
viewportに関するryo_n574のブックマーク (6)

  • The trick to viewport units on mobile | CSS-Tricks

    Viewport units have always been controversial and some of that is because of how mobile browsers have made things more complicated by having their own opinions about how to implement them. Case in point: should the scrollbar be taken into account for the vw unit? What about a site’s navigation or page controls — should those count in the calculation? Then there are physical attributes of the devic

    The trick to viewport units on mobile | CSS-Tricks
    ryo_n574 2018/08/01
  • A Look at CSS Viewport Units

    Viewport units were introduced with the CSS Values and Units level 3 spec. They allow to size elements and font sizes as a percentage of the total width or height of the user’s screen (the viewport). Let’s explore what we can accomplish design-wise by making use of these units in our CSS. vh & vwvh stands for viewport height and vw is for viewport width. Hence, setting an element to a width value

    A Look at CSS Viewport Units
  • "The Notch" and CSS | CSS-Tricks

    UGURUS offers elite coaching and mentorship for agency owners looking to grow. Start with the free Agency Accelerator today. Apple’s iPhone X has a screen that covers the entire face of the phone, save for a “notch” to make space for a camera and other various components. The result is some awkward situations for screen design, like constraining websites to a “safe area” and having white bars on t

    "The Notch" and CSS | CSS-Tricks
    ryo_n574 2017/09/17
  • スマートフォンのための viewport について

    スマートフォン専用のサイトで見かけるメタタグで <meta name="viewport" ...> のような記述をご覧になったことはないでしょうか。私はこれが何なのかさっぱりわからず、検索してもなかなか仕様らしきものが見つからなくて、ほとほと困り果てていたのですが、どうやらこの指定には明確な仕様というのが定められてはいないようです。 もともとAppleiPhone Safariに組み込んだものですが、広く使われ始めたことや同様の仕組みが求められたこともあり、他のモバイルブラウザーも実装している機能です。 このような事情からか細かい挙動がそれぞれ異なっているようで、それぞれがどういった挙動になるのかを正確に把握するのは非常に困難であると言えるでしょう。 それぞれの機種やブラウザの実装 [Opera Mobile] viewport メタタグと @viewport 規則 [Fennec]

  • viewport メタタグと @viewport 規則 - Dev.Opera

    viewport メタタグと @viewport 規則 Translated by Masataka Yakura · 31 Mar, 2011Published in: target-densitydpi, mobile, opera mobile, viewport, device-pixel-ratioThis is a translation of An introduction to meta viewport and @viewport, written by Andreas Bovens. はじめに Opera のモバイル製品ではずいぶん昔から viewport メタタグをサポートしています。Opera Mobile 11 になって viewport 実装はより堅牢なものになり、また、異なる画面密度に対応する新しいメカニズムもサポートしました。さらには、私たちが提出した @v

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    Videos Watch and learn from our engineers as they show how to bring the latest web technologies to your websites on Safari. Watch Safari and Web Videos Forums Ask questions and discuss a variety of web development topics with Apple engineers and other developers. Apple Developer Forums Safari Extensions Safari extensions are a powerful way to add new features to Safari. They are built in Xcode wit

    ryo_n574 2012/07/28
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