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internalsの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 311件

  • Welcome to OpenJDK Internals’s documentation! — OpenJDK Internals 1.0 documentation

    第4回 x86最適化勉強会¶ Hotspotのことで発表させて頂きました。 スライドはslideshareにあげています。 http://www.slideshare.net/nothingcosmos/x86hotspotjit

    • Git's database internals V: scalability

      EngineeringOpen SourceGit’s database internals V: scalabilityThis fifth and final part of our blog series exploring Git's internals shows several strategies for scaling your Git repositories that match related database sharding techniques. This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind: Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system. When the

        Git's database internals V: scalability
      • [PDF] Windows 10 Segment Heap Internals

        • CodeMirror: Internals

          (Re-) Implementing A Syntax-Highlighting Editor in JavaScript Topic: JavaScript, code editor implementation Author: Marijn Haverbeke Date: March 2nd 2011 (updated November 13th 2011) Caution: this text was written briefly after version 2 was initially written. It no longer (even including the update at the bottom) fully represents the current implementation. I'm leaving it here as a historic docum

          • Precompiled Header and Modules Internals — Clang 19.0.0git documentation

            Precompiled Header and Modules Internals¶ This document describes the design and implementation of Clang’s precompiled headers (PCH) and modules. If you are interested in the end-user view, please see the User’s Manual. Using Precompiled Headers with clang¶ The Clang compiler frontend, clang -cc1, supports two command line options for generating and using PCH files. To generate PCH files using cla

            • OpenStack Nova internals of instance launching – Laurent Luce's Blog

              This article describes the internals of launching an instance in OpenStack Nova. Overview Launching a new instance involves multiple components inside OpenStack Nova: API server: handles requests from the user and relays them to the cloud controller. Cloud controller: handles the communication between the compute nodes, the networking controllers, the API server and the scheduler. Scheduler: selec

              • gRPC-Web Internals - blog.syfm

                これは Aizu Advent Calendar 2018 の 2 日目の記事です。 1 日目は @Ruto009 さんで、3 日目は @ayanoaizu さんです。 adventar.org gRPC-Web is GA! 今年の 10 月末に、gRPC-Web がついに GA (Generally Available) となり、メジャーリリースが行われました 🎉 grpc-web is GA! https://t.co/fnjHwgEWpe Grab it from https://t.co/DVThxsRh3i. Huge thanks to everyone who participated in making this possible!— gRPC (@grpcio) 2018年10月24日 grpc.io gRPC は、HTTP/2 ベースの RPC フレームワークで、I

                  gRPC-Web Internals - blog.syfm
                • Turn Your Phone Inside Out: iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Internals Wallpapers | iFixit News

                  It’s that time of year again! We’re done with our Apple teardowns and we’ve already started writing repair guides for the newest iPhones. Which means we can get onto the stuff that really matters: internals wallpapers pics for your new iPhone 7 or 7 Plus! With internals wallpapers, it’s basically like looking straight through the screen and into the heart of your phone. Which means you can show of

                    Turn Your Phone Inside Out: iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Internals Wallpapers | iFixit News
                  • Go Range Loop Internals

                    While they are very convenient, I always found Go's range loops a bit mystifying. I'm not alone in this: #golang pop quiz: does this program terminate? func main() { v := []int{1, 2, 3} for i := range v { v = append(v, i) } } — Dαve Cheney (@davecheney) January 13, 2017 Today's #golang gotcha: the two-value range over an array does a copy. Avoid by ranging over the pointer instead.https://t.co/SbK

                    • PostgreSQL Internals社内読書会やったらまさかの第2期もあったよ - Qiita

                      弊社ジャストシステムは、社内勉強会を奨励しています。業務に関連する(関連しそうな)勉強会は業務扱いです。 エンジニア採用ページの技術への取り組みから引用しますと TechCOLLEGE 機械学習、リーダブルコード、商品力強化などワークショップ形式で学ぶものから、グロースハック、構文解析、インメモリデータベースなどライトニングトークでの共有など、さまざまな議題で勉強会を開催しています。 多人数単発形式もあれば、少人数定期開催もあり。 1年前に「PostgreSQL篠田の虎の巻」読書会で始めた、社内勉強会復興運動、大臣以外の有志もそれぞれ初めて、定期開催が進んでいる。涙出そうに嬉しい。 — masuda kaz (@masudakz) 2017年3月3日 ; 勉強会のうち、2016/3開始でやりきった後、2017/3から第2期もやった「PostgreSQL篠田の虎の巻読書会」について、どんな感

