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  • “They”が単数形に 英語辞典の世界的権威が認めた新たな用法 | 文春オンライン

    「They」は三人称代名詞の複数形だが性別を問わない、つまりジェンダー・ニュートラルな言葉だ。対して三人称代名詞の単数形は「She」もしくは「He」と性別がある。冒頭の投稿で、サム・スミスは自分はノン・バイナリー(性自認が男性でも女性でもない)であり、今後は 「He」ではなく「They」と呼んでほしいとして発言したのだ。メリアム・ウェブスターはその用法を辞書に加筆したのだった。 文法的にも正しいと認められた単数形の「They/Them」 英語は日本語のように主語を省けない言語につき、三人称の場合は文頭に「She」または「He」を使わなければならず、目的語にも「her」「him」が多用される。だが男女の2区分に違和感を覚える人たちや、男女のどちらでもないと感じる人たちがいる。そこで性別を問わない「They/Them」を単数形としても使う人たちが現れた。 とはいえ、あくまで一部の人たちによる使

      “They”が単数形に 英語辞典の世界的権威が認めた新たな用法 | 文春オンライン
    • Olivia Wilde Says Controversial Depiction of ‘Richard Jewell’ Journalist Was Out of Her Control

      Together with reporter Ron Martz, Scruggs went on to break the story of Jewell being under suspicion. He was cleared 88 days later after having his life upended. The screenplay for Eastwood’s film was written by Billy Ray and based on the Vanity Fair article by Marie Brenner. “I cannot speak for the creative decisions made by the filmmakers, as I did not have a say in how the film was ultimately c

        Olivia Wilde Says Controversial Depiction of ‘Richard Jewell’ Journalist Was Out of Her Control
      • How do we treat our clients in the relational framework? 2.

        How do we treat our clients in the relational framework? 2. As for the pluralism in psychoanalysis, Dr. Glen Gabbard asserts that “contemporary psychoanalysis is marked by a pluralism unknown in any prior era and this extends to theories of therapeutic action” (p.823) . Gabbard, G.O. Westen, D. (2003). Rethinking therapeutic action. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 84(4):823-841. Also he states: “Insight is

        • Public Domain Day 2024 | Duke University School of Law

          Tweet January 1, 2024 is Public Domain Day: Works from 1928 are open to all, as are sound recordings from 1923! By Jennifer Jenkins Director, Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain CC BY 4.0 Please note that this site is only about US law; the copyright terms in other countries may be different.[1] On January 1, 2024, thousands of copyrighted works from 1928 will enter the US public domain

            Public Domain Day 2024 | Duke University School of Law
          • [PDF]分野別研究動向(難民・強制移住学)——海外における強制移住学の過去10年とこれから——

            《 研究動向 》 分野別研究動向(難民・強制移住学) 海外における強制移住学の過去 10 年とこれから 橋 本 直 子* 1 は じ め に 「Itʼs an impossible task!」 本稿の執筆に際し海外の著名な強制移住研究者数名1) にアドバイスを仰いだとこ ろ,全員から異口同音に上記のような反応が返ってきた.それほど近年の海外にお ける強制移住研究は質・量ともに非常に充実してきており,筆者個人の力量という 意味でも,限りある紙面という意味でも,包括的に網羅することは不可能である. そこで,本稿で触れられること,触れられないことの境界線を明らかにする意味も 含め,まず,本稿執筆にあたって参照した学術雑誌,研究所,主要出版物を紹介す る.それにより,本稿を執筆する上での方法論の説明も兼ねたい.次に,それら参 考資料を過去 10 年間分(2020 年 8 月まで)振り返った上で抽

            • Women, Business and the Law 2021

              WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2021 WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2021 © 2021 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 24 23 22 21 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and concl

              • Japan’s Support for Gay Marriage Is Soaring. But Can It Become Law? (Published 2019)

                TOKYO — Ikuo Sato stood in front of a Tokyo court in April and told the world he was gay. To a packed room, he described the anxiety he had felt as a young man, struggling to express his sexuality in Japan’s restrictive society. If the law is changed to allow same-sex marriage, he said, perhaps “we’ll make a society where the next generation doesn’t have to feel that way.” Somewhere in the courtro

