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  • Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup — Yi Tay

    Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup Given that we’ve successfully trained pretty strong multimodal language models at Reka, many people have been particularly curious about the experiences of building infrastructure and training large language & multimodal models from scratch from a completely clean slate. I complain a lot about external (outside Google) infr

      Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup — Yi Tay
    • Generics and Compile-Time in Rust | PingCAP

      The Rust programming language compiles fast software slowly. In this series we explore Rust’s compile times within the context of TiKV, the key-value store behind the TiDB database. Rust Compile-time Adventures with TiKV: Episode 2 In the previous post in the series we covered Rust’s early development history, and how it led to a series of decisions that resulted in a high-performance language tha

        Generics and Compile-Time in Rust | PingCAP
      • Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

        The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach three million people. Yet the origin of pandemic remains uncertain: the political agendas of governments and scientists have generated thick clouds of obfuscation, which the mainstream press seems helpless to dispel. In what follows I will sort through the available scientific facts, which

          Origin of Covid — Following the Clues
        • Slack’s new WYSIWYG input box is really terrible

          Slack has just recently rolled out a “WYSIWYG text input” widget to its Web browser interface. (Apparently, the phased rollout started at the beginning of November 2019, but it’s just now starting to hit the workspaces that I participate in.) The user experience of using this new input method is really, really, really bad. First of all, there is no way to go back to plain old Markdown input. (See

          • Putin’s Invasion Was Immoral but Not Irrational

            With the evident failure of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many experts have jumped to explain why Putin’s invasion was doomed to fail. This is classic Monday morning quarterbacking. Evaluating Putin’s decision requires capturing what was known at the time, not what became evident later. Putin’s decision was rational, though risky, like all judgments to go to war. He gambled and lost, but that did

              Putin’s Invasion Was Immoral but Not Irrational
            • Preface - Build a Lua Interpreter in Rust

              Preface This series was written in Chinese originally. This Engine version is mainly translated by Google Translate. So please forgive me for the terrible writing. This series of articles introduces the implementation of a Lua interpreter from scratch in the Rust language. The Rust language has a distinctive personality and is also widely popular, however the learning curve is steep. After I finis

              • 日本の経済格差がひどいと言われるがメリットはないの?それは悪い事なのか?

                当サイトはアフィリエイト広告を使用しています 社会問題 時事 日本の経済格差がひどいと言われるがメリットはないの?それは悪い事なのか? 日本の経済格差が年々ひどくなる! と言われていますが 経済格差がないと貧困層は救えない。 経済が回らないと感じます。 一見するとお金持ちはドンドンお金持ちになり貧乏人はドンドン貧乏になるようなイメージですが それは違うと思います。 いわゆる富裕層はお金を貯め込むだけの存在ではなくきちんと使うからです。 お金というのはたくさん使われる事で意味を持ちます。 タンス貯金は経済的な視点で言えば死に金。 お金持ちとそうじゃない人の格差と言いますが 基本的にアルバイトであっても一定の水準を保った生活ができます。 これは最低賃金というのが法律で決まっているからです。 最低賃金とは? 最低賃金というのは経済格差を悪い方向に広げないための制度。 雇う側が労働者に対して生活す

                • 【自分を知る】男に貢ぐことで幸せを感じていた私の失敗談 - 晴れのち晴れ

                  おさやです。 今日は、数ある失敗の中でも「トップ3」に入る失敗談をひとつシェアさせていただきます。 もしあなたが昔の私と同じシチュエーションにいるなら、今すぐ自分改革をしましょう。 自分が変われば、さらにワクワクな人生を送ることが可能になります💖 この記事が、あなたのターニングポイントになれたら嬉しいです! 私の恋愛失敗談 男に貢ぐことで幸せを感じていた私が取った衝撃な行動とは! 男に貢ぐことで幸せを感じる女はダメ人間? 自分を知るために今こそ「自立」しよう! 私の恋愛失敗談 12年前に付き合っていた元彼の話です。 彼の月収は約40万円。(確かな金額は分かりませんが) 仕事にとても真面目な彼は、はっきり言って「かっこいい」タイプの男性ではありませんが、笑うと可愛い、年上の女性からモテる、そんな男性です。 でも、性格は・・・八方美人! 人に嫌われたくない一心で、誰にでも優しく振る舞うため、

