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  • UX/UI Design: Growing List of Top Resources (last update 02/2023)

    A list of my favourite design resources. Everything that makes your life easier, from UX research to the perfect mockup. Instead of hiding it in the usual Google Doc, from now on it will live here on Medium and will be updated every time I find another little gem. So make sure to subscribe! By the way, this is not about quantity but quality. This list is from my personal point of view and everyday

      UX/UI Design: Growing List of Top Resources (last update 02/2023)
    • ロジカルなUIデザイン 考え方と関わり方 / A Logical Approach to UI Design, How to Think and Engage

      「ロジカルなUIデザイン 考え方と関わり方」 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの視点から、UIデザインの考え方や関わり方の事例を紹介します。また、役割や職種の異なるエンジニア/デザイナー同士の共通言語の持ち方や、協業の仕方について考えます。 Offe…

        ロジカルなUIデザイン 考え方と関わり方 / A Logical Approach to UI Design, How to Think and Engage
      • UI Design Daily | Open Source UI Resources

        Subscribe to our newsletterJoin 19000+ subscribers getting UI resources straight to their inbox

          UI Design Daily | Open Source UI Resources
        • The HIG & Software UI Design

          WWDC22 Recap in Goodpatch WWDC22の発表内容とHIGの更新内容の振り返りつつ、AppleプラットフォームにおけるHIGの位置付けとソフトウェアUIデザインへの向き合い方を考えます。

            The HIG & Software UI Design
          • OOUIからユーザビリティテストまで、スキル横断的にUIデザインを見る!Designer's MTG #10 UI Design編 レポート! - Pepabo Tech Portal

            こんにちは。 コーポレートデザインチームのmewmo(@mewmoppel)です。 ペパボではテレワークを基本とする働き方に移行することが決定され、社内デザイナーのナレッジシェアの場として開催されている「Designer’s MTG(通称 デザミ)」のフルリモート開催も当たり前の風景となってきました。 今回は「UI Design」のエキスパートスキルエリアのデザイナーにナレッジシェアしていただきましたので、その様子をお届けしていきたいと思います〜 これまでのデザミのレポートはこちら Designer's MTG #9 Information Architecture編 レポート! 40人のデザイナーがフルリモートで集合! Designer's MTG #8 レポート! 「デザミとは?」「エキスパートスキルエリアとは?」については、前回の記事で紹介していますので、気になった方はあわせてご覧く

              OOUIからユーザビリティテストまで、スキル横断的にUIデザインを見る!Designer's MTG #10 UI Design編 レポート! - Pepabo Tech Portal
            • 16 little UI design tips that make a big impact

              User interface design is hard. With so many options to choose from regarding layout, spacing, typography, and colour, making design decisions can be overwhelming. When you add usability, accessibility, and psychology to the mix, it gets even harder. Luckily, UI design doesn’t have to be so hard. Over nearly 2 decades working as a product designer, I’ve realised that most of my visual and interacti

                16 little UI design tips that make a big impact
              • iPhoneをアラビア語設定で丸一日使ってみた話 | UI Design Weekly vol.05|Sakino Tomiura

                全く知らない文化圏に行き、「わからない」モノやコトに触れることがすごく好きで、気づいたら色んな国を旅することが趣味になっていました。 しかしこのご時世、しばらくそんな旅もできないんだろうなぁ...と最近いろいろと考えていて、迷走した結果、 iPhoneの言語設定を「アラビア語」に変更してみました。 この記事ではその体験で気づいたことをまとめてみたいと思います。 1. 「右から左」は文字だけではなかった アラビア語は右から左へ記述する言語の一つです。他にもヘブライ文字、アラビア文字、シリア文字、ターナ文字などがあります。 大学時代アラビア語圏の友人が少しいたり、アラビア語でデザインされたものも見たこともあるし...と思っていたのですが、 実際に触れるインターフェースとなると、全く知らなかったことがいろいろと見えてきました。 まず言語設定からホーム画面に戻ったときの衝撃。 ホームアイコンの位置

                  iPhoneをアラビア語設定で丸一日使ってみた話 | UI Design Weekly vol.05|Sakino Tomiura
                • Material Design と Product UI Design

                  Envoy External AuthZとgRPC Extensionを利用した「頑張らない」Microservices認証認可基盤

                    Material Design と Product UI Design
                  • Uizard Autodesigner 2.0 | AI UI Design Generator | Uizard

                    The most popular UI generator just got even better! What would you like to design today? Type out your ideas in plain text to design, prototype, and iterate in seconds.