                  Japan’s Support for Gay Marriage Is Soaring. But Can It Become Law? (Published 2019)
                • https://www.ellegirl.jp/celeb/a39637379/queerbaiting-celebrities-22-0407/

                  • Guilty Gear and The Universal Trans Experience

                    If I had a nickel for every time Guilty Gear reinterpreted a beloved (read: loathed) +R character as transgender I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but with A.B.A and Zappa still to be revealed I think I stand to make a nice profit. The reaction to Testament’s redesign didn’t shock me but it did confuse me. Apart from the 5-star facial feminisation surgery, Strive Testament is really not

                      Guilty Gear and The Universal Trans Experience
                    • In Rare Move, Japanese Pop Star Comes Out Publicly as Gay (Published 2023)

                      At first, there was total silence. Then, there were shrieks, wild applause, weeping and shouts of “I love you!” Fans of Shinjiro Atae, a J-pop idol who has been on a nearly two-year performance hiatus, had come to hear him talk about “the challenge of my life.” Standing onstage in a dark auditorium in front of 2,000 fans in central Tokyo on Wednesday night, he revealed something he has kept hidden

                        In Rare Move, Japanese Pop Star Comes Out Publicly as Gay (Published 2023)
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                          • [[Vedere]] » Hijra in Between (2021) film completo streaming ita hd huy - Eclipse Magazine

                            CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH >> https://iyxwfilm.xyz/movie/600950/hijra-in-between.html GUARDA ORA: Link diretto streaming FILM online ITA === https://iyxwfilm.xyz/movie/600950/hijra-in-between.html COMPLETO@)) Hijra in Between Film Italiano HD Streaming Online VK DVDrip (COMPLETO 2015) Link Streaming Hijra in Between === https://iyxwfilm.xyz/movie/600950/hijra-in-between.html sull’uscita: 2021-03-31

                              [[Vedere]] » Hijra in Between (2021) film completo streaming ita hd huy - Eclipse Magazine
                            • (PDF) Who Punishes Promiscuous Women? Both Women and Men are Prejudiced Towards Sexually-Accessible Women, but Only Women Inflict Costly Punishment.

                              Across human societies, female sexuality is suppressed by gendered double standards, slut shaming, sexist rape laws, and honour killings. The question of what motivates societies to punish promiscuous women, however, has been contested. Although some have argued that men suppress female sexuality to increase paternity certainty, others maintain that this is an example of intrasexual competition. H

                                (PDF) Who Punishes Promiscuous Women? Both Women and Men are Prejudiced Towards Sexually-Accessible Women, but Only Women Inflict Costly Punishment.
                              • Byung-Chul Han - Wikipedia

                                Byung-Chul Han (born 1959) is a South Korean-born philosopher and cultural theorist living in Germany.[1] He was a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts and still occasionally gives courses there. Biography[edit] Byung-Chul Han studied metallurgy at Korea University in Seoul[2] before he moved to Germany in the 1980s to study philosophy, German literature and Catholic theology in Freiburg

                                  Byung-Chul Han - Wikipedia
                                • 陽の当たらなかった女性作曲家たち | ウィメンズアクションネットワーク Women's Action Network

                                  2024.03.15 Fri 今月は今シリーズ最終回、イギリス人のレベッカ・クラーク(RebeccaClarke)をお送りします。1886年、イギリスのハーロウに生まれ、1979年、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨークで亡くなりました。イギリスには同世代にエセル・スマイスがおり、婦人参政権運動に大きく貢献し、女性たちの賛歌 ”ウィメンズマーチ”を作曲しました。 父ジョセフ…

                                    陽の当たらなかった女性作曲家たち | ウィメンズアクションネットワーク Women's Action Network
                                  • Critical Race Theory // Purdue Writing Lab

                                    Summary: This resource will help you begin the process of understanding literary theory and schools of criticism and how they are used in the academy. Introduction Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a theoretical and interpretive mode that examines the appearance of race and racism across dominant cultural modes of expression. In adopting this approach, CRT scholars attempt to understand how victims

                                      Critical Race Theory // Purdue Writing Lab
                                    • Order Cialis. Buy Cheap Cialis Online - OTS News forum

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                                      • Is writing this book a waste of time? - Bob Bly’s Blog - bly.com direct marketing blog

