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internalsの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 315件

  • Ruby 2.4 Internals

    4. Note: Ruby 2.4.0 has several bugs. Note2: No x.y.0 doesn’t have several bugs. 6. New features written in a release announcement • Introduce hash table improvement (by Vladimir Makarov) • Binding#irb: Start a REPL session similar to binding.pry • Unify Fixnum and Bignum into Integer • String supports Unicode case mappings • Performance improvements • Array#max, Array#min • Regexp#match? • speed

      Ruby 2.4 Internals
    • How Kafka’s Storage Internals Work

      In this post I’m going to help you understand how Kafka stores its data. I’ve found understanding this useful when tuning Kafka’s performance and for context on what each broker configuration actually does. I was inspired by Kafka’s simplicity and used what I learned to start implementing Kafka in Golang. So how does Kafka’s storage internals work? Kafka’s storage unit is a partitionA partition is

        How Kafka’s Storage Internals Work
      • Database Internals

        Get full access to Database Internals and 60K+ other titles, with a free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. There are also live events, courses curated by job role, and more.

          Database Internals
        • Introduction · The Internals of Spark SQL

          • Python internals: adding a new statement to Python - Eli Bendersky's website

            This article is an attempt to better understand how the front-end of Python works. Just reading documentation and source code may be a bit boring, so I'm taking a hands-on approach here: I'm going to add an until statement to Python. All the coding for this article was done against the cutting-edge Py3k branch in the Python Mercurial repository mirror. The until statement Some languages, like Ruby

            • JavaScript Internals: Garbage Collection | AppSignal Blog

              Garbage collection (GC) is a very important process for all programming languages, whether it's done manually (in low-level languages like C), or automatically. The curious thing is that most of us barely stop to think about how JavaScript — which is a programming language, and hence, needs to GC — does the trick. Like the majority of high-level languages, JavaScript allocates its objects and valu

                JavaScript Internals: Garbage Collection | AppSignal Blog
              • GNU C Compiler Internals - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

                The latest reviewed version was checked on 27 May 2020. There are template/file changes awaiting review. What is GCC?[edit | edit source] GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a free software project that includes compilers for Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Java, and Objective-C, as well as libraries for these languages. It is capable of generating executables for a variety of platforms including x86, ARM, MIP

                • Windows Internals Book - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs

                  Windows Internals Book 02/07/2017 3 minutes to read Windows Internals 7th edition (Part 1) covers the architecture and core internals of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. This book helps you: Understand the Windows system architecture and its general components Explore internal data structures using tools like the kernel debugger Understand how Windows uses processes for management and isolation

                    Windows Internals Book - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs
                  • Top (GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals)

                    This file documents the internals of the GNU compilers. Copyright © 1988-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being “Funding Free Software”, the Front-Cover Texts being (a)

                    • Regex engine internals as a library - Andrew Gallant's Blog

                      Over the last several years, I’ve rewritten Rust’s regex crate to enable better internal composition, and to make it easier to add optimizations while maintaining correctness. In the course of this rewrite I created a new crate, regex-automata, which exposes much of the regex crate internals as their own APIs for others to use. To my knowledge, this is the first regex library to expose its interna

                      • Inside MongoDB: the Internals of an Open-Source Database

                        Slides from a talk about MongoDB internals given at Gluecon 2010.Read less

                          Inside MongoDB: the Internals of an Open-Source Database
                        • たけまる / Catalyst Internals - 処理フロー

                          _ Catalyst Internals - 処理フロー [perl][catalyst] 今まで Catalyst の内部実装はみないでいたのですが,Atompub を実装す るときに目を通さざるを得ませんでした (意外に簡単だった,もっと早く 見とけばよかった…). 今さら Catalyst かよ,という感はあるのですが,ネットに出回ってる情 報は少し古かったりするので (Catalyst::Base が使われていた頃が多い), 少しは意味があるかなと. 長くなるので,数回に分けて書きます.今回は処理フローのメモです. Catalyst を起動したときに 1 回だけ実行される処理フローです.何をし ているかは関数名をみれば見当がつくと思います. Catalyst->setup Catalyst->setup_home Catalyst->setup_log Catalyst->setu

                          • Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals: 仮想ファイルシステム (VFS)

