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rankingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 55件

  • Hacker Newsで自作のOSSを紹介したらRanking 1位になり一晩で+100 stars付いた - valid,invalid

    自作のRuby gemをHacker Newsにて紹介したところ、一晩でGitHub repositoriesに100以上のstarsが付いて驚いた。また、リアルタイムでは見逃したのだがHacker News Rankingで数時間1位におり、20時間ほどトップページに載っていたらしい。2024-05-26現在は落ち着いて195pt。 投稿はこちら Show HN: PBT – A property-based testing library for Ruby | Hacker News。 2024-05-22のdaily rankingでは11位だった。 何について投稿したのか pbtという自作のテストツールで、property based testingを並列実行するというアイデアを実証したもの。このツールについてはRubyKaigi 2024で発表したので興味があればそちらの記事もご

      Hacker Newsで自作のOSSを紹介したらRanking 1位になり一晩で+100 stars付いた - valid,invalid
    • Note ranking algorithm

      How are Community Notes ranked? Learn more about our open-source algorithm

        Note ranking algorithm
      • Azure AI Search: Outperforming vector search with hybrid retrieval and ranking capabilities

        A common practice for implementing the retrieval step in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) applications is to use vector search. This approach finds relevant passages using semantic similarity. We fully support this pattern in Azure AI Search (formerly Azure Cognitive Search) and offer additional capabilities that complement and build on vector search to deliver markedly improved relevance. In

          Azure AI Search: Outperforming vector search with hybrid retrieval and ranking capabilities
        • The Rakuda Ranking of Japanese AI

          Rakuda is a ranking of Japanese Large Language Models based on how well they answer a set of open-ended questions in Japanese about Japanese topics. We hope that Rakuda can help stimulate the development of open-source models that perform well in Japanese, in the spirit of English-language leaderboards like Huggingface's human_eval_llm. For a detailed explanation of how Rakuda works, please check

            The Rakuda Ranking of Japanese AI
          • How Core Web Vitals affect application SEO: Understanding Google page experience ranking and Lighthouse scores – Vercel

            Core Web Vitals influence how your application's pages rank on Google. Here, we'll dive into what they are, how they’re measured, and how your users and search ranking are impacted by them. Malte Ubl is the CTO of Vercel and former Director of Google Search responsible for shipping the “Page Experience” ranking rollout—which heavily utilizes Core Web Vitals. That said, everything written here is p

              How Core Web Vitals affect application SEO: Understanding Google page experience ranking and Lighthouse scores – Vercel
            • Google Says HTML Structure Doesn't Matter Much For Ranking

              Home / Google News / Google SEO / Google: HTML Structure Doesn't Matter Much For Ranking Google: HTML Structure Doesn't Matter Much For Ranking Gary Illyes from Google said that the HTML structure for your web pages does not matter much for rankings. He said this on the latest Search Off The Record podcast, saying, "I know that some people like to think that HTML structure matters all so much for

                Google Says HTML Structure Doesn't Matter Much For Ranking
              • 7 must-see Google Search ranking documents in antitrust trial exhibits

                Search Engine Land » SEO » 7 must-see Google Search ranking documents in antitrust trial exhibits 7 must-see Google Search ranking documents in antitrust trial exhibits Learn Google's three pillars of ranking, the important role of end user data – how people interact with search – and more. The U.S. Department of Justice has released several new trial exhibits – including internal Google presentat

                  7 must-see Google Search ranking documents in antitrust trial exhibits
                • [アップデート]Amazon Personalizeで新たなレシピUser-Personalization-v2とPersonalized-Ranking-v2が使えるようになりました | DevelopersIO

                  実際に使ってみた これらのv2のレシピを実際に利用してみます。 以下のサイトより映画の評価データ(ml-latest.zip)をダウンロードして利用します。このデータを加工して、「特定のユーザーがある映画をある時間に見た」というリストとIDに紐づいた映画リストを作成し、次に見る映画をPersonalizeを使っておすすめするというシナリオです。レコード数を絞って、ユーザー10,000件に紐づく1,000,000レコードのデータを利用します。 MovieLens | GroupLens 「特定のユーザーがある映画をある時間に見た」というリストは以下のような形式でinteractions.csvという名称でS3バケット上に保存します。 USER_ID,ITEM_ID,TIMESTAMP 110561,47629,1311928128 110561,48600,1312008463 110561

                    [アップデート]Amazon Personalizeで新たなレシピUser-Personalization-v2とPersonalized-Ranking-v2が使えるようになりました | DevelopersIO
                  • Google Ads Pushing Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome

                    Home / Google News / Google Ads / Google Ads VP Emails Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome Google Ads VP Emails Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome A new email was leaked as part of the DOJ investigation, this was from Jerry Dischler, the Vice President of Google Ads. The email was to Prabhakar Raghavan, who leads up all of Goog

                      Google Ads Pushing Chrome & Search Team For Ranking Tweaks & Query Injections From Chrome
                    • GitHub - yuki0920/company-ranking: A website of listed companies in Japan

                      flowchart TB user[User] -->|Access| frontend[Next.js<br>Hosted on Vercel] frontend -->|Sends request| backendServer[Go Backend Server<br>Hosted on Google Cloud Run Service] backendServer -->|Fetches data| database[PostgreSQL<br>Hosted on Supabase] trigger[Google Cloud Scheduler] -->|Periodically triggers| backendWorker[Ruby Backend Worker<br>Hosted on Google Cloud Run Jobs] backendWorker -->|Fetch

                        GitHub - yuki0920/company-ranking: A website of listed companies in Japan
                      • 論文読み会 WWW2022 | Learning Probabilistic Box Embeddings for Effective and Efficient Ranking

                        論文読み会の資料です. (A slide for the paper-reading activity at my company, written in Japanese.)

                          論文読み会 WWW2022 | Learning Probabilistic Box Embeddings for Effective and Efficient Ranking
                        • How Google Search and ranking works, according to Google's Pandu Nayak

                          Search Engine Land » SEO » How Google Search and ranking works, according to Google’s Pandu Nayak How Google Search and ranking works, according to Google’s Pandu Nayak Learn how indexing, algorithms, deep learning systems, human raters, click and query data, and more shape Google's Search results. Pandu Nayak testified at the U.S. vs. Google antitrust trial back in October. All I remembered seein

                            How Google Search and ranking works, according to Google's Pandu Nayak
                          • GitHub - yuzu-ai/japanese-llm-ranking

                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                              GitHub - yuzu-ai/japanese-llm-ranking
                            • 日本庭園全国ランキング:しおさいプロジェクト The Garden Ranking Of Japan: Shiosai Project

                              What is the Shiosai Project? しおさいプロジェクトとは The Shiosai Project is a ground-breaking research endeavor that attempts to identify Japan's finest sukiya living environments based on quality. More than 30 international experts participate. They strive to rank nearly 1,000 of Japan's very best public gardens, including those at inns, restaurants, and historic estates. The project hopes to steer attentio

                              • Google Ranking Signals

                                His Work SEO Speaker – Events and Examples SEO Books Digital Marketing Brand Ambassador Link Building Training Udemy Courses Google Rank Signals His Words (blog) Internet Marketing PresentationsAs an experienced SEO Speaker. I have made hundreds of presentations over the years. Some of which, I have put up here on the blog. I also have others over on my SEO Slideshare channel. Search Engine Optimi

                                  Google Ranking Signals
                                • Improve Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Re-ranking

                                  In the world of GenAI, you’ll often come across the term RAG (Retrieval augmented Generation). Essentially, RAG is about giving additional relevant information (context) to large language models (LLMs) along with a query to help them generate better and relevant responses. Setting up a basic RAG system isn’t too complicated, but it often falls short in delivering highly accurate responses. One of

                                    Improve Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Re-ranking
                                  • Google's 14,000 Search Ranking Features Leaked

                                    Rand Fishkin along with Mike King may have published one of the biggest data leaks outside of the Department of Justice reveal around Google Search and its internal ranking features and signals. The document was from an anonymous source (no longer anonymous, see below) but verified by Rand Fishkin and contains a ton of details on how Google Search reportedly works. More importantly, it seems to co

                                      Google's 14,000 Search Ranking Features Leaked
                                    • Google Ranking Teetering In & Out Over Weekends

                                      Home / Google News / Google SEO / Google Ranking Teetering In & Out Over Weekends - Confirmed Bug Google Ranking Teetering In & Out Over Weekends - Confirmed Bug Google Search seems to be ranking some websites just fine during the weekdays and then removing that ranking over the weekends. It seems to be focusing heavily on non-standard TLDs, you know, those new vanity TLDs that you can make up. I

                                        Google Ranking Teetering In & Out Over Weekends
                                      • Google Just Added a NEW Local Pack Ranking Factor

                                        December 7, 2023 Joy Hawkins Strategy 9 Comments Recently, on the Local Search Forum, there was a thread from several business owners who were seeing abnormal map pack ranking fluctuations since the November 2023 core algorithm update. They were seeing drastic differences in rankings based on the time of day: “Rankings significantly dropped overnight. The position dropped from 1 to 10, and further