                                        Anne Fernald, an English professor at Fordham, has spent 10 years — that’s right, a full decade — working on a scholarly edition of the Virginia Woolf novel “Mrs. Dalloway” … and she’s not even done yet. Mind you, she’s not writing a novel. Virginia Wolf wrote it in 1925. All she is doing is annotating it with footnotes. When I read about this in the 3/31/14 issue of The Christian Science Monitor,

                                        • Aセク入門(1)Aセクの定義|夜のそら:Aセク情報室

                                          そこで、「AVENはAセクについての知識の基盤・共有財産だ」ということを書きました。特に、「About Asexuality」というコーナーの「定義」や「よくある質問」は、Aセクについての基本的な知識を手に入れるためのとっても良質なコーナーです。 とはいえ、いきなりここを読んでも、何を言っているのかよく分からないことが多いと思います。ですので、「General FAQ」のなかでも一番大切な【定義(Definition)】の項目の解説を、これから連載しようと思います。 それで、結果として「Aセクシュアル入門」みたいなものを書ければいいな、という期待から、タイトルは「Aセク入門」としました。 まず、ここが【定義】のページです(https://www.asexuality.org/?q=general.html)。ここでは、15の大切な言葉について、その定義を紹介しています。ただ、説明を分かりや

                                          • NYT Contributors’ Letter

                                            UPDATE: Thursday, April 6, 2023 The following was sent to NYT publisher A.G. Sulzberger on Thursday, April 6 2023: Dear A.G. Sulzberger, We write to address the Times’ response to our February 15 letter, which includes statements by the external communications department, memos by the newspaper’s masthead, and standards editor Philip B. Corbett’s reply of March 1. The Times’ actions in recent week

                                            • From the Newsletter: Blowing the Whistle on ECPAT - Prostasia Foundation

                                              Editor’s Note: Prostasia is reprinting useful material from our newsletter for blog readers. This essay first ran in the November 2020 newsletter. To keep up to date on everything happening at Prostasia, you can sign up for the newsletter here. In Prostasia’s analysis of the Canadian Godbout case, in which Canadian child pornography law was ruled unconstitutionally overbroad, we mentioned in passi

                                                From the Newsletter: Blowing the Whistle on ECPAT - Prostasia Foundation
                                              • Brave New World Revisited (1958) by Aldous Huxley

                                                Contents Foreword I Over-Population II Quantity, Quality, Morality III Over-Organization IV Propaganda in a Democratic Society V Propaganda Under a Dictatorship VI The Arts of Selling VII Brainwashing VIII Chemical Persuasion IX Subconscious Persuasion X Hypnopaedia XI Education for Freedom XII What Can Be Done? The soul of wit may become the very body of untruth. However elegant and memorable, br

                                                • Toxic Femininity: What Is It and What You Need to Know

                                                  Toxic Femininity Exists: What is it and what you need to know We’ve all heard the phrase “toxic masculinity” thrown around. Think aggressive, dominant behavior, objectifying, catcalling, mansplaining, hell – even man-spreading. We really have gone into depth… But what about the reverse side: toxic femininity – is it a thing? What is Toxic Femininity? Toxic femininity is essentially a way for women

                                                    Toxic Femininity: What Is It and What You Need to Know
                                                  • The 100 Best Albums of the 2010s

                                                    The 100 Best Albums of the 2010s The music that defined the past decade If it’s not already obvious, we love to rank things. The best movies on Netflix, the best horror novels of all time, the best hazy IPAs. It’s not because we believe we have the definitive opinion or we can accurately distill something like a decade of recorded music into a simple list, but because we love to share what we love

                                                      The 100 Best Albums of the 2010s
                                                    • The 100 Best Movies of the ’90s

                                                      As if. While the ‘90s may still be linked with a wide variety of dubious holdovers — including curious slang, questionable fashion choices, and sinister political agendas — many of the decade’s cultural contributions have cast an outsized shadow on the first stretch of the 21st century. Nowhere is that phenomenon more obvious or explicable than it is at the movies. The ’90s began with a revolt aga

                                                        The 100 Best Movies of the ’90s
                                                      • Gender Critical = Gender Conservative

                                                        Content Warning: The following post includes a discussion of transphobia and transmisogyny. How has gender become a map of a moment? Why do so many movements present themselves as against gender? In a recent article, Judith Butler shows how the difficulty of giving an account of the anti-gender movement tells us something about how that movement works: “Anti-gender movement mobilizes a range of rh

