UK) Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and tr

                                                          • 親の精神疾患が子どもに与える影響 Parental mental illness for children and young people

                                                            Below is a Japanese translation of our information resource on parental mental illness for children and young people. You can also view our other Japanese translations. このリーフレットについて親、教師、青少年向けに作成された「こころの健康と子どもの成長』というシリーズのひとつです。このリーフレットは、親が精神疾患を患っている場合、子どもがどのような問題に直面するかについて解説し、それらの問題への対処法について実践的なアドバイスを示しています。 11歳のスージーの場合11歳のスージーは学校を休みがちです。登校しても元気がないことが多く、服装がだらしなかったり髪が汚れていたりすることもよくあります。周りに対して威圧的な態度をと

                                                              親の精神疾患が子どもに与える影響 Parental mental illness for children and young people
                                                            • Do you inherit your parent's mental illness?

                                                              In the battle to find what causes mental illness, scientists are increasingly looking at genetic factors. For James Longman - whose father killed himself after suffering from schizophrenia - it's a very personal question. I'm often told I look like my dad, that I have his mannerisms and some of his habits. It's something I take pride in. But it's also something that worries me because he had schiz

                                                                Do you inherit your parent's mental illness?
                                                              • The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness - Salk Institute for Biological Studies

                                                                April 30, 2021 The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illnessSalk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease April 30, 2021 LA JOLLA—Scientists have known for a while that SAR

                                                                  The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness - Salk Institute for Biological Studies
                                                                • Mild mental illness 'raises risk of premature death'

                                                                  The group said the NHS was guilty of injustice in its treatment of people with mental illness People with mild mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression are more likely to die early, say researchers. They looked at the premature deaths , externalfrom conditions such as heart disease and cancer of 68,000 people in England. The research suggested low level distress raised the risk by 16%, once

                                                                    Mild mental illness 'raises risk of premature death'
                                                                  • Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Monetizing illness

                                                                    « Devices for the deviceless | Main | Repricing Microsoft's future » Monetizing illness February 29, 2008 On Thursday, Google formally unveiled its personal health records service, Google Health, with a speech by CEO Eric Schmidt and a blog post by product VP Marissa Mayer. The service will initially be tested with a group of volunteers who are patients at the Cleveland Clinic before being rolled

                                                                    • Ruby Princess logged 158 cases of illness before passengers disembarked without coronavirus testing

                                                                      ‘With the benefit of what we now know ... I’d say yeah, maybe we should hold them on the ship,’ NSW health minister Brad Hazzard said of the decision to let thousands of passengers who had been in contact with coronavirus cases disembark. Photograph: James D Morgan/Getty Images ‘With the benefit of what we now know ... I’d say yeah, maybe we should hold them on the ship,’ NSW health minister Brad

                                                                        Ruby Princess logged 158 cases of illness before passengers disembarked without coronavirus testing
                                                                      • disease / sickness / illness / disorder / etc... の違い | ER Synonym Dictionary Online

                                                                        病名とその症状がはっきりとしている具体的な「病気」です。 sickness や illness の原因を示す語で、専門家が判断する意味での医学上の病気を表します。 sickness や illness が病気である状態を指すのに対し、disease は感染などによる体内機能の何らかの異常を意味します。 また、風邪や熱のような一般生活上の病気には用いられません。 エイズのような伝染病や癌などかなり深刻な重病で、命に関わるようなニュアンスを持ちます。

                                                                        • A Dementia-Like Illness Has Sickened Over 40 People in Canada

                                                                          Doctors in Canada are puzzled over a cluster of people coming down with a dementia-like brain disorder with no known diagnosis. Over the past half-decade, dozens of residents in New Brunswick are thought to have developed the condition, which includes symptoms such as memory loss, behavioral changes, and hallucinations. It is still unknown whether these cases are indeed linked or what the cause co

                                                                            A Dementia-Like Illness Has Sickened Over 40 People in Canada
                                                                          • Illness as indicator

                                                                            THE first piece of news Americans woke up to on November 9th was that Donald Trump had been elected president. The second was that he owed his victory to a massive swing towards Republicans by white voters without college degrees across the north of the country, who delivered him the rustbelt states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania—all by one percentage point or less. Pundits had scoffed at

                                                                              Illness as indicator
                                                                            • Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight (Published 2011)

                                                                              HARTFORD — Are you one of us? The patient wanted to know, and her therapist — Marsha M. Linehan of the University of Washington, creator of a treatment used worldwide for severely suicidal people — had a ready answer. It was the one she always used to cut the question short, whether a patient asked it hopefully, accusingly or knowingly, having glimpsed the macramé of faded burns, cuts and welts on

                                                                                Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight (Published 2011)
                                                                              • Geneticists are starting to unravel evolution's role in mental illness - Nature

                                                                                Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

                                                                                  Geneticists are starting to unravel evolution's role in mental illness - Nature
                                                                                • 竹田ダニエル (単行本準備中) on Twitter: "「自己肯定感を高めるために」系のアドバイス、確かに概念として自分を尊重することは大切だけど、根底にあるmental illness(鬱や不安症)やneurodivergence(ADHDやASD)の存在を無視して「自分磨き」や「丁… https://t.co/co2w5YB1ll"

                                                                                  「自己肯定感を高めるために」系のアドバイス、確かに概念として自分を尊重することは大切だけど、根底にあるmental illness(鬱や不安症)やneurodivergence(ADHDやASD)の存在を無視して「自分磨き」や「丁… https://t.co/co2w5YB1ll

                                                                                    竹田ダニエル (単行本準備中) on Twitter: "「自己肯定感を高めるために」系のアドバイス、確かに概念として自分を尊重することは大切だけど、根底にあるmental illness(鬱や不安症)やneurodivergence(ADHDやASD)の存在を無視して「自分磨き」や「丁… https://t.co/co2w5YB1ll"