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  • Terraform で Codeシリーズの Notifications を作り Slack 通知させてみた | DevelopersIO

    ちゃだいん(@chazuke4649)です。 先日、Terraform とマネジメントコンソールを使って、Codeシリーズの通知まわりを作る機会がありましたのでご紹介します。 前提 下図構成のCodeシリーズを使用したCI/CDパイプラインの、赤枠部分を作ります。 赤矢印が通知の流れです。すでにCodeCommit,CodePipeline,ECSなどは作成済みであり、それらの構成に追加します。 Terraform と Provider のバージョンは以下のように指定しています。 terraform { required_version = "= 0.13.5" required_providers { aws = "~> 3.18" } 1.SNSトピックを作成する まずは、SNSトピックを作成します。 以下tfファイルを実行します。 # SNS topic for Slack: pro

      Terraform で Codeシリーズの Notifications を作り Slack 通知させてみた | DevelopersIO
    • Testing push notifications on the iOS simulator

      Testing push notifications in the iOS simulator make adding support for remote notifications much more effortless. You often must iterate a lot to verify that your code is working as expected. After gaining permission to receive push notifications in your app, you can start testing out several notifications. Xcode’s Simulator supports testing both regular and Rich Notifications, depending on the J

        Testing push notifications on the iOS simulator
      • Master Notifications With ChatGPT, React and NodeJS 🧨

        Nevo David for novu Posted on Dec 26, 2022 • Edited on Feb 7, 2023 • Originally published at novu.co TLDR; In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build a web application that allows you to send notifications generated by ChatGPT to your users, using React and NodeJS. Intro I have built many products in my life. In all of them I had to send notifications to the user in some form. It could be a "Welc

          Master Notifications With ChatGPT, React and NodeJS 🧨
        • AWS User Notificationsのうれしいポイントまとめてみた - Qiita

          はじめに 先日発表された、AWS User Notifications について、どんなサービスか紹介します。 概要 AWS User Notificationsを利用することで、AWSからの通知を一元的にマネジメントコンソールから確認することができます。 AWSではこのように記載されています。 AWS User Notificationsを使用すると、AWS Health イベント、Amazon CloudWatch アラーム、EC2 インスタンスの状態変化など、AWS のサービスからの通知を一貫したわかりやすい形式で一元的にセットアップして表示できます。 複数リージョン、複数サービスから、自分に必要な通知を選択し、EメールやSNSなどに連携したり、GUIで確認することができます。 User Notificationsサービスを作成すると、裏でEventBridgeルールが作成されるよう

            AWS User Notificationsのうれしいポイントまとめてみた - Qiita
          • Windows 11, version 24H2 known issues and notifications

            This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

              Windows 11, version 24H2 known issues and notifications
            • RFC 8765: DNS Push Notifications

              RFC 8765 DNS Push Notifications Abstract The Domain Name System (DNS) was designed to return matching records efficiently for queries for data that are relatively static. When those records change frequently, DNS is still efficient at returning the updated results when polled, as long as the polling rate is not too high. But, there exists no mechanism for a client to be asynchronously notified whe

              • Supporting Exposure Notifications Express | Apple Developer Documentation

                Configure servers to notify users of potential exposures to COVID-19 without an app.

                  Supporting Exposure Notifications Express | Apple Developer Documentation
                • GitHub - kosmigramma/appleshouter: iOS Push Notifications for PWAs and Web apps

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - kosmigramma/appleshouter: iOS Push Notifications for PWAs and Web apps
                  • Argo CD Notificationsを試す - TECHSTEP

                    はじめに 今回は、Argo CDと組み合わせて利用することのできる通知ツールの一つ、Argo CD Notificationsについて、概要と利用方法を紹介します。 Argo CD Notificationsとは Argo CD Notificationsは、Argo CDのリソースを監視し、実行結果に応じてメール・Slackなどで通知してくれるプロダクトです。Triggerによって通知を送る契機やタイミングを指定、Templateによって通知する内容やフォーマットを指定することが可能です。また、Argo CD Notificationsが監視対象とするのはApplication AppProjectで、対象のリソースに対してAnnotationを付与することで監視対象とすることができます。 他の通知ツールとの比較 Argo CDのNotificationページには、Argo CD Not

                      Argo CD Notificationsを試す - TECHSTEP
                    • Best Practices for Push Notifications in React Native

                      Push notifications are a great way to communicate with users and increase engagement. So much so that they became a must have feature for any successful app. At the end of the day one of our goals is to have engaged users that actually open and use our app. Push notifications is a great tool to achieve that. No guidelines - There’s actually no guidelines out there on how opening a push notificatio

