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1 - 40 件 / 341件

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impressionの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 341件

  • デジタル庁認証アプリ FIRST IMPRESSION まとめ

    昨夜(6月21日)午後11時より、YouTube Live で「デジタル庁認証アプリ FIRST IMPRESSION」と題して配信を行いました。デジタル庁が同日発表したデジタル認証アプリについて、一緒にドキュメントを読んで、その内容や課題などを洗い出していきましょうという企画です。夕方にゆるい感じでアナウンスして、トークデッキの準備も間に合わず見切りで始めたにも関わらず、デジタル庁の幹部の方なども含めて、最大94名の方が同時アクセスしていただきました。ご参加いただいた方々に深く御礼申し上げます。アーカイブは以下から見ることができます。YouTubeに遷移してみること推奨です。チャットに多くの情報がありますので。以下、AI1によるまとめと、それに書き加えた覚えている限りのメモです。そのうち見返して追記するかも知れません。 しかし、こうして見返してみると、署名の話を飛ばしてしまいましたね。こ

      デジタル庁認証アプリ FIRST IMPRESSION まとめ
    • 「エヴァンゲリオン」歴代ゲーム化作品を発掘。「鋼鉄のガールフレンド」「2nd Impression」そして……今こそ遊びつくしたい厳選3作!

      「エヴァンゲリオン」歴代ゲーム化作品を発掘。「鋼鉄のガールフレンド」「2nd Impression」そして……今こそ遊びつくしたい厳選3作! ライター:柳 雄大 2021年3月8日に封切られた「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版」(以下,シン・エヴァ)。TVアニメシリーズ「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」の放送から25年あまりの時を経て,今年は「エヴァ」ファンにとっては忘れることのできない,“再び”の完結イヤーとなりました。 シリーズの劇場作品としては,最高記録となる興行収入80億円,観客動員数523万人を突破(2021年4月26日現在)し,公開から8週目を迎えた今でも,客足が途絶えていないようです。そんな,日本中(世界中かも)が「エヴァ」熱にうかされる今こそ,過去の「エヴァ」ゲームについて再検証したい! そこで,数多く存在する「エヴァ」タイトルの中から,オリジナルキャラ,オリジナルシナリオ,オリジナル

        「エヴァンゲリオン」歴代ゲーム化作品を発掘。「鋼鉄のガールフレンド」「2nd Impression」そして……今こそ遊びつくしたい厳選3作!
      • __twitter_impression=true というクエリ文字列を含むリクエストは204を返すのが望ましい - Re:cohalz

        __twitter_impression=true というクエリ文字列を見かけて、これはどういうものか調べたメモ。 これは名前の通りにTwitterが付与しているクエリ文字列で、Publish faster articles with AMPには以下のように書かれている。 When users are presented with the optimized AMP version of your page, Twitter instructs the AMP runtime to also ping your original article URL. This allows your analytics software to record a visit as if the original article were viewed. For these ping requests,

          __twitter_impression=true というクエリ文字列を含むリクエストは204を返すのが望ましい - Re:cohalz
        • ラズパイでカラー電子ペーパーを使う——4インチ7色電子ペーパーHAT「Inky Impression 4”」|fabcross

          Raspberry Pi向けの4インチ7色電子ペーパーHAT「Inky Impression 4"」が発売された。 Inky Impression 4"は、E Ink Gallery Palette電子ペーパーを採用した640×400ピクセルの4.01インチEPDディスプレイだ。E InkのACeP(Advanced Color ePaper)技術による7色(黒、白、赤、緑、青、黄、橙)の表示が可能で、広い視野角と低消費電力が特徴だ。ドットサイズは0.135×0.135mmとなる。 40ピンメスヘッダを搭載し、Raspberry Piの40ピンタイプGPIOに対応する。I2Cピンは引き出し済みだ。外形寸法は97×69mmでディスプレイの寸法は86×54mm。別途Pythonライブラリが用意されている。ただし、画面の更新には約30秒かかるため、頻繁に更新する用途向きではないとのこと。 価格は

            ラズパイでカラー電子ペーパーを使う——4インチ7色電子ペーパーHAT「Inky Impression 4”」|fabcross
          • Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Episode 13 Final Impression