                        PostgreSQL Internals社内読書会やったらまさかの第2期もあったよ - Qiita
                      • GNU/Linux shell related internals

                        More post series:1. File descriptors, pipes, terminals, user sessions, process groups and daemons new2. Linux Page Cache mini book What every SRE should know about GNU/Linux shell related internals: file descriptors, pipes, terminals, user sessions, process groups and daemons #Despite the era of containers, virtualization, and the rising number of UI of all kinds, SREs often spend a significant pa

                        • O'Reilly Network Safari Bookshelf - Understanding MySQL Internals

                          More than 5,000 companies count on our digital courses and more to guide their teams through the tools and technologies that drive business outcomes. We can help yours too. New AI policy for O’Reilly authors and talent O’Reilly president Laura Baldwin shares the company’s ethical approach to leveraging GenAI tools and ensuring O’Reilly experts are compensated for their work. See it now It’s time t

                            O'Reilly Network Safari Bookshelf - Understanding MySQL Internals
                          • Getting Comfortable With Rubinius' Pure-Ruby Internals

                            You probably know that Rubinius is a Ruby whose implementation is mostly written in Ruby. While that sounds nice in theory, you may not know what that means in practice. Over the past several years, I've contributed on and off to Rubinius, and feel that as Rubinius has matured since the 1.0 release, a lot of its promise has gelled. One of the great things about Rubinius is that it exposes, as firs

                            • Emacs Byte-code Internals

                              Byte-code compilation is an underdocumented — and in the case of the recent lexical binding updates, undocumented — part of Emacs. Most users know that Elisp is usually compiled into a byte-code saved to .elc files, and that byte-code loads and runs faster than uncompiled Elisp. That’s all users really need to know, and the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual specifically discourages poking around too

                              • Android Security Internals

                                Android Security Internals An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture Book Description There are more than one billion Android devices in use today, each one a potential target. Unfortunately, many fundamental Android security features have been little more than a black box to all but the most elite security professionals - until now. In Android Security Internals, top Android security e

                                  Android Security Internals
                                • Python internals: how callables work - Eli Bendersky's website

                                  [The Python version described in this article is 3.x, more specifically - the 3.3 alpha release of CPython.] The concept of a callable is fundamental in Python. When thinking about what can be "called", the immediately obvious answer is functions. Whether it's user defined functions (written by you), or builtin functions (most probably implemented in C inside the CPython interpreter), functions we

                                  • An introduction to IL2CPP internals | Unity Blog

                                    Almost a year ago now, we started to talk about the future of scripting in Unity. The new IL2CPP scripting backend promised to bring a highly-performant, highly-portable virtual machine to Unity. In January, we shipped our first platform using IL2CPP, iOS 64-bit. The Unity 5 release brought another platform, WebGL. Thanks to the input from our tremendous community of users, we have shipped many pa

                                      An introduction to IL2CPP internals | Unity Blog
                                    • How JavaScript works: the internals of Shadow DOM + how to build self-contained components

                                      This is post # 17 of the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components. In the process of identifying and describing the core elements, we also share some rules of thumb we use when building SessionStack, a JavaScript tool for developers to identify, visualize, and reproduce web app bugs through pixel-perfect session replay. If you missed the previous chapters, you can find

                                        How JavaScript works: the internals of Shadow DOM + how to build self-contained components
                                      • Towards Ruby 2.0: Progress of (VM) Internals

                                        Towards Ruby 2.0: Progress of (VM) Internals Koichi Sasada Heroku, Inc 1 The results of “My Code” Agenda • Background • Finished work - Ruby 2.0 Internal Changes – Support Module#prepend – Introducing Flonum – New set_trace_func – Controllable asynchronous interrupts – Deep changes • Remaining work - Ruby 2.0 Internal Features – Virtual machine changes • Enable “disabled-optimizing” options • Opti

                                        • Firebug internals - MDC

                                          Source Code Firebug source is available via subversion Alternative: Get Firebug; The source is included. Find the installed firebug in the Mozilla extensions directory, eg C:\Documents and Settings\John J. Barton\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\w5tmpjcs.test\extensions\firebug@software.joehewitt.com\ Copy the directory to your workspace find firebug.jar in the chrome directory. rename

                                          • asyncio internals

                                            Slides from the talk given at PyGrunn 2014 about asyncio internals.Read less

                                              asyncio internals
                                            • Emacs Byte-code Internals - Qiita