                        Best Practices for Push Notifications in React Native
                      • Exposure Notifications API service update  |  Google Play services  |  Google for Developers

                        Exposure Notifications API service update Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The Exposure Notifications API was a joint effort between Apple and Google to provide the core functionality for building Android apps to notify users of possible exposure to confirmed COVID-19 cases. For an overview of the goals of the system, see the COVID-19 informati

                          Exposure Notifications API service update  |  Google Play services  |  Google for Developers
                        • 【5分で設定】EC2インスタンスの状態変更をAWS User Notificationsで通知してみた | DevelopersIO

                          こんにちは!AWS事業本部のおつまみです。 EC2インスタンスの状態変更をメール通知で受け取りたいなぁと思ったことはありますか?私はあります。 従来はメール通知を受け取るために、以下のサービスを利用する必要がありました。 Amazon EventBridge Amazon SNS またSNSから届くメールの文面は、そのままだJSON形式になっているため、分かりづらい内容でした。 しかし、2023年5月に発表されたAWS User Notificationsにより、簡単に実装、かつメール文面がわかりやすくなりました! そこで本記事では、EC2インスタンスの状態変更をメール通知する方法をご紹介します。 今回はAWS User Notifications についての詳細な説明は割愛しますが、はじめて触る方はこちらの記事をご確認ください。 設定してみた 通知ハブの設定 マネジメントコンソールの右上

                            【5分で設定】EC2インスタンスの状態変更をAWS User Notificationsで通知してみた | DevelopersIO
                          • Email Notifications for Google Forms - Google Workspace Marketplace

                            With Email Notifications for Google Forms, you can automatically send email messages every time a respondent submits your Google Form. You can notify the form respondent, your team members, or create notification rules and send emails to different people based on the form answers. The notification emails can be customized and you can include any of the form fields, including Quiz scores, in the em

                            • React Native push notifications guide for rookies and techies

                              I’ve been asked and I’ve seen so much time people asking questions about push notifications and the way this should work in react-native. As most of the react-native adopters are generally people from a web background they don’t know much about notifications behavior. Here is a common question I’m receive on Reddit. ❓ What is a push notification?👨🏻‍🔬 A push notification is a message with a titl

                                React Native push notifications guide for rookies and techies
                              • Designing notifications for apps

                                People of Medium, hello again. Continuing the Feature Breakdown series, here’s the 5th feature breakdown — Notification models for applications. Now notifications can be a complex feature to deal with. This article does not cover all the details around it, but I hope it will be enough to provide you with some clarity and a direction towards picking the right notification model for your application

                                  Designing notifications for apps
                                • Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

                                  Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows2024-04-03 Data is fundamental to any real-world application: the database storing your user data and inventory, the analytics tracking sales events and/or error rates, the object storage with your web assets and/or the Parquet files driving your data science team, and the vector database enabling semantic search or AI-powered recomme

                                    Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows
                                  • New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policies

                                    Join the official community for Google Workspace administrators In the Google Cloud Community, connect with Googlers and other Google Workspace admins like yourself. Participate in product discussions, check out the Community Articles, and learn tips and tricks that will make your work and life easier. Be the first to know what's happening with Google Workspace. ______________ Learn about more Goo

                                      New notifications when Drive content violates abuse program policies
                                    • 【Docker + Laravel】WebPushでプッシュ通知機能作成中のエラー 【WebPush gmp extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload . You can fix this in your php.ini】 - Qiita

                                      【Docker + Laravel】WebPushでプッシュ通知機能作成中のエラー 【WebPush gmp extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload . You can fix this in your php.ini】PHPerrorLaravelDockerWebPush はじめに 突然ですが、、、、 アプリケーションにメッセージのポップアップ通知機能を実装することになりました。 実装したい機能のイメージはこんな感じです。 (Gigazine様の記事から引用させていただきました。) 画像引用元:Google ChromeがMac OS Xでネイティブ・プッシュ通知に対応 Google Chrome使ってると出てくるアレです。 嫌いな人が多いのではないでしょうか

                                        【Docker + Laravel】WebPushでプッシュ通知機能作成中のエラー 【WebPush gmp extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload . You can fix this in your php.ini】 - Qiita
                                      • Knock | Notifications infrastructure for developers

                                        The most powerful notification system you'll never build.Knock is flexible, reliable notifications infrastructure that's built to scale with you. Use our APIs to engage users, power cross-channel workflows, and manage notification preferences.

                                          Knock | Notifications infrastructure for developers