                    【自分を知る】男に貢ぐことで幸せを感じていた私の失敗談 - 晴れのち晴れ
                  • Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                    Firefox’s crash reporter is hopefully not something that most users experience often. However, it is still a very important component of Firefox, as it is integral in providing insight into the most visible bugs: those which crash the main process. These bugs offer the worst user experience (since the entire application must close), so fixing them is a very high priority. Other types of crashes, s

                      Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
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                      Dit onderwerp bevat 0 reacties, heeft 1 stem, en is het laatst gewijzigd door  Chris 3 weken, 4 dagen geleden. Europese apotheek barbituraten kopen online Klik hier – http://url-qr.tk/pharmacy – ga naar de apotheek – Lage prijs voor kwaliteitsgeneesmiddelen – Snelle levering en volledige privacy – Bonuspillen en grote kortingen voor elke bestelling – Uw volledige tevredenheid is gegarandeerd of uw

                      • 新型コロナウイルスがなぜ、気候問題を深刻化させるのか?

                        新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の世界的な蔓延は、気候変動問題の対応にも大きな影を落とす可能性がある。ひとたび世界的パンデミックや経済恐慌が起これば、気候変動に取り組むための各国政府の資金や意思は容易く失われてしまうだろう。 by James Temple2020.03.12 171 77 5 2 世界的な新型コロナウイルスのアウトブレイクにより、今年の温室効果ガス排出量が減少する可能性が高まっているようだ。公衆衛生の懸念が深まることで飛行機が運航停止になり、国際貿易を圧迫するというのがその理由だ。 急速に広まっているウイルスによる死者はすでに数千人に達し、大勢の人々が隔離されている。だからと言って、このウイルスが気候変動の危険を有意義に減らすと考えるのは早計だ。 過去の経済ショックや疫病、戦争により世界規模の炭素汚染が減少した稀な事例と同様に、二酸化炭素の排出量は経済が回復す

                        • The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC

                          Sure, these mini PCs won't come close to modern hardware like the Apple M2 or the intel i9. But if we look at the performance of the mini PCs we can observe that: The Intel i5-6500T CPU is 13% faster in single-core than the AMD Ryzen 3 PRO Both the Intel and AMD processors are 42% - 62% faster than the Pi 5 regarding single-core performance. Storage (performance) If there's one thing that really h

                          • Twitter BANS Searches for 'Lolicon' as Crackdown on Child Pornography Continues - Valiant News

                            Twitter has banned “lolicon,” a term referring to drawn images of sexualised young girls, from being searched on its platform, as Elon Musk continues his crackdown on child sex abuse material. Lolicon, and its shortened form of “loli,” was banned from the Twitter search function late on Saturday evening, according to a tweet from the “Lolicon Defense Task Force,” a Twitter account that fights the

                              Twitter BANS Searches for 'Lolicon' as Crackdown on Child Pornography Continues - Valiant News
                            • Address by the President of the Russian Federation

                              President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, My address concerns the events in Ukraine and why this is so important for us, for Russia. Of course, my message is also addressed to our compatriots in Ukraine. The matter is very serious and needs to be discussed in depth. The situation in Donbass has reached a critical, acute stage. I am speaking to you directly today not only to 

                                Address by the President of the Russian Federation
                              • Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History | by Any Marma | Nov, 2020 | Medium

                                Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History Image Credit:MarketWatch/Getty Images Watching Warren Buffett completely change what he believes about money in a matter of months has been fascinating. He is considered the most successful investor in history, so he’s worth listening to when financial markets enter a strange period that nobody understands

                                  Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History | by Any Marma | Nov, 2020 | Medium
                                • Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work

                                  April 26, 2021 Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work Jason announced a raft of changes we've made to Basecamp earlier today. By far the most controversial is a new etiquette around societal politics at work, and the stances we'll take as a company. So to expand on that, here's a segment from what I wrote internally on that topic, as part of the announcement to employees at B

                                    Basecamp's new etiquette regarding societal politics at work
                                  • Terraform best practices for reliability at any scale