                                          Google Just Added a NEW Local Pack Ranking Factor
                                        • Google Ranking Algorithm Research Introduces TW-BERT

                                          Webinar Content Marketing: How To Find The True Value Of Your Marketing Funnel Join us as we explore a comprehensive approach for measuring the value of your content initiatives, so you can optimize resource allocation for maximum impact. Register For Free Ebook Leveraging Generative AI Tools For SEO Dive into our comprehensive ebook, Leveraging Generative AI Tools For SEO, and access insider insi

                                            Google Ranking Algorithm Research Introduces TW-BERT
                                          • 米国SparkToro社の「Google Ranking Factors 2019」を解説|社長コラム|東京都新宿区のWeb制作会社 - ウェブラボ

                                            少し前のことですが、先月、米国SparkToro社が、「Google Ranking Factors 2019」というレポートを発表しました。 もう既に読んだという方もいるかもしれませんが、こちらが原文↓です。 https://sparktoro.com/blog/resources/google-ranking-factors-2019/ この「Google Ranking Factors」というレポートは、これまで米国トップクラスのSEO会社であるMOZ社が発表してきました。SparkToro社は、そのMoz社の創設者であるRand Fishkin氏が新たに立ち上げた会社です。 ■このレポートは、その名の通り、Googleの検索アルゴリズムが、Webページの何をどのぐらい評価(重み付け)して検索結果の順位を決めているのか、全米のSEO専門家にアンケートをとってまとめたものです。 そこで

                                              米国SparkToro社の「Google Ranking Factors 2019」を解説|社長コラム|東京都新宿区のWeb制作会社 - ウェブラボ
                                            • Ranking of “Models that I think are masterpieces in the successive iPhone series”! Lightning cables that can still be used - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                              Ranking of “Models that I think are masterpieces in the successive iPhone series”! Lightning cables that can still be used According to Neravo on October 2, 2023, from September 13 to September 20, Neravo survey team conducted a survey titled “Which model do you think is a masterpiece in the successive generations of iPhone series? The survey was called “What model do you think is a masterpiece in

                                              • エコたん | hikaku-ranking-salon

                                                エコたんは こんな人にピッタリ! 総務省お墨付きサイトから購入したい方 購入前にバッテリー残量を把握したい方

                                                • 梅田ひるめし人気ranking-2023年7月

                                                  大阪はキタの中心街 梅田の ”うまいひるめし” 探してふんばるサラリーマン いつかは万福幸甚…梅田の昼飯訪問記★梅田ランチログ Weekly更新中 梅田ひるめしランチマップも好評掲載中 がんばる人へ…食欲増進ブログ ~梅田を食べ歩こう~ 大阪ひるめしさがそ彡 For your smile彡 from Umeda Osaka Japan ひるめしさがし● 梅田ひるめし550店UP ごちそうさま☆リポートUP ★B級グルメbot ひるめしの特集● 梅田からあげ物語UP 異国情緒香る…UP 色々楽しいおばんざい 大阪、粉もん祭り! たまごかけごはん。 イロイロ餃子な店 汗だくキムチと乳酸菌 特集をすべて見る… 人気ランキング● 3月RankingNEW 2月Ranking 1月Ranking 12月Ranking 11月Ranking 10月Ranking 9月Ranking Rankingをす

                                                  • ユーチューバーランキング・Twitterの反応をチェック! - YT Cobitt Ranking


                                                      ユーチューバーランキング・Twitterの反応をチェック! - YT Cobitt Ranking
                                                    • “2023 Popular Spots” Ranking!  2nd Place Goes to “Tokyo Disneyland,” and 1st Place? | Beyond or across the sea

                                                      Navitime Japan, the operator of navigation services such as “NAVITIME,” has announced the “2023 Navitime Spot Search Ranking” based on spots searched as destinations in 2023. In this article, we will introduce the “2023 Destination Search Spot Overall Ranking” from the compiled results. What was the most searched spot in 2023? Let’s take a look at the rankings right away! (Reference: Navitime “Ann

                                                        “2023 Popular Spots” Ranking!  2nd Place Goes to “Tokyo Disneyland,” and 1st Place? | Beyond or across the sea
                                                      • Sales Ranking of Major Home Appliance Retailers Behind the Scenes of Trends and Competition - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                        HOMEK-blog:お酒など農林水産物輸出、モバイルアクセサリ、ITデバイスの最新情報海外Sales Ranking of Major Home Appliance Retailers Behind the Scenes of Trends and Competition Consumer electronics retailers offer appliances that are indispensable to our daily lives and are expanding their product lineups as technology evolves. As more and more people visit electronics retailers and purchase the latest consumer electronics products, va