                                                          Gender Critical = Gender Conservative
                                                        • A is for Anti-Sexual:Aセクシュアルがここにいる|夜のそら:Aセク情報室

                                                          こんばんは。夜のそらです。 もうすぐ、この「夜のそら:Aセク情報室」を始めてから1年になります。このブログを始めた直接の大きなきっかけは、「Aセクシュアル・マニフェスト」(Asexual Manifesto)を日本語で紹介したいと思ったからでした。ただ、それだけでなく、Aセク(Asexuality)についての日本語の情報源のひとつになれたらいいな、という思いでブログは書いていました。自分としては、そこそこ頑張ったと思っています。 1.わたしの結論 でも、もうすぐ1年、ということで振り返ってみると、最近は自分の(A)ジェンダーについての話題が増えてしまいました。もちろん、Aセクシュアルであることと、Aジェンダーであることは、わたし個人のなかでは切り離せません。でも、自分の(A)ジェンダーについては言葉にできないと思っていたし、人に伝えたいとも思っていませんでした。ところが、今年2月の『現代思

                                                            A is for Anti-Sexual:Aセクシュアルがここにいる|夜のそら:Aセク情報室
                                                          • TÉLÉCHARGER { Hijra in Between (2021) } FILM COMPLET Regarder film en ligne oyx - Eclipse Magazine

                                                            HomeMenu TogglePrivacy PolicyMenu ToggleCookies and PrivacyTerms and Conditions for UsersTerms & Conditions for AdvertisersEclipse Magazine Competition Terms & ConditionsAbout EclipseRACECOURSE GUIDESRacingMenu ToggleNewsTrainers Tales: George Baker’s BlogThe Rookies Guide to RacingWhat’s OnFestival GuidesBettingMenu ToggleBeginners Guide to BettingFashionMenu ToggleWhat to WearWomen’s FashionMen’

                                                              TÉLÉCHARGER { Hijra in Between (2021) } FILM COMPLET Regarder film en ligne oyx - Eclipse Magazine
                                                            • SCUMマニフェスト - Wikipedia

                                                              この「社会」における「生活」はよく言ってもきわめて退屈であり、女性にゆかりのある「社会」的側面など全くないわけであるから、市民感覚にすぐれて責任感が強く、そしてスリルを求める女性たちに残された道は、政府転覆と貨幣システムの廃止、完璧なオートメイションと男性の皆殺しだけである。 ソラナスはまず、男性をY染色体のせいで遺伝的な欠陥を抱える「不完全な女性」とみなす理論を提示する[28]。この遺伝的な欠陥のために男性は感情に乏しくなり、自己中心的で、情熱的になったり誰かと本当の意味での交流を果たすことができなくなっているのだ。そして男性は共感能力に欠け、自分の身体感覚と切り離してものごとを考えることができない[28]。マニフェストはさらに、男性は生涯を費やして自らも女性になろうとすることでその劣等感を克服する努力に身を捧げる、と論じる。そのために男性は「絶えず女性を探し求め、親しみあい、辛い思いを

                                                              • Erin Pizzey - Wikipedia

                                                                Erin Patria Margaret Pizzey CBE (/ˈpɪtsi/;[2] born 19 February 1939) is a British ex-feminist, Men's rights activist and advocate against domestic violence, and novelist.[3][4][5][6][7] She is known for having started the first and currently the largest domestic violence shelter in the modern world, Refuge, then known as Chiswick Women's Aid, in 1971.[8][1][9] Pizzey says that she has been the sub

                                                                  Erin Pizzey - Wikipedia
                                                                • Feature: A Guide to the Odagiri Effect • Anime UK News

                                                                  “If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more audacious.” – Alphonse Karr. It is a question that many anime fans have asked themselves: what is it about high school male sports teams that make them so sexy? This is also probably going to be the first question put to me, if I should ever end up in court about why so many sports anime have a “special” following, in which most pe

                                                                    Feature: A Guide to the Odagiri Effect • Anime UK News
                                                                  • The 10 Best Albums of 2019