                                              This article translated “Emacs Byte-code Internals « null program” into Japanese. (この記事は “Emacs Byte-code Internals « null program” を日本語に翻訳したものです。) バイトコードのコンパイルは ─ 最近のレキシカルバインディングの更新についても同様に ─ Emacs において文書化されていないものの一つです。ほとんどのユーザーは通常 Elisp をバイトコードにコンパイルして .elc ファイルに保存し、そのバイトコードをロードすれば、コンパイルしていない Elisp より速く実行出来る事を知っています。それらは全てのユーザーが間違いなく知っておくべき事ですが、GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual は、より深い部分まで突っ込む事を明確に

                                                Emacs Byte-code Internals - Qiita
                                              • Windows Server and Docker - The Internals Behind Bringing Docker and Containers to Windows by Taylor Brown and John Starks

                                                This document summarizes HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities. It explains how an attacker can craft a single HTTP request that is parsed differently by the frontend and backend servers, allowing the backend to interpret additional hidden requests. Several exploitation techniques and detection methods are described, including issues that can arise with HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and protocols like WebSocke

                                                  Windows Server and Docker - The Internals Behind Bringing Docker and Containers to Windows by Taylor Brown and John Starks
                                                • Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む - mir the developer

                                                  『Understanding MySQL Internals』なるMySQLソースコード解説本が発売されました! たぶん現存する書籍(洋書含む)の中ではもっともコード寄りの本だろうと思います。著者曰く『Understanding the Linux Kernel』とか『Linux Device Drivers』のMySQL版となることをコンセプトに執筆した、とのことです。 Understanding MySQL Internals: Discovering and Improving a Great Database 作者: Sasha Pachev出版社/メーカー: O'Reilly Media発売日: 2007/04/20メディア: ペーパーバック購入: 1人 クリック: 29回この商品を含むブログ (9件) を見る 日本でも(この洋書が)発売されたという話を耳にして以来、キニナルキニ

                                                    Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む - mir the developer
                                                  • GCC Resource Center for GCC Internals

                                                    About GCC GCC is an acronym for GNU Compiler Collection. It is the de-facto standard compiler generation framework for all distros on GNU/Linux and many other variants of Unix on a wide variety of machines and is one of the most dominant softwares in the free software community. It supports several input languages for a variety of operating systems on more than 30 target processors. More back ends

                                                    • Amazon.com: Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach: Singh, Amit: Books

                                                        Amazon.com: Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach: Singh, Amit: Books
                                                      • A Deeper Understanding of Spark Internals (Hadoop Conference Japan 2014)

                                                        ■Hadoop Conference Japan 2014 講演資料 https://hcj2014.eventbrite.com/ 『A Deeper Understanding of Spark Internals』 Patrick Wendell (Databricks)Read less

                                                          A Deeper Understanding of Spark Internals (Hadoop Conference Japan 2014)
                                                        • Golang Internals, Part 2: Diving Into the Go Compiler

                                                          Do you know what exactly happens in the Go runtime, when you use a variable via interface reference? This is not a trivial question, because in Go a type that implements an interface does not contain any references to this interface whatsoever. Still, we can try answering it, using our knowledge of the Go compiler, which was discussed in the previous blog post. So, let’s take a deep dive into the

                                                            Golang Internals, Part 2: Diving Into the Go Compiler
                                                          • たけまる / Catalyst Internals - Controller

                                                            _ Catalyst Internals - Controller [perl][catalyst] ■ Controller の作り方 ここでは,単に Controller を実装するのではなく,サブクラス化される ことを前提として Controller を実装します. 親クラスで実装し,個別の処理をサブクラスで実装します.いまから示す 例では,親クラスで実際の処理を実装し,サブクラスではアクションの定 義のみを行います. 以下,親クラス名を Catalyst::Controller::Super とし,サブクラスを MyApp::Controller::Sub とします. package Catalyst::Controller::Super; use base qw( Catalyst::Controller ); sub do_foo { my ( $self, $c ) = @_

                                                            • PHPをビルドする — PHP Internals Book 日本語訳

                                                              PHPをビルドする¶ この章ではPHPエクステンションの開発やPHPコアに変更を加える時に適した方法でのPHPのコンパイル方法を説明します。ここではUnixoid環境下でのビルドしか扱いません。Windowsでビルドしたい場合は、PHP wikiの ビルド方法 を参照してください。[1] パッケージを使用しない理由¶もし現在PHPを使用しているなら、パッケージマネージャーを通して sudo apt-get install php 等のコマンドでPHPをインストールしているかもしれません。 コンパイルの説明に入る前に、まずなぜ自分自身によるコンパイルが必要で、事前にパッケージとしてビルド済みのものを使うだけでは駄目なのかを理解する必要があります。これにはいくつかの理由があります。 第一に、ビルド済みのパッケージは結果としてのバイナリしか含まれず、エクステンションのコンパイルに必要なヘッダーフ