            On this episode, Waver and Gray recovers from their battle. Later, one of Waver's students gets a promotion. Whoa, I hesitantly first thought something got skipped because the action scene wasn't completed. But, they actually did skip the action conclusion and went ahead with Waver's and Gray's battle recovery. I find that to be somewhat terrible. Anyway, they did reveal on what happened during th

              Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Episode 13 Final Impression
            • Enen no Shouboutai Episode 17 Impression

              On this episode, Hibana rescues Shinra from the restraints and joins the fight. Later, Shinra discovers his potential brother and does a retreat with his group. It's quite funny to see Hibana continue to be hostile to anyone like a tsundere except for Shinra only. Also, the fight continuation is cool and surprisingly has more main plot development for our male lead. Other than that, I did find it

                Enen no Shouboutai Episode 17 Impression
              • Kandagawa Jet Girls Episode 4.5 Impression

                On this episode, it's a recap. I guess it's fine to re-watch the fan service action and the producers did a give an advance notice on their official Twitter. But, I think it's way too early for the fourth episode mark to have it. Also, the recap is just plain lazy because there's no new small scene or any effort like commentary. Other than that, I''l wait for the next real episode to come out. Ove

                  Kandagawa Jet Girls Episode 4.5 Impression
                • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 1 Impression

                  Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru is about a powerful and cautious hero who got summoned to a very dangerous fantasy world by a Goddess. On this episode, Listarte summons a hero named Seiya for a dangerous S ranked fantasy world. Later, she learns more about the hero's cautious personality. First off, this series seems to be quite similar to the Konosuba series beca

                    Shinchou Yuusha Episode 1 Impression
                  • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 4 Impression

                    On this episode, Seiya fights against the invading undead army without assistance. Later, he fights Deathmagla and rescues Mash. Wow, Seiya is really a tactical genius just like Goblin Slayer (from Goblin Slayer series) aside from both characters having the same voice from the same actor. It was very awesome to see how our male lead easily handles the undead army and its leader. Also, seeing Rista

                      Shinchou Yuusha Episode 4 Impression
                    • Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 11 Impression

                      On this episode, Iruma's class gets taught more about their familiars by a new teacher. Later, Iruma develops his bond with Kalego. It's quite hilarious to see Iruma getting forced to summon Kalego as his familiar because of the oblivious rookie teacher. Also, Kalego seems to be a much more interesting support character due to his direct involvement with our male lead. Other than that, the Battler

                        Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 11 Impression
                      • impression - RyoAnna

                        撮影 FUJIFILM X100F

                          impression - RyoAnna
                        • Enen no Shouboutai Episode 21 Impression

                          On this episode, Akitaru and Vulcan faces against Giovanni to rescue Lisa. Later, Shinra faces against his brother with Victor observing. Wow, Giovanni's schemes is just getting much darker and interesting. Also, it's cool to see how Akitaru and Vulcan counter some of the schemes. Other than that, the fight between Shinra and his brother is nicely intense. Now what's going to happen next? I'll be

                            Enen no Shouboutai Episode 21 Impression
                          • Choyoyu! Episode 2 Impression

                            On this episode, Masato obtains a trade permit and forms the Elm Trade Company with his partners. Meanwhile, Shinobu gathers information for Masato and the rest of the elite students helps the village. Wow, I never thought I would get another similar Spice and Wolf vibe from this current plot. It was pretty cool to see how Masato forms his trade company with his partners and compete against a huge

                              Choyoyu! Episode 2 Impression
                            • Hataage! Kemono Michi Episode 5 Impression

                              On this episode, Mao becomes depressed in Earth since Genzou's disappearance. Meanwhile, Genzou's party takes on a plant monster quest. Oh, they finally introduced a new antagonist rival for our male lead to beat which is cool. Also, the plant quest plot was just funny because of Genzou's disinterest and another involvement for Hanako. Other than that, I find it hilarious to see the bandit sibling

                                Hataage! Kemono Michi Episode 5 Impression
                              • Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 4 Impression

                                Iruma and his friends meets their new classmates. Later, Callego assigns the trouble class to participate in the flying course trial. So it's funny to see Iruma has to dodge more from his new dangerous classmates because he could randomly die. Also, I was very curious on how our male lead was going to do the flying course without any flying ability. But, they revealed how he progressed the course