                            次のページ 前のページ 目次へ 3. 仮想ファイルシステム (VFS) 3.1 Inode キャッシュとDcache との相互作用 複数のファイルシステムをサポートするため、 Linux は VFS (Virtual Filesystem Switch) という特別なカーネルインターフェースレベルを持っています。 これは SVR4 から派生した OS に見られる vnode/vfs インターフェースに良く似ています (もともとは、BSD と Sun に由来の実装からきています)。 Linux の inode キャッシュは、一つの 977 行からなるファイル fs/inode.c に実装されています。 特筆すべき事に、このファイルは、この 5-7 年の間ほとんど変更がありませんでした。 一番最後に更新されたのは、そう 1.3.42 の時なのです。 Linux の inode キャッシュの構

                            • Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(6) - mir the developer

                              以前の記事 [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(1) [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(2) [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(3) [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(4) [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(5) Fieldクラス Fieldクラスは、数値型、文字列型、時間型といった各種データ型を定義するための抽象クラスです。クエリを処理する際、ほとんどのケースでテーブルのフィールドが関連してくるため、このクラスは主にパーサとオプティマイザでの処理に使用されます。Fieldクラスはsql/field.hに定義されていますが、一部はsql/field.ssに

                                Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(6) - mir the developer
                              • php.internals: phpng: �Refactored PHP Engine with Big Performance I mprovement

                                For people who know me it's not a secret that PHP performance is my main responsibility and passion at Zend. Actually, starting from PHP 5.0 we already made 6 times speedup on synthetic benchmarks and about 2 times speedup on real-life applications. We endlessly made improvements in PHP engine and OPCache. However, by PHP 5.5 release we weren’t be able to make any serious progress, and among other

                                • PHP: internals:windows:stepbystepbuild

                                  This tutorial concerns building PHP before 7.2. To build PHP 7.2+, please refer to the newer documentation.

                                  • Go internals: capturing loop variables in closures - Eli Bendersky's website

                                    Update (2023-09-20): Go fixes the loop variable capture gotcha in the 1.22 release. While the technical details of this article remain true, all the examples will produce the "expected" output. The Go wiki has a page titled CommonMistakes. Amusingly, it only lists a single entry at this time - using goroutines on loop iterator variables, providing this example:

                                    • GitHub - deweerdt/h2priograph: Generates a .dot file from Chrome's net-internals tab

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - deweerdt/h2priograph: Generates a .dot file from Chrome's net-internals tab
                                      • php.internals: Microsoft Support of PHP on Windows

                                        Hello PHP Internals, My name is Dale Hirt and I am the project manager for PHP inside Microsoft. We currently support PHP with development and build efforts for PHP 7.3, and PHP 7.4. In addition, we help with building PHP 7.2 on Windows when security fixes are required.. However, as PHP 8.0 is now ramping up, we wanted to let the community know what our current plans are going forward. We know tha

                                        • Amazon.co.jp: Solaris Internals: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture: McDougall, Richard Mauro, Jim: 本

                                            Amazon.co.jp: Solaris Internals: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture: McDougall, Richard Mauro, Jim: 本
                                          • [Watcherが薦めるこの一冊]Solaris Internals と Solaris Performance And Tools

                                            [Watcherが薦めるこの一冊]Solaris Internals と Solaris Performance And Tools もしあなたがSolarisシステムの管理者なら,「Solaris Internals」と「Solaris Performance And Tools」はぜひ読んでほしい。 Solaris Internals: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture 著者:Richard McDougall, Jim Mauro 出版社:Prentice Hall 価格:9686円(amazon.co.jp) ISBN-10: 0131482092 ISBN-13: 978-0131482098 Solaris Performance And Tools: DTrace And Mdb Techniques for Sol

                                              [Watcherが薦めるこの一冊]Solaris Internals と Solaris Performance And Tools
                                            • nginx-build internals - Qiita

                                              nginx-buildはnginxをビルドするためのコマンドラインツールです。 使い方については過去にQiitaに書いた記事やnginx-buildのREADME.mdにそれなりに詳しく書いてあるのでそちらを参照して下さい。 cubicdaiya/nginx-build/README.md nginx-buildでnginxをビルドする nginx-buildでnginxにサードパーティモジュールを組み込む nginx-buildでnginxの依存ライブラリを静的に組み込む 今回はnginx-buildの内部実装について少し解説します。わりと泥臭いこともやってます。 nginx-buildが行っているのは大きく分けて以下の3つです。 nginxや依存ライブラリ、拡張モジュールのソースコードのダウンロード configureのオプション文字列を自動生成 makeを実行 nginx-build

