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  • Google、検索結果のスクレイピングツール対策を強化、順位取得ツールなどに影響 - SEMリサーチ

    要約 Googleが検索結果スクレイピングツールへの対策を強化し、一部のSEO分析ツールが影響を受けることが明らかになりました。Googleが検索サービス利用時に JavaScriptが有効になっていることを求めるよう仕様変更したためと考えられます。順位取得ツールの選定ではベンダー各社の「復旧スピード」「顧客との連携」「技術基盤」が重要です。 障害まとめメモ 障害内容:検索順位計測ツールがGoogle検索における検索順位を取得できない 発生日時:日本時間 2025年1月16~17日頃より 原因:Google検索がJavaScriptが有効でないクライアントに検索結果を返さないため(bot対策が強化された) 影響範囲:サードパーティーの順位計測ツールやスクレイピングツールの一部 要約 障害まとめメモ Googleがbot対策を強化、スクレイピングや順位取得ツールをブロック 検索結果スクレイピ

      Google、検索結果のスクレイピングツール対策を強化、順位取得ツールなどに影響 - SEMリサーチ
    • Blueskyのユーザー数が3000万人を突破して開発者らからも喜びの声

      SNS「Bluesky」のユーザー数動向を記録している「Stats for Bluesky by Jaz」のデータにより、Blueskyのユーザー数が3000万人を突破したことが明らかになりました。 Stats for Bluesky by Jaz (jaz.bsky.social) https://bsky.jazco.dev/stats Stats for Bluesky by Jazの数字はどんどん更新されていて、記事作成時点でのBlueskyのユーザー数は3013万6978人まで増えています。 Bluesky公式アカウントによる、ユーザー数3000万人到達のお祝いの投稿。ジェイ・グレイバーCEOはこの投稿をリポストして祝意を示しています。 this is how it feels to reach 30 MILLION users!!! [image or embed]— Blue

      • The state of Vim [LWN.net]

        January 10, 2025 This article was contributed by Murukesh Mohanan The death of Bram Moolenaar, Vim founder and benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), in 2023 sent a shock through the community, and raised concern about the future of the project. At VimConf 2024 in November, current Vim maintainer Christian Brabandt delivered a keynote on "the new Vim project" that detailed how the community has reor

        • More Speech and Fewer Mistakes | Meta

          Meta’s platforms are built to be places where people can express themselves freely. That can be messy. On platforms where billions of people can have a voice, all the good, bad and ugly is on display. But that’s free expression. In his 2019 speech at Georgetown University, Mark Zuckerberg argued that free expression has been the driving force behind progress in American society and around the worl

            More Speech and Fewer Mistakes | Meta
          • OpenAI just put the final nail in the coffin of the open World Wide Web

            OpenAI just put the final nail in the coffin of the open World Wide Web 25 Jan, 2025 This week OpenAI released a new offering called Operator. Operator is basically an AI agent that will browse the web for you. They weren't the first to do it, Anthropic released something called "computer use" a few months back, but with their brand recognition they've caused a stir. My take is that Operator is th

              OpenAI just put the final nail in the coffin of the open World Wide Web
            • 15年の歴史を持つYouTubeチャンネルが警告も説明もないまま突如削除されてしまう事態が発生

              音楽ソフトウェア開発企業のSinevibesの創業者であるアルテミー・パブロフ氏は、自社製品を宣伝するために15年にわたってYouTubeチャンネルを運営してきました。ところが2025年2月3日、この歴史あるYouTubeチャンネルが一度の警告すら与えられないまま、突然削除されてしまったとのことです。 “Zero warnings”: Longtime YouTuber rails against unexplained channel removal - Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/02/youtube-briefly-banned-15-year-old-channel-with-no-strikes-and-wont-say-why/ パブロフ氏は現地時間の2月3日、「私たちのYouTubeチャンネルが『

              • Google検索ランキングチェックツールが機能しなくなる、原因はJavaScriptの実行が必要になったため

                [レベル: 中級] Google 検索結果を生成するプロセスで JavaScript の実行が要求されるようになりました。 結果として、ランキングチェックツールのなかには正常に機能しなくなるものが出ています。 異常なデータを示すランキングチェックツール 2025 年 1 月 11 日頃から普段には見られない特異なデータを示すランキングチェックツールが頻出しています。 📷Advanced Web Rankings 📷Accuranker 📷Cognitive SEO どのツールも順位変動が普段よりもかなり穏やかな状態を示しています。 なかには、明らかに計測に異常を期待していたり計測不能になったりするツールもでていたようです。 原因は Google 検索の JavaScript ランキングチェックツールが正常に機能しなくなった理由は、Google 検索が JavaScript の実行を必

                • AI haters build tarpits to trap and trick AI scrapers that ignore robots.txt

                  View of an insect dissolving in a carnivorous pitcher plant, which inspired an AI tarpit called Nepenthes. Credit: Jerry Redfern / Contributor | LightRocket View of an insect dissolving in a carnivorous pitcher plant, which inspired an AI tarpit called Nepenthes. Credit: Jerry Redfern / Contributor | LightRocket Last summer, Anthropic inspired backlash when its ClaudeBot AI crawler was accused of