                                  Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 4 Impression
                                • 野猿 feat.CA「First impression」 + 道をひらく「判断と実行と」 - My-Favorite-Song

                                  こんばんは。zzppmmです! 今日紹介するMy-Favorite-Songは、 野猿 feat.CA 「First impression」です! 野猿は、 「とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした」 のスタッフ達で構成された音楽ユニット です。 バラエティー番組から生まれたと いっても実際、紅白歌合戦にも2度出演 してる実力派なんです。 ノリさんはさすがに歌が上手です。 でも私はタカさんの歌いっぷりが好きです(笑) その中でも唯一の女性メンバーだった 「CA」。 CAとは、カメラアシスタントの略です(笑) スタッフ達で構成されたユニットなんで、 全員何かしらの仕事を掛け持ちしています。 どうやら嫌々の参加だったみたいで、シングル では一曲のみの参加でした。 しかし、その一曲が素晴らしかった。 ルックスも歌声も本当にCooolです。 もっと売れてもおかしくはなかったのに。 本人が嫌だったんなら

                                    野猿 feat.CA「First impression」 + 道をひらく「判断と実行と」 - My-Favorite-Song
                                  • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 5 Impression

                                    On this episode, Seiya returns to the godly realm for more training. Later, they visit a dragon village. The training moments is just plain funny as usual. Also, it's nice to see some more Goddesses being introduced and especially how Seiya interacts with them. Other than that, I really wonder if Mash and Eruru are ever going to be helpful aside from being bad carriers. Now what's going to happen

                                      Shinchou Yuusha Episode 5 Impression
                                    • Enen no Shouboutai Episode 15 Impression

                                      On this episode, Akitaru assigns Shinra's group to recruit Vulcan. Later, Shinra discovers Company 3's involvement and hostility. Whoa, it's nice to see more characters like Vulcan being introduced. Also, the new characters' backstories and personalities is pretty cool. Other than that, I hope Shinra can do something against the suspicious Company 3. Now what's going to happen next? I'll be really

                                        Enen no Shouboutai Episode 15 Impression
                                      • Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Episode 5 Impression

                                        On this episode, Alice learns more about Kirito's will power and his relationship with the two squire girls. Later, the Integrity Knights army prepares their defense against the Dark Territory army. So it's finally nice to see Alice discover Kirito's will while he's disabled and his relationship with two squire girls from the academy. Also, it was adorable to see Ronye and Tiese become Kirito's ca

                                          Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Episode 5 Impression
                                        • Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Episode 7 Impression

                                          On this episode, Ritsuka and Mash gets assigned by Leonidas to do some wall work. Later, they go on a rescue assault to evacuate civilians from a city. So I guess it's decent to see some wall work scenes for our male lead and his servant. But, it did get way better in the later half anyway because of the rescue action mission. Also, it was nice to see some more character development being revealed

                                            Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Episode 7 Impression
                                          • Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Episode 4 Impression

                                            On this episode, Ash returns to home ship with Afin and Matoi. Later, he gets deployed with Afin for an emergency snow world mission and discovers a mysterious ancient weapon. Oh wow, there's still a bunch of more Arks that easily get killed off by the Falspawn. Also, it was cool to see Ulc and her friend being introduced. Other than that, Ash is nicely getting much better for fights and Afin is s

                                              Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Episode 4 Impression
                                            • Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 12 Impression

                                              On this episode, Hajime's party visits another Guild and gets a request from Endo for help. Meanwhile, the heroes party continues to struggle against a demon and her monster. So it was nice to see some focus spotlight on the heroes party and their struggle against an apparent strong demon. Also, seeing Hajime and his party casually enjoying themselves is satisfying since they overcame their own st

                                                Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 12 Impression
                                              • Enen no Shouboutai Episode 13 Impression

                                                On this episode, the White Hoods sends in impostors to cause chaos in the town. Later, Shinra and Arthur partners up to counter the White Hoods duo. I'm actually very surprised to see Arthur can tell the difference between a loli and old man in disguise. I just find it plain shocking and hilarious. Also, it was funny to see how Arthur indirectly admits to Shinra that he's an idiot during their fig

                                                  Enen no Shouboutai Episode 13 Impression
                                                • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 8 Impression