                                                        • 梅田ひるめし人気ranking-2024年6月

                                                          毎月初めはアクセスランキング…梅雨の前に真夏が来たって思わず勘違いの2024年初夏 '24年6月人気アクセスランキングUU2800(By Seesaaアクセス解析)。明るすぎず暗すぎず照度が適度で、レトロな雰囲気漂う店内。回転率が上がるようなシステムに長年の積み重ね…※過去ランキング・まとめ・特集などは結果から外してます '24年6月人気アクセスランキング第1位は グリル 欧風軒 ウルトラ人気の行列店 ※画像をクリックすると記事へリンクします ▼トリッキー2位 ▼ウオチカ。3位 ▼大衆酒場ぎふや3位 ▼大阪焼肉にと5位 ▼バルコラメント6位 ▼ピッコロ7位 ▼江戸川8位 ▼ピヨ9位 ▼なにわ酒房10位 バックナンバー’24.5 人気アクセスランキングフランスで表面に焦げ目をつける調理法から作られる料理をいうらしい。 梅田を食べ歩こう「梅田ひるめしランチマップ」

                                                          • 梅田ひるめし人気ranking-2023年10月

                                                            毎月初めはアクセスランキング…すっかり秋めいて梅田もカラフルな装い。ハロウィン・シーズンだもの。 '23年10月人気アクセスランキングUU2900(By Seesaaアクセス解析)。フワッとカラッと揚がった衣にしっとり揚げの鶏肉。その上にたっぷり以上の自家製タルタルソース。チキンの味わいと目立ちすぎない絶妙の距離感で愉しませてくれるチキン南蛮。※過去ランキング・まとめ・特集などは結果から外してます '23年10月人気アクセスランキング第1位は 酒と魚とオトコマエ食堂 LINKS UMEDAで営業中! ※画像をクリックすると記事へリンクします ▼漁師酒場2位 ▼UMEYOSHI3位 ▼新宿中村屋4位 ▼あんばい5位 ▼祭太鼓6位 ▼おだしもん7位 ▼とろ麦8位 ▼しんぱち食堂9位 ▼サイゼリヤ10位 バックナンバー’23.9 人気アクセスランキング秘伝のタレで煮込まれた牛肉の色味が牛めし無敵

                                                            • Latest Ranking Shifts Dashboard via GSC [V3 by @aleyda]

                                                              Looker Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.

                                                                Latest Ranking Shifts Dashboard via GSC [V3 by @aleyda] 
                                                              • 梅田ひるめし人気ranking-2023年12月

                                                                毎月初めはアクセスランキング…新年迎える準備も慌ただしい師走。 '23年12月人気アクセスランキングUU10400(By Seesaaアクセス解析)。2024年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。(令和6年迎春)※過去ランキング・まとめ・特集などは結果から外してます '23年12月人気アクセスランキング第1位は 酒と魚とオトコマエ食堂 返り咲きの第一位 ※画像をクリックすると記事へリンクします ▼黒門まぐろ2位 ▼漁師酒場3位 ▼ご飯ととろろ4位 ▼大阪堂島とろ家5位 ▼宇治園喫茶去6位 ▼大阪トンテキ7位 ▼VICTOR8位 ▼おだしもん9位 ▼ALBERTA10位 バックナンバー’23.11 人気アクセスランキング黒っぽい深色が、まるで宝石のように引き込まれる鰹のたたき。 梅田を食べ歩こう「梅田ひるめしランチマップ」

                                                                • Ranking of the most popular “MagSafe compatible chargers”! MIRODIA “SNAPPaD Visi.O” diameter 5.5cm thickness 6mm iphone14/15 50% charge in 20 minutes - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                  Ranking of the most popular “MagSafe compatible chargers”! MIRODIA “SNAPPaD Visi.O” diameter 5.5cm thickness 6mm iphone14/15 50% charge in 20 minutes According to Neravo on October 1, “Magsafe” is a unique charging system for Apple devices implemented from the iPhone 12 series. Since it is attached magnetically, it is highly stable and convenient for easy charging. Why not check out Magsafe-compat

                                                                  • iphone docomo sales ranking: Lightning cable for iPhone 14 or earlier - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                    HOMEK-blog:お酒など農林水産物輸出、モバイルアクセサリ、ITデバイスの最新情報海外iphone docomo sales ranking: Lightning cable for iPhone 14 or earlier According to ITmediaMobile on September 23, based on the “best-selling ranking” published by docomo Online Shop, the iPhone 13 mini (128GB model) took the top spot for the period from September 11 to September 17. Apple released the iPhone 13 Apple announced the iPhone 15 series on S

