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  • 保育・幼児教育は「出身家庭に起因する機会格差」を軽減する(柴田悠) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース

    「機会の格差」の実態欧米と同様に日本でも、「どのような家庭に生まれたか」(親の学歴・所得・養育態度など)は、子どもの成人後の社会生活状況と、偶然では説明しがたい確率で(=統計的に有意に)関連している。 日本での既存研究によれば、幼少期に親が(原因が何であれ)低学歴や低所得だった場合は(つまり出身家庭が社会経済的に不利だった場合は)、傾向として、親に心理的・身体的な余裕がなく、親の養育態度の質が低くなりやすく(Yamaguchi et al. 2018)、子どもの0-2歳時や小学校入学時での健康や発達に困難が生じやすく(菅原 2012)、子どもはその後、低学歴になりやすく、成人後も、非正規雇用・低所得・相対的貧困・生活困窮状態になりやすく(阿部 2011)、健康感や幸福感も低くなりやすい(Oshio et al. 2010)。 このように、「出身家庭の不利」が「成人後の不利」につながっている

      保育・幼児教育は「出身家庭に起因する機会格差」を軽減する(柴田悠) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
    • ノーベル経済学賞受賞者の親学のすゝめ - himaginary’s diary

      というタイトルは釣りだが、マンキューが「A good read」としてリンクしたインタビュー記事でジェームズ・ヘックマンが家族の大切さを説いている。 記事の冒頭でヘックマンは、アメリカンドリームは健在、と強調し、社会階層の固定化が進んだとする研究をいい加減な分析と切り捨てている。 Gonzalo Schwarz: Many commentators have said that it is not possible to achieve the American Dream any more in the United States. Do you think the American Dream is alive and well? Dr. James Heckman: Ask any immigrant. They are grateful for the chances that A

        ノーベル経済学賞受賞者の親学のすゝめ - himaginary’s diary
      • 岡村靖幸×岸本佐知子 対談「今にして思う<継続は力なり>の重み」|TV Bros. ( テレビブロス )

        岡村靖幸『あの娘と、遅刻と、勉強と』 note出張版 (ゲスト:岸本佐知子先生) 社会性と、夢と、10歳の自分と 雑誌 TV Bros.で連載中、岡村ちゃんが気になる人に根掘り葉掘りインタビューする『あの娘と、遅刻と、勉強と』。今回のお相手は翻訳家の岸本佐知子さん。文学の話、夢の話、育ちの話、モテの話……話題が次々に転がる、笑いのたえない対談となりました。TV Bros.2020年12月号掲載分に追加分を加えて倍になったおしゃべり、どうぞお楽しみください。 おかむら・やすゆき●1965年生まれ、兵庫県出身のシンガーソングライターダンサー。 きしもと・さちこ●上智大学文学部英文学科卒。洋酒メーカー宣伝部勤務を経て翻訳家に。主な訳書にルシア・ベルリン『掃除婦のための手引き書』、ミランダ・ジュライ『最初の悪い男』、リディア・デイヴィス『話の終わり』、ショーン・タン『セミ』『内なる町から来た話』、

          岡村靖幸×岸本佐知子 対談「今にして思う<継続は力なり>の重み」|TV Bros. ( テレビブロス )
        • Gallery - Kohinoor Pre-school

          Kohinoor Pre-school works closely with teachers and other team members to provide a high quality setting that meets the needs of all children and their families.

          • Blogs - Kohinoor Pre-school

            It's a known fact that Every parent is worried about how will they make their toddler to start writing. Basically, we try to give them patterns to follow, such as standing and sleeping lines, curves e[....] Kohinoor Pre-school works closely with teachers and other team members to provide a high quality setting that meets the needs of all children and their families.

            • Kohinoor Pre-school

              Kohinoor Pre-school works closely with teachers and other team members to provide a high quality setting that meets the needs of all children and their families. It is very important to build close relationships between school, classes and home. It is our responsibility to know every single child, to support their journey through academics and ensure that they flourish and grow. Educated, Attentiv

              • About - Kohinoor Pre-school

                Best Pre-School What Makes us Special? CCTV Surveillance Proper IQ development of your child with the help of renowned child psychologist Regular Dental Checkups for maintaining oral hygiene of your child. For those child within the age group of 4-5 years who have never gone to school, we have customized specially tailor made syllabus to prepare them for Kindergarten Regular evaluation of your chi

                • 'X Æ A-12 Musk': Grimes, Elon Musk explain the backstory of new baby boy's name

                  'X Æ A-12 Musk': Grimes, Elon Musk explain the backstory of new baby boy's name Congratulations are in order for Grimes and Elon Musk! The 32-year-old musical artist, whose real name is Claire Boucher, and her SpaceX and Tesla mastermind boyfriend welcomed their first child together on Monday, Musk tweeted. Musk, 48, shared a photo of himself holding the newborn in the hospital early Tuesday morni

                    'X Æ A-12 Musk': Grimes, Elon Musk explain the backstory of new baby boy's name
                  • Japanese ‘Kamakura’ Snow Hut Festivals 2024

                    Are you looking for some winter adventures in Japan other than active snowsports like skiing and snowboarding? How about a visit to a Kamakura festival? Kamakura is the Japanese name for an igloo, the handmade snow-hut dome. A kamakura was traditionally a place to worship the gods but it is now widely known as a place where you can enjoy some of the welcoming Japanese hospitality. They are a popul

                      Japanese ‘Kamakura’ Snow Hut Festivals 2024
                    • CSS { In Real Life } | Building a Scrapbook Layout with CSS Grid

                      My son was recently tasked with the responsibility of looking after his pre-school class teddy bear for the week, which comes with the obligation to take said teddy bear out on adventures and add your memories to a scrapbook. I quite enjoyed creating this scrapbook layout, and it got me thinking about how I would build something like this with CSS Grid! Compound grids Andy Clarke delivered a fanta

                        CSS { In Real Life } | Building a Scrapbook Layout with CSS Grid
                      • The hatred and vitriol Jacinda Ardern endured 'would affect anybody'

                        Within hours of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's shock resignation announcement in Napier, a small crowd gathers outside the city's conference centre. Unlike the steady stream of shocked Labour MPs still coming to terms with the news, these folks are celebrating. "Ding dong the witch is gone," a placard reads. Online, there are similar sentiments to be found among groups bitterly opposed to Ardern.

                          The hatred and vitriol Jacinda Ardern endured 'would affect anybody'
                        • OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China | 31 August 2022

                          1 OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China 31 August 2022 2 Contents Page I. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1-3 II. Background .......................................................................................

                          • 男女平等政策によって平等を失ったスウェーデン|Prof. Nemuro🏶

                            The XX Factor: How the Rise of Working Women Has Created a Far Less Equal World www.amazon.co.jp Scandinavian countries hold the record for gender segregation because they have gone the furthest in outsourcing traditional female activities and turning unpaid home-based ‘caring’ into formal employment. "The first feminist government in the world"を誇るスウェーデンについてグラフで確認する。 スウェーデンの148の職業(SSYK2012)を男の割合を基

                              男女平等政策によって平等を失ったスウェーデン|Prof. Nemuro🏶