                                                nginx-build internals - Qiita
                                              • Amazon.co.jp: Windows® Internals: Russinovich, Mark E., Solomon, David A., Ionescu, Alex: 本

                                                  Amazon.co.jp: Windows® Internals: Russinovich, Mark E., Solomon, David A., Ionescu, Alex: 本
                                                • NPF driver internals manual

                                                  詳細 このセクションではネットグループパケットフィルタ(NPF)の内部、いわゆるWinPcapのカーネル部分に関して記述しています。ノーマル ユーザーの方々は、その内部構造というよりはWinPcapの使い方の方に興味があるでしょう。したがって、このモジュール内に公開されている情報は主に WinPcap開発者と保守者、またはドライバがどのように動作するのかに深い興味を持っている方々向けです。とりわけこのセクションを有益に読み進めて 行くためには、OS、ネットワークとWin32カーネルプログラミング、デバイスドライバ開発に関しての十分な知識を必要とします。 NPFは多くの仕事をこなすWinPcapのコンポーネントで、ネットワーク上を伝送するパケットを処理してキャプチャをエクスポートしたり、 ユーザーレベルでのパケットの注入や解析機能を保持しています。 続く段落では、NPFとOS、それとその基本

                                                  • Darcs internals, part 1: typesafe directed datastructures

                                                    I am editing this post from IRILL, where the darcs sprint is taking place One of the things that I particularly like about the Darcs codebase is that you can see that the developers were not shy about using intermediate-slash-advanced Haskell/GHC features to help achieving type safety. You can see GADTs, associated types, phantom types, existential types actively used. In this post I would like to

                                                      Darcs internals, part 1: typesafe directed datastructures
                                                    • Deno KV internals: building a database for the modern web

                                                      Deno is designed to streamline web and cloud development with built-in modern tools, direct access to web platform APIs, and the capability to import modules via npm. Web apps very often require some persistent application state. Setting up a database involves numerous configuration steps and the subsequent integration of an ORM or other systems. What if you could access such a database without an

                                                        Deno KV internals: building a database for the modern web
                                                      • Payara micro-internals

                                                        Payara micro-internals 1. Payara Micro Internals HASUNUMA Kenji GlassFish Users Group Japan k.hasunuma@coppermine.jp 2. Topics 1. Introduction 2. Startup and shutdown 3. Automatic clustering 4. Application deployment 5. Uber Jar 6. Configurations 7. Payara Micro API 3. Introduction 4. What's Payara Micro? • Embedded release of Payara • Deploy and run Web applications with a single command • Automat

                                                          Payara micro-internals
                                                        • Mac OS X Internals: Preface

                                                          Introduction Although Mac OS X is a relatively new operating system, its lineage is rather colorful, and the history of most of its components is much older. Mac OS X, and Apple in general, have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Given Apple's "cult-like" status, and the unique cultural and technical composition of Mac OS X, it is not surprising that people with vastly different backgro

                                                          • WebOS Internals

                                                            Welcome to the WebOS Internals wiki This site is for collecting information about the inner workings of webOS, which powers everybody (else)'s favorite smart phone, the Palm Pre. If you add information which you did not discover yourself, please try to give credit to the original researcher. Also, please do not add information that has not been confirmed. This is meant to be a collection of facts,

                                                            • 【WinHEC 2007】「Windows Internals」の著者が語るWindows Server 2008の強化点

                                                              写真1●WinHEC 2007の会場で配布していた「Windows Server 2008」のBeta 3 Kit。32ビット版と64ビット版がある 書籍「Windows Internals(Microsoft Press発行)」の共著者として知られるMark Russinovich博士が,Windows Hardware Engineering Conference(WinHEC 2007)の5月16日の基調講演で,2007年末にリリースが予定されている「Windows Server 2008」(写真1)のカーネルとコア・コンポーネントにおける強化点について語った(写真2)。Russinovich博士は現在,米MicrosoftのWindows Platform and Services DivisionのTechnical Fellowを務めている。 プラットフォーム関連やプロセス/ス

                                                                【WinHEC 2007】「Windows Internals」の著者が語るWindows Server 2008の強化点
                                                              • Google Internals

                                                                Who the hell am I? I work for Symantec because they bought TurnTide I have never worked for Google No one I know works for Google I have been tracking them heavily for about 2 years now Also, I interviewed with them (twice) Me: "I hear you guys build your own custom, 1000-port GigE switches; is that right?" Interviewer: "Hey, you're not supposed to know that." What are we talking about? The pieces

