AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass. The Sass Guidelines project has been translated into several languages by generous contributors. Open the options panel to switch. About the authorMy name is Kitty Giraudel, I am a French front-end developer, based in Berlin (Germany) since 2015, currently working at Cofenster. I have been writing Sass for several years no
Website Style Guide Resources GitHub repo Twitter updates Contributors Examples Real life pattern libraries, code standards documents and content style guides. Carbon Design System By IBM Carbon is the design system for IBM Cloud products. It is a series of individual styles, components, and guidelines used for creating unified UI. frontendcodepatternsvoiceandtone Code For America frontendpatterns
自分は常に最高であれって思っている。最高の香りを身にまとい、最高の振る舞いをする。ごみ1つ捨てるのだって、ほかの誰よりイカしてなきゃ。 ―Lil Wayne ずっと長いこと恥も外聞も知らずに、MediumでCSSについて執筆しようと思っていました…。 それからどうなったって? 違うことをやっていた? 何てこと、どうやったら同じことができるかって? やり方を教わりたいって? これから書くことは私たちのCSSについての覚書で、これまでに歩んできた道のりと現在のCSSについて述べています。 始まり(これまでの道のり) だいたい2年ほど前、私はソフトウェアアプリケーション開発と(皆さんが読んでくれているといいのですが) に取り組むためにObvious Corp.に加わりました。 その時、Mediumは、すでに一連の”スタイル更新”を行っていました( スタイル更新とは デザイナ
Introduction SUIT CSS is a reliable and testable styling methodology for component-based UI development. A collection of CSS packages and build tools are available as modules. SUIT CSS plays well with React, Ember, Angular, and other component-based approaches to UI development. Scope styles The SUIT CSS naming convention helps to scope component CSS and make your widgets render more predictably.
This article is the sixth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts, the fourth covered a free plugin c
CSS at Groupon This post was inspired by the recent wave of people sharing info about their CSS: Mark Otto at Github, Ian Feather at Lonely Planet and Chris Coyier at Codepen. About two years ago I was working on a redesign of Groupon's consumer website (which was later scrapped) when I was asked if I wanted to work on our internal tools team. "You won't have to support Internet Explorer," they sa
Tweet I’ve quite enjoyed some of the recent blog posts coming out that take a deeper look at CSS architecture, performance and best-practices at different technology companies. If you’ve missed them, I highly recommend reading these deep-dives into the CSS at Github, Groupon, Lonely Planet and CodePen. This post takes a closer look at how we approach CSS at Buffer. While this post aims to highlig
Inspired by Mark Otto's post Github's CSS I thought I would quickly jot down how Lonely Planet's CSS is structured. I thought it was interesting to read some of the parallels and it's good to share how we work. Quick FactsWe write in Sass (Indented syntax).We have more than 150 source files.The compiled CSS is split into two stylesheets to allow for stronger caching across apps.The average weight
CodePen probably won't work great in this browser. We generally only support the major desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Use this one at your own risk! If you're looking to test things, try looking at Pens/Projects in Debug View. Inspired by Mark Otto's tour of GitHub's CSS and Ian Feather's tour of Lonely Planet's CSS, I thought I would join the party and talk about how we
In summer, several well-known companies such as GitHub, CodePen or Buffer have published blog posts about how the CSS architecture is designed in their applications. Due to the fact that in September we finished transferring Shelly Cloud from Twitter Bootstrap (from version 2.3.2) to the styles developed by us and based on the Inuit framework, I wanted to share the experience that we've gained doi
(My official Concentric CSS “style.css” is in a GitHub repository) Perhaps my mind is unusually visual, but I have no idea how people clearly picture the effects of their CSS rules when following the common advice to sort their properties alphabetically within each declaration block (as in the answers to this Stack Overflow question). The main alternative to alphabetization seems to be a CSS prope