                                    State file proliferation for fun and profitWhen first adopting Terraform there’s a natural attraction to having a single state file that covers your entire infrastructure. It’s simple. It’s expressive. It’s fast—at first. And it’s a terrible idea. At scale, many Terraform state files are better than one. But how do you draw the boundaries and decide which resources belong in which state files? Wha

                                      Terraform best practices for reliability at any scale
                                    • Do you actually need a vector database? | Ethan Rosenthal

                                      Spoiler alert: the answer is maybe! Although, my inclusion of the word “actually” betrays my bias. Vector databases are having their day right now. Three different vector DB companies have raised money on valuations up to $700 million (paywall link). Surprisingly, their rise in popularity is not for their “original” purpose in recommendation systems, but rather as an auxillary tool for Large Langu

                                      • カメラに映ってはいけない男――濱口竜介『ドライブ・マイ・カー』論

                                        I wanna be famous, A star of the screen, But you can do something in between (私は有名になって、映画スターになりたい。それで、あなたには他にできることがある)*1 John Lennon &Paul MacCartney ”DRIVE MY CAR” 「泡と消えた人生! ぼくだって才能もあれば、頭もある、度胸だってあるんだ……、まともに人生を送っていれば、ショーペンハウエルにだってドストエフスキーにだってなれたんだ」*2 アントン・チェーホフ「ワーニャ叔父さん」 1 濱口竜介の『ドライブ・マイ・カー』(2021)の中盤に「じゃがいも」という印象的なモチーフが登場する。 広島の芸術祭に招かれた舞台演出家・家福悠介が、地元に暮らす韓国人で彼のドラマトゥルク、コン・ユンスの自宅を訪れると、素性を隠して家福演出の舞台に出

                                        • Migrating Millions of Concurrent Websockets to Envoy - Slack Engineering

                                          Ariane van der Steldt Staff Software Engineer, Site Reliability Slack has a global customer base, with millions of simultaneously connected users at peak times. Most of the communication between users involves sending lots of tiny messages to each other. For much of Slack’s history, we’ve used HAProxy as a load balancer for all incoming traffic. Today, we’ll talk about problems we faced with HAPro

                                            Migrating Millions of Concurrent Websockets to Envoy - Slack Engineering
                                          • Haskell2020 Is Dead, but All Hope Is Not Lost :: Reasonably Polymorphic

                                            Haskell2020 is the long-awaited sequel to Haskell2010 — a formal, prescriptive standard of the Haskell language, that all implementations should adhere to. Today we have two previous standards, Haskell2010 and Haskell98, but neither is particularly in-line with the language as it’s written in this day and age. The aim of Haskell2020 is to bring these older standards in line with the way the langua

                                            • My Favorite Microservice Design Patterns for Node.js

                                              Image by Colin Behrens from PixabayAfter working for a while with Node.js I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no better tool to use when writing microservices. Of course, that is my opinion, completely biased by my preference for JavaScript as a language. But hey, even without me pushing my own opinion into your eyes, I bet you can’t say Node.js isn’t a great tool for building microservices.

                                                My Favorite Microservice Design Patterns for Node.js
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                                                  • 第十四章:大衆文化―退廃と放縦

                                                    目次 序文 1. 共産党文化 2. 共産主義による転覆―西洋の大衆文化 3. 大衆文化と社会の混乱 a. ヒップホップとロックンロール b. 薬物乱用 c. ポルノ d. ビデオゲーム e. 暴力文化 f. 退廃的なファッション 結論 参考文献 序文 神は人類を創造し、長い歴史を通して、人類が依りどころとすべき正統な文化を与えた。世界にはさまざまな文化が存在するが、その核となる部分は著しく似通っている。東洋でも西洋でも、すべての民族は美徳を重んじてきた。誠実、思いやり、寛容、正義、節度、謙虚、勇気、無私、これらは全世界の国家が敬意を表し、先祖代々、古典を通して継承してきた価値観である。これらの徳に共通するのは、神への敬慕と神の戒めに対する忠誠心である。なぜならば、人類が所有し体現すべき文化と道徳規範を与えたのは神だからである。これが、普遍的価値観の源である。 アメリカの建国の父たちは、道徳

                                                    • Deploy your side-projects at scale for basically nothing - Google Cloud Run - Alex Olivier | cloud native product manager in london