                      Uizard Autodesigner 2.0 | AI UI Design Generator | Uizard
                    • Latest SaaS UI Design Patterns UX and Interactions Library

                      Time tracking software application designed to help teams manage their work time more effectively.

                        Latest SaaS UI Design Patterns UX and Interactions Library
                      • A guide of UI design trends for 2021

                        In a month we will (finally!) say goodbye to the not-so-cool year 2020. Since my previous article about trends was quite successful, I took some time and did some industry research, to create a 2021 Design Trend Guide. Let’s take a look at what 2021 will bring! 1. 3D Illustrations (yeah, still!)3D imagery is here to stay — especially when it’s getting easier and easier for regular UI designers to

                          A guide of UI design trends for 2021
                        • Calendar UI design inspiration

                          In today’s digital age, calendars play a crucial role in organizing and managing time effectively. Whether you are creating a calendar for a web application, mobile app, or desktop software, designing a visually appealing and user-friendly calendar is essential. This datepicker guide aims to provide you with insights and best practices to help you create a well-designed and intuitive calendar comp

                            Calendar UI design inspiration
                          • Figr: AI-Driven UI Design & Workflow

                            Design systems and product in a day, not months. Focus on building, while we handle the design consistency

                              Figr: AI-Driven UI Design & Workflow
                            • 58 rules for beautiful UI design

                              Crafted to be your ultimate roadmap in the journey of UI design. Whether you are a seasoned designer looking to refresh your approach or a novice eager to learn the ropes, these rules are tailored to help you create interfaces that are not just visually appealing but also intuitively functional. To navigate this complex terrain, I have compiled 58 rules across eight categories, collectively formin

                                58 rules for beautiful UI design
                              • UIデザイナーが3年間、スキルアップのためにデザインした1000以上のファイルをCC0で公開するプロジェクト・「UI Design Daily」 - かちびと.net

                                UI Design DailyはノルウェーのUIデザイナーがスキルアップのために3年間デザインした1000以上のファイルをCC0で公開するプロジェクトです SkechやPS、Figma、XDやInvision Studioなどが利用されており、各ツールやタグでフィルタリング出来るようになっています ライセンスはCC0となっており、自由に利用できるようになっています。インスピレーションや研究資料等、好きなように役立てて欲しいとの事 UI Design Daily

                                • Visily - AI-powered UI design software

                                  Communicating UI ideas shouldn’t require complicated design software. If you can imagine it, you can design it in Visily.

                                    Visily - AI-powered UI design software
                                  • 16 little UI design tips that make a big impact - UI design guidelines

                                    A step by step UI design case study to quickly fix an example user interface using logic-driven UI design tips. User interface design is hard. With so many options to choose from regarding layout, spacing, typography, and colour, making design decisions can be overwhelming. When you add usability, accessibility, and psychology to the mix, it gets even harder. Luckily, UI design doesn’t have to be

                                      16 little UI design tips that make a big impact - UI design guidelines
                                    • Adobe XD製 2020 UI Design Neumorphism【作り方伝授】|Daisuke.Mori

                                      Neumorphism(ニューモフィズム)とは 「新しいスキューモーフィズム」を謳う“Neumorphism” というデザインが最近一部で提唱されているようです。 下記のようにボタンやカードなどの要素が凹凸で表現されていて、明るい影(光)が落とされているのが特徴です。それによってボーダーや塗りを使わずに要素の形状を表すことができるのでよりシンプルに表現すること可能です。 凸デザインと凹デザイン、この2個覚えておけばOK 凸凹ボタン2点の作り方を解説いたします。基本的にはこの作り方でほぼ全てのオブジェクトは応用可能です。 今回はAdobe XDを使ったNeumorphismデザインの作り方です。XDはAdobe IDの取得後ダウンロードが必要です(無料)。 A.凸デザイン 1. 四角をつくる 2. 各種設定 角丸: 30mm 塗り: #EFEFEF ★Point 背景色に合わす 線: なし

                                        Adobe XD製 2020 UI Design Neumorphism【作り方伝授】|Daisuke.Mori
                                      • TypeScriptではじめるUIデザイン / UI design with TypeScript

                                        UI/UXデザイナーLT会で発表したLT資料です。カレーがメインです。 https://rakus.connpass.com/event/187048/ #uiuxdesignerslt

                                          TypeScriptではじめるUIデザイン / UI design with TypeScript
                                        • 16 UX and UI Design Tips That Always Deliver Growth