                                                                    • Ranking of the most popular “MagSafe iPhone 15 Pro Cases”! No. 2 is the shock-resistant “TORRAS Guardian-Mag iPhone 15 pro case” and No. 1? - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                      Ranking of the most popular “MagSafe iPhone 15 Pro Cases”! No. 2 is the shock-resistant “TORRAS Guardian-Mag iPhone 15 pro case” and No. 1? Today, we would like to introduce MICRODIA’s mobile case for iPhone 15. What is MICRODIA? MICRODIA is an American mobile accessory manufacturer that has been in business for 32 years and is very popular in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Apple’s MF

                                                                      • Ranking of the most popular steaks in Shiga Prefecture! The second place is “Meat Cuisine Kusutaro”, and the first place is ? September 2023 Edition - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                        Ranking of the most popular steaks in Shiga Prefecture! The second place is “Meat Cuisine Kusutaro”, and the first place is ? September 2023 Edition September 24, 2023: For those looking for steak recommendations in Shiga Prefecture according to Neravo, here are the restaurants that received high marks from users in September 2023. [Image: See ranking No. 10 to No. 1]. Please refer to the latest d

                                                                        • 梅田ひるめし人気ranking-2023年11月

                                                                          毎月初めはアクセスランキング…いつもと違うRankingに驚いてしまった11月。 '23年11月人気アクセスランキングUU6000(By Seesaaアクセス解析)。たくさんの方に閲覧いただき感謝です。根強い人気の居酒屋ランチがトップへ返り咲き。※過去ランキング・まとめ・特集などは結果から外してます '23年11月人気アクセスランキング第1位は 漁師酒場 あらき そろそろ行きたいかな ※画像をクリックすると記事へリンクします ▼オトコマエ食堂2位 ▼中華スタンド3位 ▼宇治園喫茶去4位 ▼ご飯ととろろ5位 ▼大阪堂島とろ家6位 ▼VICTOR7位 ▼おだしもん8位 ▼大阪トンテキ9位 ▼新世界串カツ10位 バックナンバー’23.10 人気アクセスランキング東京新宿の中村屋さん…ご当地のスパイシーな料理を堪能できる又とない機会を楽しんだ一時。 梅田を食べ歩こう「梅田ひるめしランチマップ」

                                                                          • Latest FIFA Rankings: Japan up one rank to 19th… Highest ranking since January 2012; Asian teams remain on top. - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                            Latest FIFA Rankings: Japan up one rank to 19th… Highest ranking since January 2012; Asian teams remain on top. September 21, 2012: According to FOOTBALLZONE, the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) released its latest FIFA rankings on September 21. Japan has moved up one spot to 19th since its release in July this year, while Argentina remains in first place. Portugal, which

                                                                            • iPhone Ranking - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                              According to BCN on October 8, the following is the ranking of actual unit sales of smartphones (by series) according to the daily “BCN Ranking” data from September 25 to October 1, 2023. No. 1 iPhone 13 (Apple) No. 2 iPhone 15 (Apple) No. 3 iPhone 15 Pro (Apple) No. 4 iPhone SE (3rd) (Apple) No. 5 Pixel 7a (Google) No. 6 iPhone 14 (Apple) No. 7 Pixel 6a (Google) No. 8 iPhone 15 Pro Max (Apple) No

                                                                              • Shipment ranking of 6 types of IC cards! No.1 is Felica Lite-S, Mifare Ultralite, Mifare 1K | 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                                HOMEK-blog海外Shipment ranking of 6 types of IC cards! No.1 is Felica Lite-S, Mifare Ultralite, Mifare 1K The lowest price in the industry! IC card “FeliCa, Mifare” IC card readers with type approval from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications are also on sale at the same time! Demand is expanding for remote work! Smart cards and card readers that can be used for access control employee

                                                                                • Ranking of the most popular yakiniku restaurants in Fukushima Prefecture! - 宏福商事合同会社 KOFUKU TRADING L.L.C.

                                                                                  HOMEK-blog:お酒など農林水産物輸出、モバイルアクセサリ、ITデバイスの最新情報海外Ranking of the most popular yakiniku restaurants in Fukushima Prefecture! According to Neravo on September 19, 2023, for those who are looking for recommended yakiniku restaurants in Fukushima Prefecture, here are the restaurants that were highly rated by users in September 2023. The data reflects the latest data, so please use it as a reference. Let’s