                                                      Deploy your side-projects at scale for basically nothing - Google Cloud Run I have built hundreds of side projects over the years and finding a place to manage and deploy them all has always been tricky. From the early days of a GoDaddy hosting package with random PHP files in folders, through having a persistent DigitalOcean droplet running, and event running a bare minimum Kubernetes cluster on

                                                        Deploy your side-projects at scale for basically nothing - Google Cloud Run - Alex Olivier | cloud native product manager in london
                                                      • Who was Isao Tomita? – Ars Electronica Blog

                                                        The interview is also available in Japanese and German. As is so often the case these days, we meet with our discussion partners virtually, via video chat. We’re connected with Naohiro Ukawa, Japanese artist and founder of DOMMUNE, which is a platform that opened in 2010 as the first live streaming studio in Japan, and Gerfried Stocker, the artistic director of Ars Electronica. And although both a

                                                        • サム・ゲンデルとは誰か? - 吸い雲レコード

                                                          まえがき 幼少期~南カリフォルニア大学へ 音楽活動開始~2016年 2017年 2018年 2019~2020年 プレイリスト ディスコグラフィ Inga Sam Gendel オリジナル・アルバム 編集盤 サウンドトラック with Sam WIlkes with Carlos Nino with Ethan Braun with Josiah Steinbrick 参考資料 まえがき サム・ゲンデル サム・ゲンデルはロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するシンガー・ソングライター、サックス奏者、ギタリスト。エフェクターを駆使した独特なサックス・サウンドをトレードマークとしつつ、ジャズ、フォーク、ヒップホップなどを横断したサウンドを生み出している。 そして、特徴的なのが他ミュージシャンとの活発なコラボレーションで、そのリストにはルイス・コールやモーゼス・サムニーをはじめとして、ヴァンパイア・ウィーク

                                                            サム・ゲンデルとは誰か? - 吸い雲レコード
                                                          • https://cheats.rs/rust_cheat_sheet.pdf

                                                            Rust Language Cheat Sheet 26. August 2021 Contains clickable links to The Book , Rust by Example , Std Docs , Nomicon , Reference . Data Structures Data types and memory locations defined via keywords. Example Explanation struct S {} Define a struct with named fields. struct S { x: T } Define struct with named field x of type T. struct S ​(T); Define "tupled" struct with numbered field .0 of type

                                                            • Use DuckDuckGo Extension to Block FLoC, Google’s New Tracking Method in Chrome

                                                              Google has created a new tracking method called FLoC, put it in Chrome, and automatically turned it on for millions of users. FLoC is bad for privacy: It puts you in a group based on your browsing history, and any website can get that group FLoC ID to target and fingerprint you. You can use the DuckDuckGo Chrome extension to block FLoC's tracking, which is an enhancement to its tracker blocking an

                                                                Use DuckDuckGo Extension to Block FLoC, Google’s New Tracking Method in Chrome
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                                                                • The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation – Economics from the Top Down

                                                                  Have you heard of the ‘Dunning-Kruger effect’? It’s the (apparent) tendency for unskilled people to overestimate their competence. Discovered in 1999 by psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning, the effect has since become famous. And you can see why. It’s the kind of idea that is too juicy to not be true. Everyone ‘knows’ that idiots tend to be unaware of their own idiocy. Or as John Cleese

                                                                    The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation – Economics from the Top Down
                                                                  • ‘Key to white survival’: how Putin has morphed into a far-right savior

                                                                    It would be easy to dismiss the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) in Orlando, Florida, as a radical fringe. But speeches by two Republican members of Congress – one in person, the other via video – guaranteed national attention and controversy. The backlash showed how the war in Ukraine has exposed the American far right’s affinity with Putin. That affinity is complicated by the to

                                                                      ‘Key to white survival’: how Putin has morphed into a far-right savior
                                                                    • Trans women pose no threat to cis women, but we pose a threat to them if we make them outcasts | Rebecca Solnit

                                                                      Dear ladies who are fearful and hostile to trans women, That I grew up and spent most of my life in San Francisco I consider one of my greatest strokes of luck, because it was in its heyday the loudest, proudest queer town around. Even as a straight girl, maybe especially as a straight girl, I benefited endlessly from that. I went to my first gay bar here when I was about 14, with a gay man who wa