                                          UX is a discovery process. We often argue that user experience doesn’t start and finish with a project. As long as your product is live, the UX process never ends. When it comes to digital products, there’ll always be room for improvement and growth opportunities worth exploring, so the design process is an inseparable part of the growth journey. When it comes to usability and design principles th

                                            16 UX and UI Design Tips That Always Deliver Growth
                                          • UI design trends of today and how to apply them in your apps

                                            If you’re like me, you get excited by major new software releases and enjoy reading roundups of every new feature and UI tweak, comparing them to the previous version. With the release of Windows 11, Android 12, and iOS 15 this year (and last year’s macOS Big Sur), I’ve noticed quite a few similarities in the designs of the major operating systems. And in some cases, what appears to be convergence

                                              UI design trends of today and how to apply them in your apps
                                            • GitHub - ajay-prabhakar/awesome-flutter-ui: 10+ flutter(android, ios) UI design examples - login, books, profile, food order, movie streaming, walkthrough, widgets

                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                GitHub - ajay-prabhakar/awesome-flutter-ui: 10+ flutter(android, ios) UI design examples - login, books, profile, food order, movie streaming, walkthrough, widgets
                                              • Exploring Badge UI Design: Tips, Tricks, Usability, and Use Cases

                                                Guest Blogging Benefits: Unlock SEO Success and Boost Your Brand Boost your brand visibility and SEO with guest posting. This article explores how publishing content on authoritative websites can build backlinks, improve rankings, and drive business growth.

                                                  Exploring Badge UI Design: Tips, Tricks, Usability, and Use Cases
                                                • Best Practices For E-Commerce UI Design — Smashing Magazine

                                                  The goal of e-commerce design is to create interfaces that won’t get in the way of the overall shopping experience. In this post, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at three key parts of a digital store and show you what you can do to design each to help customers more quickly and effortlessly get to the checkout stage. When you envision shoppers moving through the e-commerce sites you build, you mor

                                                    Best Practices For E-Commerce UI Design — Smashing Magazine
                                                  • Understanding the ‘Why’ behind some basic UI design practices

                                                    As the first assignment at 10kdesigners, we had to replicate the UI from existing app screenshots. Our main aim was to deconstruct a well designed app and understand some of the design decisions like colours, spacing, typography, etc. and try to replicate them pixel-perfectly. “This blog is an attempt into understanding why some common design practices are followed, helping us understand and apply

                                                      Understanding the ‘Why’ behind some basic UI design practices
                                                    • Mobile | UI Design  |  Android Developers

                                                      Get started Start by creating your first app. Go deeper with our training courses or explore app development on your own.

                                                        Mobile | UI Design  |  Android Developers
                                                      • @shadcn/ui - Design System | Figma

                                                        Beautifully designed components built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. Accessible and customizable components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source. And Next.js 13 Ready. ---------- This Figma file is the design companion to @shadcn's incredible new UI system. https://ui....

                                                        • The Expanse UI Design — HUDS+GUIS

                                                          Q&A with Rhys Yorke Motion graphics designer - The Expanse (Season 3 & 5)Rhys was kind enough to give up his time to share some insights around the making of The Expanse UI suite. Big thank you to Rhys and congratulations to the whole team for a great body of work over 5 seasons! What was your role on The Expanse? I worked as a motion graphics designer in the Art Department, as part of the motion

                                                            The Expanse UI Design — HUDS+GUIS
                                                          • Glassmorphism: The UI Design Trend of 2021

                                                            In todays post, we're going to briefly go over what glassmorphism is - and learn how to replicate the effect in Figma! Introduction Glassmorphism - It's a fresh new design technique which we've seen used recently by many companies, and most notably, Microsoft in their Windows 11 video The design trend for 2020 was Neumorphism - which had some rather obvious issues relating to accessibility and con

                                                              Glassmorphism: The UI Design Trend of 2021
                                                            • UI Design Trends 2022

                                                              Hello guys! Today we brought to you a new video about "UI Design Trends 2022" #UIDesign #Trends #DesignTrends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us: Facebook: Page: https://www.facebook.com/DesignSense2070 https://bit.ly/3h5Uafm Group: Join our Facebook group for curated content, inspiration, design critique, and job postings: https://bit.ly/3

                                                                UI Design Trends 2022
                                                              • Uizard Autodesigner 2.0 | AI UI Design Generator | Uizard

                                                                The most popular UI generator just got even better! What would you like to design today? Type out your ideas in plain text to design, prototype, and iterate in seconds.

