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information_theoryの検索結果1 - 15 件 / 15件

  • David MacKay: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms: The Book

    Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (Hardback, 640 pages, Published September 2003) Order your copy Price: £35.00 / $60.00 from |CUP UK/USA| |amazon.co.uk/.com/.ca/.co.jp| | Barnes & Noble USA | booksprice. | fetchbook.info | allbookstores | biggerbooks | blackwells | directtextbook | kalahari.net (South Africa) | Special Paperback edition for South Asia.| Download the book too

    • Visual Information Theory -- colah's blog

      I love the feeling of having a new way to think about the world. I especially love when there’s some vague idea that gets formalized into a concrete concept. Information theory is a prime example of this. Information theory gives us precise language for describing a lot of things. How uncertain am I? How much does knowing the answer to question A tell me about the answer to question B? How similar

      • David MacKay: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms: Home

        `An instant classic, covering everything from Shannon's fundamental theorems to the postmodern theory of LDPC codes. You'll want two copies of this astonishing book, one for the office and one for the fireside at home.'

        • David MacKay: Information Theory, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks: The Book

          Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (Hardback, 640 pages, Published September 2003) Order your copy Price: £35.00 / $60.00 from |CUP UK/USA| |amazon.co.uk/.com/.ca/.co.jp| | Barnes & Noble USA | booksprice. | fetchbook.info | allbookstores | biggerbooks | blackwells | directtextbook | kalahari.net (South Africa) | Special Paperback edition for South Asia.| Download the book too

          • David MacKay: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms: Home

            `An instant classic, covering everything from Shannon's fundamental theorems to the postmodern theory of LDPC codes. You'll want two copies of this astonishing book, one for the office and one for the fireside at home.'

            • Solving Wordle using information theory

              An excuse to teach a lesson on information theory and entropy. Special thanks to these supporters: https://3b1b.co/lessons/wordle#thanks Help fund future projects: https://www.patreon.com/3blue1brown An equally valuable form of support is to simply share the videos. Contents: 0:00 - What is Wordle? 2:43 - Initial ideas 8:04 - Information theory basics 18:15 - Incorporating word frequencies 27:49

                Solving Wordle using information theory
              • Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms.pdf

                • A Mini-Introduction To Information Theory

                  This article consists of a very short introduction to classical and quantum information theory. Basic properties of the classical Shannon entropy and the quantum von Neumann entropy are described, along with related concepts such as classical and quantum relative entropy, conditional entropy, and mutual information. A few more detailed topics are considered in the quantum case.

                  • Information Theory

                    About The Course Information theory is the science of operations on data such as compression, storage, and communication. It is among the few disciplines fortunate to have a precise date of birth: 1948, with the publication of Claude E. Shannon's paper entitled "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". Our course will explore the basic concepts of Information theory. It is a prerequisite for resea

                    • On Learning to Think: Algorithmic Information Theory for Novel Combinations of Reinforcement Learning Controllers and Recurrent Neural World Models

                      This paper addresses the general problem of reinforcement learning (RL) in partially observable environments. In 2013, our large RL recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learned from scratch to drive simulated cars from high-dimensional video input. However, real brains are more powerful in many ways. In particular, they learn a predictive model of their initially unknown environment, and somehow use i

                      • Amazon.co.jp: Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms: MacKay, David J. C.: 本

                          Amazon.co.jp: Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms: MacKay, David J. C.: 本
                        • Quantum Information Theory

                          情報理論及び統計学 は古典的な確率分布の下で 情報の伝達及び未知状態からの情報の抽出 に関して最適化を行う学問であった. 前者に重きをおいたものが情報理論と呼ばれ, 後者に重きをおいたものが統計学と呼ばれる. しかし,両者の間で重なり合う部分は大きい. これらに含まれる研究分野として 確率分布族のパラメータ推定, 仮説検定,通信路符号化,情報幾何など がある. これらの問題設定は対象となる状態が量子力学的対象と なった場合でも同様の意味を持つ. 量子情報理論は大きく言って以下の4つの分野に別けられる.しかし, 最近は,この分類に含まれないテーマも複数あり, 分類自体が困難になりつつある. 量子推定理論 量子仮説検定 量子通信路符号化 量子情報幾何(作成中) 量子情報理論の入門書 量子推定理論入門 (藤原彰夫 著) [ps file, zipped ps file] 量子力学系における通信

                          • David MacKay: Information Theory, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks: The Book

                            Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (Hardback, 640 pages, Published September 2003) Order your copy Price: £35.00 / $60.00 from |CUP UK/USA| |amazon.co.uk/.com/.ca/.co.jp| | Barnes & Noble USA | booksprice. | fetchbook.info | allbookstores | biggerbooks | blackwells | directtextbook | kalahari.net (South Africa) | Special Paperback edition for South Asia.| Download the book too

                            • Hamada "Information Theory"

                              • Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia

                                4.2 Alternative characterization via additivity and subadditivity

                                  Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia