【増員!→370名】 開発者、デザイナー必見! アプリ制作勉強会 / 勘違いだらけのAndroid UIデザイン 発表資料(2012年8月21日) http://atnd.org/events/31039 The presentation doc for Smartphone application design seminar on 2012/08/21 by WAVE Multimedia School.Read less
The document discusses mobile game monetization and metrics like ARPPU (Average Revenue Per Paying User). It analyzes the performance of two games, TwinkleBar and CoordeMania. TwinkleBar had 15,000 DAU (Daily Active Users), 200 payers, and $100,000 in revenue. CoordeMania had 30,000 DAU, 600 payers, and $300,000 in revenue. The document suggests that increasing DAU through improved retention and m
GREE developed mobile games using HTML5, JavaScript and Android. They used features like CSS3 animations, transforms and placeholders to build responsive UIs. They encountered issues on older Android versions with animated GIFs and Unicode characters which were addressed. Caching strategies like manifest files, application cache and web SQL databases were employed to improve performance.Read less
This document discusses using UIWebView in iOS applications. It covers loading HTML and CSS content into UIWebView, handling touch events, supporting Retina displays, and using CSS effects like gradients, shadows, animations and rounded corners. It also provides resources for learning more about web development for iOS like the Safari Developer Center documentation.Read less
2011年10月1日のminami.rbの第9回勉強会で発表したgitのtipsのプレゼン資料です。Read less
The document discusses various techniques for developing mobile web applications, including: 1. Using viewport meta tags to control layout on different screen sizes. 2. Storing cached content in Web Storage instead of cookies for better performance on mobile. 3. Loading images lazily via Ajax to improve perceived performance. 4. Detecting device orientation changes and resizing content appropriate
2. 自己紹介 MySQL/Linux周りのスペシャリスト 2006年9月から2010年8月までMySQL本家(MySQL/Sun/Oracle)で APAC/US圏のMySQLコンサルティングに従事 主な著書に「現場で使えるMySQL」「Linux-DBシステム構築/ 運用入門」「Javaデータアクセス実践講座」 DeNAでの主な役割 安定化/パフォーマンス/運用周りの中長期的な改善活動 L3サポート/運用/トラブルシューティング – 難度の高いMySQL周りの問題の根本原因の特定と解決 多くのプロジェクト支援 社内勉強会/トレーニング – MySQLやデータベース周りのベストプラクティスを社内で共有し、 技術スキルを底上げする 技術マーケティング – 国内外のカンファレンスや、技術雑誌等