                                                              • iPhone 4 Wallpapers: Gyro and Internals | iFixit News

                                                                This morning we published a teardown of the iPhone 4’s vibrational gyroscope. We tried our best to explain how vibrational gyroscopes function and have documented their internals at a microscopic level. The pictures were worth a thousand words. Everyone was thrilled to see Chipworks‘ images of vibrational gyroscopes, and one user even made an iPhone wallpaper out of them. We loved the “gyroscope w

                                                                  iPhone 4 Wallpapers: Gyro and Internals | iFixit News
                                                                • Ruby 2.4 Internals

                                                                  Ruby 2.4.0 includes several performance improvements including faster instance variable access and integer handling. It also protects Proc and Env objects from garbage collection issues by making them write-barrier protected. The presenter proposed changes to Env object handling that allow protection without significant performance impacts, such as lightweight escape detection and conditional writ

                                                                    Ruby 2.4 Internals
                                                                  • Amazon.co.jp: Mac OS X and iOS Internals: To the Apple's Core: Levin, Jonathan: 本

                                                                      Amazon.co.jp: Mac OS X and iOS Internals: To the Apple's Core: Levin, Jonathan: 本
                                                                    • Nerdy internals of an Apple text editor

                                                                      In this article, we’ll dive into the details of the way Paper functions as a TextView-based text editor for Apple platforms. The first article was just a warm-up — here is where we get to truly geek out! 🤓 Before we start, I’ll add that for the time being Paper is built on the older TextKit 1 framework, so the article is relative to TextKit 1. That said, all of the concepts, abstractions, and pri

                                                                        Nerdy internals of an Apple text editor
                                                                      • React ShallowRender internals

                                                                        This post is tracing ReactShallowRender flow. ReactShallowRender is a "shallow" render for unit testing, which returns a "shallow" ReactElement tree. "shallow" means that it renders its ReactElement tree only one level. You can use it like this. import assert from 'assert'; import React from 'react'; import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; const Child = ({foo}) => <div>{foo}</div>; const

                                                                        • Home - HotSpot Internals for OpenJDK - wikis.sun.com

                                                                          HotSpot Internals This wiki is written by and for programmers working on the HotSpot JVM system. This includes programmers of systems which generate JVM bytecodes (i.e., language implementors). Contents CompilerHotSpot ToolsIdealGraphVisualizerLogCompilation overviewPerformanceTechniques — What code shapes does the JVM optimize best? Here is a list.Inlining — Methods are often inlined, widening th

                                                                          • Internals of async / await in JavaScript | Akash Hamirwasia

                                                                            Internals of async / await in JavaScriptJuly 2, 2023 •11 min read If you have ever used JavaScript in the past, there is a high chance you have encountered the async / await syntax. async / await makes it easy to define asynchronous logic in a synchronous way that our brains can comprehend better. Some of you JavaScript veterans might know that async / await is merely a syntactic sugar over the ex

                                                                              Internals of async / await in JavaScript | Akash Hamirwasia
                                                                            • Android Internals Environment Setup Instructions - Marakana

                                                                              We have created a virtual machine that can easily be run on participants laptops. This way everyone is on the same environment. If you want to setup your own environment, you can go to http://source.android.com/source/download.html and follow the instructions there (Windows is not supported). If it doesn't work, just use our VM as outlined below. To play our virtual machine, you will also need VMW

                                                                              • Internals of Google Cloud Spanner

                                                                                Internals of Google Cloud SpannerFebruary 04, 2020 • distributed database , GCP , Cloud Spanner , NewSQL , Internals I have learned a lot more internal things about Google Cloud Spanner from past two days. I read some of the portions of the Spanner white paper and the deep internal things from the Google Cloud Next event videos from Youtube. I’ll share the video links here, but I want to summarize

                                                                                  Internals of Google Cloud Spanner
                                                                                • How Kafka’s Storage Internals Work

                                                                                  In this post I’m going to help you understand how Kafka stores its data. I’ve found understanding this useful when tuning Kafka’s performance and for context on what each broker configuration actually does. I was inspired by Kafka’s simplicity and used what I learned to start implementing Kafka in Golang. So how does Kafka’s storage internals work? Kafka’s storage unit is a partitionA partition is

                                                                                    How Kafka’s Storage Internals Work