                                                                • 2. トランザクション管理 · PostgreSQL Internals

                                                                  トランザクション管理 トランザクション処理におけるACID特性 ここではPostgreSQLのトランザクション管理について解説します。 トランザクション処理には「ACID特性、ACID属性」と呼ばれる要件があります。ACIDは、それぞれ「Atomicity、Consistency、Isolation、Durability」の頭文字を取ったもので、それぞれに備えているべき特徴があります。 Atomicity (原子性) それ以上分解できない単位の操作である 「変更された」か「変更されていないか」のどちらか Consistency (一貫性、整合性) 予め定められたルールに則った(整合性の取れた)状態である 正の値しかとらない、など。 Isolation (分離性、独立性) 実行中のトランザクションが他のトランザクションに影響を与えない 実行中のトランザクションの状態を参照・変更することができ

                                                                  • GCD Internals

                                                                    The undocumented side of the Grand Central Dispatcher Jonathan Levin, http://newosxbook.com/ - 02/15/14 The book touches very little on Apple's Grand Central Dispatcher, which is becoming the de-facto standard for multi-threaded applications in OS X and iOS, as it pushes aside the venerable (and standard) pthread APIs. While I do discuss the kernel support for GCD (Chapter 14, pg. 550, "Work Queue

                                                                    • iPhone 5 Internals Wallpaper | iFixit News

                                                                      Apple goes to great lengths to make their products beautiful, both inside and out. And thanks to our iPhone 5 teardown last week, the whole world got a chance to goggle over the phone’s gorgeous guts. But imagine if you could goggle over the iPhone 5’s internals every time you looked at it — just like if you had X-ray vision! Well, thanks to our awesome new iPhone 5 Internals wallpaper, that dream

                                                                        iPhone 5 Internals Wallpaper | iFixit News
                                                                      • Cassandra Internals -- Tricks! | Mike Perham

                                                                        Cassandra Internals – Tricks! 2010-03-20 cassandra In my previous posts, I covered how Cassandra reads and writes data. In this post, I want to explain some of the trickery that Cassandra uses to provide a scalable distributed system. Gossip Cassandra is a cluster of individual nodes – there’s no “master” node or single point of failure – so each node must actively verify the state of the other cl

                                                                        • Mac OS X Internals » Blog Archive » Is Your Machine Good Enough for Snow Leopard K64?

                                                                          “K64″ is what Apple refers to as the 64-bit version of the kernel beginning with Snow Leopard. As an end user, you really should not worry about the bitness of the kernel. If your Apple computer is not booting into K64 by default, you don’t need it—unless, of course, you know that you need it. (Say, because you are a kernel developer or an otherwise system-level developer and want to test somethin

                                                                          • たけまる / Catalyst Internals - その他のコンポーネント

                                                                            _ Catalyst Internals - その他のコンポーネント [perl][catalyst] その他とは,Action, Request などです. 今回は,コンポーネントの内部には立ち入らずに,デフォルトコンポーネ ントを変更する方法のみ紹介します. Action オブジェクトを変更するには,:ActionClass attribute を使いま す.これは,Catalyst::Action::RenderView を呼ぶときに使われている 方法です. sub foo :ActionClass('Foo') { ... } このようにすると,Catalyst::Action::Foo が呼ばれます.厳密には, sub dispatch に続いて,sub execute が呼ばれます. Catalyst::Action::REST では,dispatch を override し

                                                                            • Plugins (GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals)

                                                                              24 Plugins ¶ GCC plugins are loadable modules that provide extra features to the compiler. Like GCC itself they can be distributed in source and binary forms. GCC plugins provide developers with a rich subset of the GCC API to allow them to extend GCC as they see fit. Whether it is writing an additional optimization pass, transforming code, or analyzing information, plugins can be quite useful. Lo

                                                                              • Unity Internals: Memory and Performance

                                                                                In this presentation we will provide in-depth knowledge about the Unity runtime. The first part will focus on memory and how to deal with fragmentation and garbage collection. The second part on performance profiling and optimizations. Finally, there will be an overview of debugging and profiling improvements in the newly announced Unity 5.0.

                                                                                  Unity Internals: Memory and Performance
                                                                                • Perl 5 Internals

                                                                                  Open Publications License 1.0 Copyright (c) 2001 by NetThink. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/). This series contains material adopted from the Netizen Perl Training Fork, by kind permission of Kirrily Robert. Table of C