                                                  On this episode, Seiya and his party finishes their training. Later, Seiya uses sniping tactics against Beel Bub. At first, I thought the archery goddess was going to be some sort of villain. But. it turns out she's just similar to Adenela that our male lead can easily ignore which is hilarious. Also, seeing Seiya's sniping action is pretty cool. Other than that, the near end nicely got quite seri

                                                    Shinchou Yuusha Episode 8 Impression
                                                  • Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 6 Impression

                                                    On this episode, Iruma's class learns and does some flower forming magic. Later, Amelie becomes suspicious of Iruma being a human. The flower forming class scene is pretty cool since it revealed more of what the students liked and Iruma's taste. Also, I find it a bit surprising to see Student Council President Amelie has suspicions on our male lead being human. Although, I wonder if she's actually

                                                      Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 6 Impression
                                                    • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 6 Impression

                                                      On this episode, Seiya's party attends the sacrificial sword ceremony for Eruru. Later, Seiya fights against an elder dragon. So the sacrificial festival plot is nicely dark. But, it was funny to see Seiya come up with counter plans once the elder dragon lady started being hostile. Other than that, the action is great and it was nice to see some indirect bonding development between our male's part

                                                        Shinchou Yuusha Episode 6 Impression
                                                      • Darwin's Game Episode 7 Impression

                                                        On this episode, the Florist continues fighting while Rein attempts to escape. Later, Kaname's clan faces against Wang's Eighth Clan. Man, it was kinda sad to see Florist fight to the bitter end. Also, seeing Rein attempting to escape by herself is just really intense. Other than that, the clan clash action is awesome. Now what's going to happen next? I hope Kaname's clan can claim victory. Overal

                                                          Darwin's Game Episode 7 Impression
                                                        • Choyoyu! Episode 7 Impression

                                                          On this episode, Shinobu and Elk infiltrates another village and discovers their dark secrets. Later, Tsukasa's region gets attacked by a magical weapon. Whoa, I wasn't expecting Shinobu to be somewhat more flirt teasing towards Elk. Although, I do wonder if they'll develop a romantic relationship. Also, the revealed dark secrets on the villages because of the corrupted nobles' influence is a bit

                                                            Choyoyu! Episode 7 Impression
                                                          • Choyoyu! Episode 5 Impression

                                                            On this episode, Tsukasa starts a religion by using Prince as a God to counter the Empire. Meanwhile, Shinobu investigates the Empire's military forces. First off, I wonder if Prince Akatsuki is going to be mistaken as a "Goddess" instead of a "God" because he literally dresses and looks like a girl. It would be really hilarious if that happens. Anyway, it was cool to see Tsukasa form a religion a

                                                              Choyoyu! Episode 5 Impression
                                                            • Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Episode 4 Impression

                                                              On this episode, Gilgamesh orders Ritsuka's party to investigate Ur city. Later, they encounter Jaguar Man Taiga and discover Ur city's situation. So it's nice to finally see Ritsuka's party get into action. But, at the same time, I was strangely annoyed to see Jaguar Man Taiga being introduced and along her influence on Ur city. (In general, I'm not even a big fan of Taiga throughout the Fate ser

                                                                Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Episode 4 Impression
                                                              • impression - RyoAnna

                                                                撮影 FUJIFILM X100F

                                                                  impression - RyoAnna
                                                                • Hataage! Kemono Michi Episode 6 Impression

                                                                  On this episode, Hanako's past with Joanna gets revealed. Later, Hanako reveals her true strength. So it's really cute to finally see more details about Hanako and her relation with Joanna. Also, it's just funny that her hunger personality has been existing. Other than that, the duels between them is nicely one sided. Now what's going to be the next plot? I'll be definitely looking forward to it.

