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  • bliki: Strangler Fig Application

    When Cindy and I went to Australia, we spent some time in the rain forests on the Queensland coast. One of the natural wonders of this area are the huge strangler figs. They seed in the upper branches of a tree and gradually work their way down the tree until they root in the soil. Over many years they grow into fantastic and beautiful shapes, meanwhile strangling and killing the tree that was the

      bliki: Strangler Fig Application
    • Refactoring Legacy Code with the Strangler Fig Pattern - Shopify

      Refactoring Legacy Code with the Strangler Fig PatternThere are strategies for reducing the size and responsibilities of large objects. Here’s one that worked for us at Shopify, an all-in-one commerce platform supporting over 1M merchants across the globe. Large objects are a code smell: overloaded with responsibilities and dependencies, as they continue to grow, it becomes more difficult to defin

        Refactoring Legacy Code with the Strangler Fig Pattern - Shopify
      • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200317後編)Strangler Figパターンでリファクタリング、ペアプロ実践記事、イミュータブルデータモデルほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

        2020.03.17 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200317後編)Strangler Figパターンでリファクタリング、ペアプロ実践記事、イミュータブルデータモデルほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。以下は東京都の対策サイトをforkして構築したそうです。 リポジトリ: codeforsapporo/covid19: 北海道 新型コロナウイルス対策サイト 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策サイト北海道版 codeforsapporo/covid19 https://t.co/85x8egwxCo もうね,役所は余計なことせずにデータをCSVで出せば良いだけ,ということですよ….数値を間違えたら修正すれば良いだけですから. pic.twitter.com/ZBZTDX3ZgR — Yuta Kashino (@yutakashino) March 9, 2020 各記事冒頭には⚓でパーマリ

          週刊Railsウォッチ(20200317後編)Strangler Figパターンでリファクタリング、ペアプロ実践記事、イミュータブルデータモデルほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
        • Strangler Fig pattern - Azure Architecture Center

          Incrementally migrate a legacy system by gradually replacing specific pieces of functionality with new applications and services. As features from the legacy system are replaced, the new system eventually replaces all of the old system's features, strangling the old system and allowing you to decommission it. Context and problem As systems age, the development tools, hosting technology, and even s

            Strangler Fig pattern - Azure Architecture Center
          • strangler fig tree - Google 検索

            What is the Strangler Fig... dennylesmana.medium.com
