The seemingly endless debate about how to improve US science education seems to make the tacit assumption that learning happens only in the classroom. As a result, the arguments tend to focus on issues such as curricula — specifying, say, what information pre-college students should be expected to learn at each grade level — and, as in US President Barack Obama's recent proposals to reform the No
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As the era of the electronic book dawns, perhaps hastened by Apple's much-touted iPad, researchers should prime themselves to take advantage of the spacious book format. Unlike a tweet, blog or research paper, a good book offers space to breathe, to contemplate complex ideas and to convey a mode of thinking. But most scientists don't think of writing one, and, if they do, they do it in secret. In
Nature Digest - Table of contents: June 2019, Volume 16 No 6Nature NewsNews ScanNature NewsNews FeaturesNews in JapanNews FeatureNature NewsNews and ViewsEditorialHighlights表示号のPDFをダウンロード (8,209 KB) ファージ感染した緑膿菌は免疫系から逃れやすい - pp2 - 3Sara Reardon doi:10.1038/ndigest.2019.190602 細菌とウイルスの共生関係を加味することで、一部の微生物が体内で免疫寛容状態になる機序が説明できるかもしれない。慢性感染症のより良い治療法につながる可能性もある。 日本語本文PDF (1,092 KB) 超深海にすむ動物のゲノムを初めて解読 - pp
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