                    AI haters build tarpits to trap and trick AI scrapers that ignore robots.txt
                  • (❤´艸`❤) How do I talk to a live person at Comcast?  · Customer Self-Service

                    ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                    • X(Twitter)スパムを通知欄からもワンクリック報告 ~「Clean-Spam-Link-Tweet」v1.9.8.4/危険なリンク・鬱陶しいスパムをタイムラインから一掃する無償のブラウザー拡張機能

                        X(Twitter)スパムを通知欄からもワンクリック報告 ~「Clean-Spam-Link-Tweet」v1.9.8.4/危険なリンク・鬱陶しいスパムをタイムラインから一掃する無償のブラウザー拡張機能
                      • ✍(◔◡◔)How do I talk to a live person at Comcast?  · Customer Self-Service

                        ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                        • ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━┓How do I get help with Comcast email?  · Customer Self-Service

                          Home Forums General Discussion ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━┓How do I get help with Comcast email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking f

                          • ⨶+1-877-201-4426⨶ How do I get help with Comcast email?  · Customer Self-Service

                            Home Forums General Discussion ⨶+1-877-201-4426⨶ How do I get help with Comcast email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looki

                            • How to recover a robinhood account?

                              To recover a Robinhood account, follow these simple steps: +1-866-935-1354. First, visit Robinhood's official website or open the app. If you are unable to log in, select the “Forgot Password” option and enter your registered email address or phone number. Robinhood will send a reset link to your email or a code to your phone. If you don’t receive it, check your spam or junk folder. Still facing i

                                How to recover a robinhood account?
                              • [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                Home Forums General Discussion [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅

                                • <(^-^)>How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                  ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                                  • o( ̄▽ ̄) How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                    ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                                    • Google Blocking SEO Rank Checking Tools As Volatility Continues

                                      Home / Google News / Google Updates / Is Google Blocking SEO Rank Checking Tools As Search Volatility Continues Is Google Blocking SEO Rank Checking Tools As Search Volatility Continues Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick and a technologist, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder

                                        Google Blocking SEO Rank Checking Tools As Volatility Continues
                                      • 2024 YR4小惑星、2032年地球衝突の可能性1.3% – 観測史上最高リスクレベルを記録 - イノベトピア

                                        2024年12月25日、チリのNASA自動望遠鏡システム(ATLAS)により、新たな小惑星「2024 YR4」が発見された。質量2億2000万キログラム、直径40~90メートルの岩石質小惑星で、秒速17.32キロメートルで移動している。 この小惑星は2032年に地球に接近し、衝突確率は1.3%とされている。現在、トリノ衝突危険度階級でランク3(現在最高ランク)に位置付けられている。 衝突した場合、TNT火薬800万トン相当(広島原爆の約500倍)の爆発が予測され、被害範囲は半径約50キロメートルに及ぶ可能性がある。予想される通過経路は、東太平洋、南米北部、大西洋、アフリカ、アラビア海、南アジアの上空とされている。 from:Asteroid as wide as 886 cans of spam may hit Earth in 2032 【編集部解説】 小惑星2024 YR4の発見と観測

                                        • ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) How do I get help with Comcast email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                          Home Forums General Discussion ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) How do I get help with Comcast email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you cove

                                          • ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧ How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                            Home Forums Support Forum ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧ How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for he

                                            • (★‿★) How do I Reactivate My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                              ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                                              • (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞHow do I get help with Comcast email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                Home Forums General Discussion (*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞHow do I get help with Comcast email? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking

                                                • Debian is Ditching X (Twitter) Citing These Reasons

                                                  People who use Linux-powered computers recognize Debian for being the most influential Linux distribution out there. Known for its stability, it offers a vast repository of software packages and acts as the foundation for many of the most impressive Linux distros around. In a brief announcement made by Jean-Pierre Giraud of Debian, it has been revealed that the Debian Publishing Team will not be p

                                                    Debian is Ditching X (Twitter) Citing These Reasons
                                                  • = ̄ω ̄= How do I get help with Comcast email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                    ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                                                    • ლ(╹◡╹ლ) How do I talk to a live person at Comcast?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                      ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡ Looking for help with your Comcast email? Dial [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(

                                                      • Question #820660 “W[+1-877-339-0950} hy are my Comcast emails no...” : Questions : Launchpad itself

                                                        W[+1-877-339-0950} hy are my Comcast emails not coming through? How Do I Get Help with Comcast Email? If you need help with Comcast email, you can call USA 【+𝟷-𝟾77-339-𝟶950】 AND (UK) 【+(44)-2035||350379,】 for immediate assistance. Whether you're dealing with login issues, syncing problems, or any other email-related concerns, Comcast’s support team is ready to help. For a more specific resoluti

                                                        • ⨉+1-877-201-4426⨉ How do I talk to a live person at Comcast?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                          Home Forums General Discussion ⨉+1-877-201-4426⨉ How do I talk to a live person at Comcast? ➡ How do I get help with Comcast email? 🤔📧 Need assistance with your Comcast email? Call [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}] or [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426 )}] for expert support available 24/7. From troubleshooting login errors 🔑 to fixing syncing problems 📱 and resolving delivery issues 📤, we've got you covered! ✅ ➡