                                                                    Hataage! Kemono Michi Episode 6 Impression
                                                                  • Choyoyu! Episode 8 Impression

                                                                    On this episode, the city continues to be attacked by the magical cursed flame lance. Later, Aoi does a counter attack against the lance. Oh jeez, the counter plannings against the cursed flame lance went from decently reasonable to impossibly ridiculous because of Aoi's involvement. But, don't get me wrong, I actually do like the impossible counter action and how Aoi herself got the spotlight onc

                                                                      Choyoyu! Episode 8 Impression
                                                                    • Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Episode 6 Impression

                                                                      On this episode, the Integrity Knights army starts fighting against the Dark Territory army. Later, both sides receives some causalities. Whoa, the war action start is just awesome. Also, it was plain cool to see some Integrity Knights leaders reveal more their skills or abilities. Other than that, I find it somewhat saddening to see some Integrity Knights support characters starting to become cas

                                                                        Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Episode 6 Impression
                                                                      • 「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観て:シリーズが持つルーティンの魅力 My impression of the movie “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”: The Attractive Routine of the Series - Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

                                                                        「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観に行きました。主人公不在でどこまでやれるのか、この映画は本来不可能なことに挑戦しています。いないのはわかっていながら、とにかく寅さんに会いたくて行きました。結論から言えば、ファンの期待に精一杯応えてくれている出来栄えで、満足感をもって映画館を出ました。 I went to a movie called “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”. This movie took up a challenge of something impossible because the main character was absent. I just wanted to see Tora-san, so I went to the movie theater despite knowing that he was not there

                                                                          「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観て:シリーズが持つルーティンの魅力 My impression of the movie “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”: The Attractive Routine of the Series - Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English
                                                                        • Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 9 Impression

                                                                          On this episode, Somali and Golem finds lodging and reunites with some known friends. Meanwhile, Somali gets a loose baby tooth. Whoa, I wasn't even expecting Somali and Golem to reunite with Shizuno and Yabashira. It was a satisfying moment. Also, seeing Somali panicking about her loose tooth is very adorable. Other than that, Shizuno revealed something to Golem near the end which is interesting.

                                                                            Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 9 Impression
                                                                          • Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 11 Impression

                                                                            On this episode, Hajime and Shia rescues a little merfolk girl named Myuu from slavery while exploring in the city. Later, they fight against some slave traders. So it was was nice to see Hajime and his party to decide to rescue Myuu. Also, they introduced an interesting talkative fish monster which I hope would later reappear later on. Other than that, I'm somewhat surprised to see no horrible CG

                                                                              Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 11 Impression
                                                                            • New Model Impression!  ニコン Z f (※ベータ機) けっこう辛辣に語る9月。 ●実販予想価格:29万8000円(ボディ税込) ●photo&text:豊田慶記 - Webカメラマン

                                                                              レンズがど真ん中に来てるので、ちょっと間延びした感があります。フィルムカメラってグリップ側がちょっと長いのよね。カメラ名のロゴが無ければもっと格好良かった説、あると思います。 気になるスペックは、Z 6Ⅱなどと同じ約2450万画素の裏面照射型CMOSセンサーに、Z 8やZ 9と同じExpeed7を採用する。最新エンジンによってAF性能が大きく進化していると予想されるので実写が楽しみだ。 EVFは約369万ドット(Z 6Ⅱと同等)。記録メディアはバッテリー室同居となるが、microSDとSDのダブルスロットという点がユニーク。SDスロットはUHS-Ⅱ対応だが、microSDはUHS-I対応となるので、同時記録時には遅い方に合わせることになる。 これはシーンによっては書き込み待ちが発生する可能性がある。とは言え、予備のスロットとしてmicroSDというのは、とても面白い試みだ。過剰な期待は禁物

                                                                                New Model Impression!  ニコン Z f (※ベータ機) けっこう辛辣に語る9月。 ●実販予想価格:29万8000円(ボディ税込) ●photo&text:豊田慶記 - Webカメラマン
                                                                              • Shinchou Yuusha Episode 10 Impression

                                                                                On this episode, Seiya makes preparations to fight the Demon Lord. Later, the King reveals his true allegiance for the Demon Lord. It was interesting to see Seiya would rather still make more battle preparations than spending break time to have fun. Also, I find it a bit surprising that the King became corrupted and our male lead came in time to fight him. Other than that, the action itself is rea

                                                                                  Shinchou Yuusha Episode 10 Impression
                                                                                • Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Episode 6 Impression

                                                                                  On this episode, Gettemhult becomes rogue and kidnaps Matoi along with Melfonseana. Later, Ash and his allies tries to stop them. So I've been finding Gettemhult to be an irritating character and then he finally becomes a short time antagonist which is nice. Although, it was strange to see Melfonseana continue to follow him. Other than that, I hope someone can stop Luther from interfering. Now wha

                                                                                    Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Episode 6 Impression