                                                                    The most compelling albums released this year include three Brits with vastly different sounds, a 17-year-old Angeleno and an elder statesman of the New York underground rap world. Almost all of them deal, in one way or another, with the current moment of global anxiety—whether directly protesting authority figures or offering an escape valve. Here, TIME’s best albums of 2019. 10. James Blake, Ass

                                                                      The 10 Best Albums of 2019
                                                                    • 11松浦.indd

                                                                      115 研究論文 メランコリー的ジェンダーと強制的性愛 —アセクシュアルの 「抹消」 に関する理論的考察 松浦優 1 はじめに compulsory sexuality 1 Gupta, 2015 2 3 3 1 Compulsory sexuality 2 116� | Gender and Sexuality vol.15 4 5 6 2 アセクシュアルによる強制的性愛への抵抗とジェンダー二元論の相対化 1 2 3 4 研究論文 : メランコリー的ジェンダーと強制的性愛 |�117 4 Przybylo 2016: 185 MacInnis and Hodson, 2012 2 Gupta, 2017 Przybylo, 2011, p.446 Przybylo, 2011, p.446 Przybylo, 2011, pp.446-447 3 The Asexual Visibili

                                                                      • http://url-qr.tk/Zopiclone - Billig Zopiclone ? Rabatt kaufen Zopiclone

                                                                        http://url-qr.tk/Zopiclone - Billig Zopiclone ? Rabatt kaufen Zopiclone Diskutiere http://url-qr.tk/Zopiclone - Billig Zopiclone ? Rabatt kaufen Zopiclone im Windows 7 Forum im Bereich Windows; Deutsche Apotheke - Billig Zopiclone URL == Klicken Sie hier, um zur... Deutsche Apotheke - Billig Zopiclone URL == Klicken Sie hier, um zur Apotheke zu gelangen. - Niedriger Preis für hochwertige Medikamen

                                                                        • 兎丸愛美 - Wikipedia

                                                                          6人兄弟の末子で19歳の時に、遺影のつもりでヌード写真を撮ったことをきっかけに、ヌードモデルとして活動を始めた[2]。 2014年にヌードモデルを始める[3]。 2016年に舞台『幽霊』で女優として活動を始める[4]。 2017年にカメラマンとして活動を始める[5][6]。 2018年にSNSコンテンツ「ravi.me」のモデルに起用された[7][注釈 1]。 2022年9月25日に、自身が連載していた「旬刊うさまるまなみ」にて活動終了を発表した[8]。

                                                                          • Irreversible Damage - Wikipedia

                                                                            Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters is a 2020 book by Abigail Shrier, published by Regnery Publishing, which endorses the controversial concept of rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD).[1][2][3] ROGD is not recognized as a medical diagnosis by any major professional institution nor is it backed by credible scientific evidence.[1] Shrier states that there was a "sudden,

                                                                              Irreversible Damage - Wikipedia
                                                                            • The 100 Best Albums of 2019

                                                                              In modern times, albums have largely lost their physical form and have become more like playlists, feature-packed endeavors that exist to game streaming algorithms and be consumed piecemeal. But this year, artists like Lana Del Rey and FKA Twigs—as well as bands like Big Thief and Sunn O))) who broke convention and released not one, but two phenomenal albums in 2019—proved that the art form still

                                                                                The 100 Best Albums of 2019
                                                                              • Sons of Tokyo, dreams of Europe

                                                                                Sons of Tokyo, dreams of EuropeTwo men, a century apart, contend for Europe’s future IN THE SUMMER of 1896 a carriage pulled into the town of Ronsperg in western Bohemia. It carried the new mistress of the castle, a young Japanese woman trained as a geisha who, by virtue of her marriage one year earlier to a progressive Austro-Hungarian diplomat, had become Countess Mitsuko von Coudenhove-Kalergi.

                                                                                  Sons of Tokyo, dreams of Europe
                                                                                • Geographers, sociologists, philosophers etc. on covid-19

                                                                                  Thinking about place and power – a site written and curated by Stuart Elden Several pieces by geographers, sociologists and philosophers – presented without commentary. First posted 24 March 2020; last updated 15 August 2020. Thanks to those who have sent additional ones, especially Michael O’Rourke, Dirk and Foucault News. I’m no longer updating this as much as before, as there are just too many

                                                                                    Geographers, sociologists, philosophers etc. on covid-19