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  • qpsmtpd - Develooper LLC

    qpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl. Apart from the core SMTP features, all functionality is implemented in small "extension plugins" using the easy to use object oriented plugin API. qpsmtpd was originally written as a drop-in qmail-smtpd replacement, but now it also includes smtp forward, postfix, exim and maildir "backends". Articles and Documentation The qpsmtpd wiki Using Qpsmt

    • O'Reilly Radar > Rails Movie Launched

      Anonymous [07.11.05 07:54 AM] Seems like O'Reilly Radar is a large part of creating that buzz. There's 15 posts on this blog that contain "ruby rails" in the last three months. You have another 6 posts on "backpack" and 11 on "37 signals". As much as I have been impressed by the work from 37 Signals, it is a little nauseating how hard you folks are pushing them. Tim O'Reilly [07.11.05 09:46 AM] He

      • Get Help With Shopify Marketing Expert | Website Development For eCommerce – Take Your Shopify Store To The Next Level

        What are the Origin And Rise of Art In Action?     | Comparison Between Synthetic vs. Natural Fiber Rope     | The Reason Why Everyone Love Digital Agency     | Get to Know About Top 10 Popular Types of Ropes     | SRED/ SR & ED for a Tax Consulting Client     | Qualities of a Call center QA analyst     | SEO FOR LOCALIZED KEYWORD     | Ten Amazing Facts about USA Payday Loans     | Benefits of so

        • 4 HTTP Security headers you should always be using - Ibuildings

          What started as a dream for a worldwide library of sorts, has transformed into not only a global repository of knowledge but also the most popular and widely deployed Application Platform: the World Wide Web. The poster child for Agile, it was not developed as a whole by a single entity, but rather grew as servers and clients expanded it’s capabilities. Standards grew along with them. While growin

            4 HTTP Security headers you should always be using - Ibuildings
          • Da Vinci Machine Project

            the Da Vinci Machine Project a multi-language renaissance for the Java Virtual Machine architecture Mission We are extending the JVM with first-class architectural support for languages other than Java, especially dynamic languages. This project will prototype a number of extensions to the JVM, so that it can run non-Java languages efficiently, with a performance level comparable to that of Java i

            • Roles and Capabilities

              WordPress uses a concept of Roles, designed to give the site owner the ability to control what users can and cannot do within the site. A site owner can manage the user access to such tasks as writing and editing posts, creating Pages, creating categories, moderating comments, managing plugins, managing themes, and managing other users, by assigning a specific role to each of the users. WordPress

                Roles and Capabilities
              • Using Feature Detection to Write CSS with Cross-Browser Support | CSS-Tricks

                Using Feature Detection to Write CSS with Cross-Browser Support In early 2017, I presented a couple of workshops on the topic of CSS feature detection, titled CSS Feature Detection in 2017. A friend of mine, Justin Slack from New Media Labs, recently sent me a link to the phenomenal Feature Query Manager extension (available for both Chrome and Firefox), by Nigerian developer Ire Aderinokun. This

                  Using Feature Detection to Write CSS with Cross-Browser Support | CSS-Tricks
                • 2018-05-29のJS: React v16.4.0、Chrome 68の開発者ツール、自分で作るbundler

                  JSer.info #385 - React 16.4.0がリリースされました。 React v16.4.0: Pointer Events - React Blog React 16.4.0ではPointer EventsがサポートされonPointerDown属性でハンドラを追加できるようになっています。またReact v16.3.0で追加されたgetDerivedStateFromPropsの挙動が修正されています。 getDerivedStateFromPropsは多くのアプリでは必要ないものだとして、今後フォローアップ記事を掲載する予定とのことです。 What's New In DevTools (Chrome 68)  |  Web  |  Google Developersという記事ではChrome 68(開発版)での開発者ツールの変更点についてまとめられています。 コンソー

                    2018-05-29のJS: React v16.4.0、Chrome 68の開発者ツール、自分で作るbundler
                  • Localizing Firefox OS Apps – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                    Firefox OS Apps are being used around the world—Spain, Poland, Colombia and Venezuela with many more countries coming—so it’s important to consider localizing your app from the beginning. But with the open web being as open as it is, there are many frameworks and technologies to pick from when it comes to localization. For example, the Jed Gettext-style library is a popular traditional option. The

                      Localizing Firefox OS Apps – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                    • Password recovery — NeuPy

                      Password recovery Contents Password recovery Data transformation Saving password into the network Recovering password from the network Test it using Monte Carlo Possible problems Summary Download script In this article we are going to build a simple neural network that will recover password from a broken one. If you aren’t familiar with a Discrete Hopfield Network algorithm, you can read this arti

                      • Use the Zeigarnik Effect to learn to code faster

                        By Steven Gilbert The Zeigarnik effect can help you learn to code faster. First I’ll explain what this concept is. Then I’ll give you a practical way you can apply it to your learning. What is the Zeigarnik Effect? It’s 9:00pm. You’re learning JavaScript. You sit down at your desk. You open up your laptop and fire up your code editor. You’re working on freeCodeCamp’s Wikipedia Viewer project. You

                          Use the Zeigarnik Effect to learn to code faster
                        • [C#][WPF]DataTemplateを使ってデータを表示してみようぜ その2

                          Feedback # [C#][WPF]DataTemplateを使ってデータを表示してみようぜ その3 2008/02/03 21:45 かずきのBlog [C#][WPF]DataTemplateを使ってデータを表示してみようぜ その3 # トリーバーチ 財布 2012/12/14 23:13 http://www.torybruchjp.info/category/トリーバーチ-バッグ You actually know a stuff... # longchamp hobo 2012/12/15 16:17 http://www.soldesacslongchamp.info/category/sac-lo I am certain that I can visit the place for a second time soon. # burberry scarf 2012/12

                          • PyUnit - the standard unit testing framework for Python

                            Author: Steve Purcell, Pythangelist, Available for Python & Ruby On Rails consulting/training Latest release: 1.4.1, 10th August 2001 (download) (notes) Documentation: [English] [Japanese] [Chinese] [Serbo-Croatian] [Hungarian (courtesy of Zsolt Boros)] This unit testing framework, dubbed 'PyUnit' by convention, is a Python language version of JUnit. JUnit was written by smart cookies Kent Beck an