                                                                        Trans women pose no threat to cis women, but we pose a threat to them if we make them outcasts | Rebecca Solnit
                                                                      • Rob Lee on Twitter: "Terrible footage from Kharkiv of what appears to be an MLRS rocket strike in the center of the city.… https://t.co/JuRtWELQ7P"

                                                                        Terrible footage from Kharkiv of what appears to be an MLRS rocket strike in the center of the city.… https://t.co/JuRtWELQ7P

                                                                          Rob Lee on Twitter: "Terrible footage from Kharkiv of what appears to be an MLRS rocket strike in the center of the city.… https://t.co/JuRtWELQ7P"
                                                                        • Build strongly typed polymorphic components with React and TypeScript - LogRocket Blog

                                                                          In this detailed (and explanatory) guide, I’ll discuss how to build strongly typed polymorphic React components with TypeScript. We’ll cover the following sections: Real-world examples of polymorphic components Chakra UI’s as prop MUI’s component prop Building a simple polymorphic component Problems with this simple implementation The as prop can receive invalid HTML elements Wrong attributes can

                                                                            Build strongly typed polymorphic components with React and TypeScript - LogRocket Blog
                                                                          • 英語の副詞の使い方と位置を完全説明

                                                                            英語の副詞って、難しいと感じていませんか? 日本語でさえ副詞とは何か説明してください、と言われたらパッと答えられないかもしれません。 ただ、副詞は難しくありません。「とても」や「ほとんど」などが副詞にあたりますが、私たちは普段から会話で意識せずとも使っていますよね。 それと同じように使い方やパターンさえ覚えてしまえば、英語の副詞も使いこなせるようになります。 ということでこの記事では英語の副詞について、形容詞との違いや副詞の種類、また副詞の使い方や位置、形容詞の形やTOEICで出やすい副詞などをお伝えしていきます。 英語の表現の幅が広がるので、これを機に改めてマスターしていきましょう。 英語の副詞とは副詞とは、ある言葉や文章を修飾する役割を持つ言葉です。 例えば、「very(とても)」や「always(いつも)」、「there(そこに)」や「then(その時」などがあります。 また、副詞は

                                                                            • トランプ凍結とBigTech、イーサリアムの生みの親の言うことが一番納得できた|Oranssi

                                                                              Temporarily breaking out of my Twitter-minimization for a short thread on issues around free speech and the mass deplatformings of the last week. Obviously the riots were terrible, people still supporting DT are crazy, so moving on to some things that have not yet been said... — vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) January 12, 2021 言論の自由と先週の大規模な脱法行為をめぐる問題についてのちょっと書きたいので、一時的に自分の半ツイ禁を解除します。暴動はどう考えてもひどいものだっ

                                                                              • 英語の倒置法が難しい…初心者でもすぐ分かる倒置の使い方を徹底解説! | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト

                                                                                英文を読んでいるとき、「あれ、この語順入れ替わってない?」「疑問文でもないのに、なんで動詞が主語の前にあるの?」などと思ったことはありませんか。実はこれ、主語と動詞を入れ替える「倒置」が起こっているのです。語順が入れ替わることで混乱するなど、倒置を苦手とする人は多いかもしれません。 こちらの記事ではそんな悩みを解決するべく、倒置がなぜ起こるのか、倒置を使うパターンなどについて詳しく解説していきます。倒置は会話ではあまり使われず主に書き言葉で使われますが、より高度な英語を身につけたい人はぜひ押さえておきましょう。 English Labは、オンライン英会話「レアジョブ英会話」が運営。英語を「話せる」ようになるには、繰り返しアウトプットする機会が必要です。1レッスン142円のレアジョブ英会話で每日外国人講師と話してみませんか。レアジョブ英会話を見る 英語の倒置とは? そもそも「倒置」の定義をご

                                                                                  英語の倒置法が難しい…初心者でもすぐ分かる倒置の使い方を徹底解説! | English Lab(イングリッシュラボ)┃レアジョブ英会話が発信する英語サイト
                                                                                • Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes

                                                                                  Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev May 18, 2023 Contents 1 Unsorted parts 1 1.1 Fencepost error / off-by-one error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 GCD and LCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1