                                                                  Uizard Autodesigner 2.0 | AI UI Design Generator | Uizard
                                                                • How To Create Color Schemes For Your UI Design Using The 60-30-10 Technique

                                                                  Selecting the right colors for your UI and applying them effectively can be a tricky task. You want to choose colors that go well with each other and create a sense of harmony within the design. You also want to pick the right accent colors to highlight elements like buttons and call-to-actions. Venezuelan product designer Dan Romero has come up with an excellent list of pointers that show you how

                                                                    How To Create Color Schemes For Your UI Design Using The 60-30-10 Technique
                                                                  • Lets get your new site up and running in no time! - webui.design: บริการออกแบบ UI/UX และเว็บไซต์ที่ Web UI Design

                                                                    The page is built with Page Builder Sandwich! Give it a try for free! Page Builder sandwich is a very light weight and non-intrusive WordPress page builder. That is easy to use & wont break your website. It comes free with several templates for easy and fast page construction too. Your installation also includes the exclusive Tranzly.io WordPress Translation plugin. Which will allow you to use a p

                                                                      Lets get your new site up and running in no time! - webui.design: บริการออกแบบ UI/UX และเว็บไซต์ที่ Web UI Design
                                                                    • GitHub - radix-ui/design-system: Design system that was used by @modulz. It’s now archived and superceded by Radix Themes. (See https://github.com/radix-ui/themes)

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - radix-ui/design-system: Design system that was used by @modulz. It’s now archived and superceded by Radix Themes. (See https://github.com/radix-ui/themes)
                                                                      • iOS vs. Android App UI Designを読み解く(1/3)ナビゲーション編|松岡誠造|Seizo Matsuoka

                                                                        こんにちは、某外資系IT企業でコンサルタント兼デザイナーをしているせいぞーです。 私はモバイルアプリのデザインを扱う部門にいるのですが、社内研修やクライアントワークを通して痛感することがあります。それは、iOSとAndroidデザインの違いをきちんと理解した上でデザインができる人が少ないことです。それには2つ理由があると思います。 ①日常的に、iPhone、Androidの両方を使っている人が少ない ②2つの違いを整理した良質な書物や記事が中々見つからない そこで今回は、②にフォーカスしてみます。少し前から部署内で話題になってる、「LEARN UI DEASIGN BLOG」の『iOS vs. Android App UI Design: The Complete Guide』という英記事を翻訳(という名の意訳)して解説してみようと思います。 前置きがちょっと長いので、内容が気になる人は目

                                                                          iOS vs. Android App UI Designを読み解く(1/3)ナビゲーション編|松岡誠造|Seizo Matsuoka
                                                                        • Soft UI Design Django - Free Template

                                                                          Hello! This article presents an open-source Django Template crafted with authentication, database on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design. Django Soft UI Design can be downloaded directly from Github and used for a commercial project or simply for eLearning activities. For newcomers, Django is a leading web framework actively supported and versioned by programming experts using a batteries-in

                                                                            Soft UI Design Django - Free Template
                                                                          • Interface Builder Basics - Learn UI Design and Development | Salesforce Trailhead

                                                                            9 月 17 日~ 19 日に サンフランシスコで Dreamforce が開催されます。DF24TRAIL20 というコードを使って今すぐ登録すると 20% 割引になります。 学習の目的 この単元を完了すると、次のことができるようになります。 Interface Builder を使用してユーザーインターフェース (UI) を構築する。 アプリケーションをコンパイルせずに UI をプレビューする。 Xcode には、視覚的にインターフェースを作成するために使用できる Interface Builder という組み込みのツールがあります。この単元では、Interface Builder 内を移動し、キャンバスに要素を追加し、それらの要素をコード内で操作する方法を学習します。 ストーリーボード プロジェクトナビゲーターから XIB ファイル (.xib) またはストーリーボードファイル (.

                                                                              Interface Builder Basics - Learn UI Design and Development | Salesforce Trailhead
                                                                            • UI design knowhow | 株式会社 ツクロア

                                                                              このたびは、私たちツクロアに興味を持っていただきありがとうございます。 当サイトでは、ユーザーの同意を得た場合に限り、当サイトの訪問・離脱、訪問中の行動に関する統計情報の分析のため、Cookieを使用します。 詳しくはプライバシーポリシーを参照ください。

                                                                                UI design knowhow | 株式会社 ツクロア