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  • 個人開発のDBをFirebaseからSupabaseに移行した話

    こんにちは。はじめまして。れとるときゃりー(@retoruto_carry)と申します。 最近、個人開発しているサービスのDBをFirebase FirestoreからSupabaseに移行しました。 移行には2週間程かかりましたが、Firestoreでつらみを感じていてた部分が解消されて満足しています。 FirestoreはNoSQLなので、設計が難しく、画面のUI構成やユースケースを熟考したうえでデータ設計を考える必要があり、ガンガン仕様変更したり、複雑なクエリをしたりするには向いていない傾向があると感じていました。 Supabaseは、Firebaseの便利な部分を受け継ぎつつ、バックエンドがRDB(PostgreSQL)なので、上記の欠点が解消されています。 また、Firebaseがクエリごと料金が掛かるのと比較して、Supabaseはインスタンスごとの課金であり、セルフホストも可

    • The End of Programming as We Know It

      Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more Betty Jean Jennings and Frances Bilas (right) program the ENIAC in 1946. Via the Computer History Museum Eventually, interpreted languages, which are much easier to debug, became the norm. BASIC, one of the first of these to hit the big time, was at first s

        The End of Programming as We Know It
      • How to refactor code with GitHub Copilot

        We’ve all been there—staring at a function that looks like it was written by an over-caffeinated goblin at 3 AM (maybe even your alter ego). You could pretend it doesn’t exist, or you could refactor it. Luckily, GitHub Copilot makes the second option less painful. Let’s get to it. What is code refactoring? Feel free to breeze past this section if you already know what’s involved with refactoring c

          How to refactor code with GitHub Copilot
        • Every System is a Log: Avoiding coordination in distributed applications

          Every System is a Log: Avoiding coordination in distributed applications How Restate works, Part 1Posted January 22, 2025 by Stephan Ewen and Jack Kleeman and Giselle van Dongen ‐ 13 min read Building resilient distributed applications remains a tough challenge. It should be possible to focus almost entirely on the business logic and the complexity inherent to the domain. Instead, you need to revi

            Every System is a Log: Avoiding coordination in distributed applications
          • Build a Database in 3000 Lines with 0 Dependencies | Blog | build-your-own.org

            01. Complex systems are built from simple ideas Complex software like databases, compilers, and browsers are treated like black boxes. You use them every day as a user, but you probably don’t understand them as a programmer, even though they are nothing but code. Why? They have little in common with programmers’ daily task. Their code bases are so large, so discouraging. But that doesn’t mean you

              Build a Database in 3000 Lines with 0 Dependencies | Blog | build-your-own.org
            • SQLDelightを使ってKotlinで型安全にSQLを扱う - 空の箱

              klibsを眺めていたところ面白そうなものを見つけたので試してみた。 sqldelight.github.io これが結構面白い。リポジトリのAboutに「Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL」とあって「ORM?」と思ったけど、どうもちょっと違う気がする*1。ORMはオブジェクトを定義して、オブジェクトを操作することでSQLを扱う。が、SQLDelightは逆で、SQLを元に型安全なコードを自動生成するというアプローチを取っている。正しく表現できてるかアレだけど、簡単に違いを表にしてみる。 特徴 SQLDelight 典型的なORM SQL操作 SQLを直接記述し、それを元に型安全なコードを生成 SQLを抽象化してオブジェクトとして操作 型安全性 SQLを元にオブジェクトを定義する。オブジェクトの作成はSQLDelightが自動で定義してくれる。

                SQLDelightを使ってKotlinで型安全にSQLを扱う - 空の箱
              • Move on to ESM-only

                [[toc]] Three years ago, I wrote a post about shipping ESM & CJS in a single package, advocating for dual CJS/ESM formats to ease user migration and trying to make the best of both worlds. Back then, I didn't fully agree with aggressively shipping ESM-only, as I considered the ecosystem wasn't ready, especially since the push was mostly from low-level libraries. Over time, as tools and the ecosyst

                  Move on to ESM-only
                • How We Hacked a Software Supply Chain for $50K - Lupin & Holmes

                  Feb 11, 2025 RONI CARTA | LUPIN supply chain attack, docker, red team, artifact, bug bounty, pwn Introduction Back in 2021, I was still early in my offensive security journey. I had already hacked several companies and was earning a steady income through Bug Bounty Hunting, an ethical hacking practice where security researchers find and report vulnerabilities for monetary rewards. However, I wasn’

                  • January 2025 (version 1.97)

                    Update 1.97.1: The update addresses these security issues. Update 1.97.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the January 2025 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include: Next Edit Suggestions (preview) - Co

                      January 2025 (version 1.97)
                    • Leaking the email of any YouTube user for $10,000

                      < Back Leaking the email of any YouTube user for $10,000 2025-02-12 Some time ago, I was looking for a research target in Google and was digging through the Internal People API (Staging) discovery document until I noticed something interesting: "BlockedTarget": { "id": "BlockedTarget", "description": "The target of a user-to-user block, used to specify creation/deletion of blocks.", "type": "objec

                      • 7 Crucial PostgreSQL Best Practices - Speak Data Science

                        PostgreSQL (Postgres) is one of the most powerful and popular relational database management systems available today. Whether you’re a database administrator, developer, or DevOps engineer, following best practices ensures optimal performance, security, and maintainability of your database systems. 1. Database Design Naming Conventions Consistent naming conventions make databases more maintainable

                          7 Crucial PostgreSQL Best Practices - Speak Data Science