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  • The Development of the C Language

    The Development of the C Language* Dennis M. Ritchie Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA dmr@bell-labs.com ABSTRACT The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager progr

    • 4 Features That Make It Easy to Work With Multiple Apps on a Mac

      Apple makes it easy to multitask across multiple apps on your Mac with the use of these easy-to-use features. When you work with multiple applications in macOS, your desktop can get a little messy. Thankfully, Apple provides several tools you can use to make multitasking more manageable. Whether you want to work with several apps on the same screen, utilize separate desktops, or simply switch betw

        4 Features That Make It Easy to Work With Multiple Apps on a Mac
      • なぜ新型コロナウイルスの犠牲者は「圧倒的に黒人が多い」のか?

        新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)による死亡率は人種や民族により異なり、中でもヒスパニック・黒人の死亡率は白人・アジア系の倍近いと判明しています。アメリカの全犠牲者のうち約72%が黒人という現状について、公民権や人種差別などに関する権威として知られるニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のニコール・ハンナ・ジョーンズ氏が解説しています。 Ida Bae Wellsさん (@nhannahjones) / Twitter https://twitter.com/nhannahjones ジョーンズ氏は前置きとして、「COVID-19がアメリカで感染拡大し始めた2020年3月頃、『アメリカという人種的に分断された国家において、COVID-19こそ平等なものだ』という意見が見られましたが、アメリカの人種カーストをよく知る我々はそんなことは起こりえないと分かっていました」と発言。 When Covid

        • Waifu Labs - How we built the Waifu Vending Machine

          Try waifulabs.com out here!!!! On the weekend of Anime Expo, an artist promised the humanly impossible ⁠—- custom art commissions with a five-minute turnaround time. The not-so-hidden catch? The artist wasn’t a human at all, but an AI exposed to millions of anime images. Over the next four days, what started as a simple experiment would go on to become a cult attraction in the artist alley, drawin

            Waifu Labs - How we built the Waifu Vending Machine
          • David Beckham hands Instagram account to Ukrainian doctor in Kharkiv

            David Beckham has handed over control of his Instagram account to a Ukrainian doctor working in the city of Kharkiv. Throughout Sunday, the former footballer’s Instagram Stories were inundated with videos and photographs following Iryna, a child anaesthesiologist and head of the regional perinatal centre, through a day at work in the midst of the conflict. Iryna showed Beckham’s 71.5 million follo

              David Beckham hands Instagram account to Ukrainian doctor in Kharkiv
            • 5 Reasons Why Note-Taking Tools Don't Work

              Many note-taking tools are ineffective and can even hinder your learning process. Here are some reasons why you should stop using note-taking apps. Note-taking tools look exciting, but many can be unhelpful. In fact, using a note-taking app can actually hurt your learning. Not convinced? Here are five reasons to ditch your note-taking app. 1. Typing Hurts Memory If you use a note-taking app, you m

                5 Reasons Why Note-Taking Tools Don't Work
              • Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate

                Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 1665 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 21 Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac ProNick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac FreeI discovered it took a lot of discipline to stay on track but after making such an effort for the week I will find it difficult to go back to the way I was before. The sustainable living p

                  Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate
                • Quality Raw Materials Twitter Sniper Nike.com For Mac

                  Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5581 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 This statistic illustrates the opinion on the importance of the provenance of the raw materials used for manufacturing food products in Italy in the year 2017. As of the survey period, a growing share of the respondents (66 percent) considers highly important the provenance of the raw materials employed when manufacturing

                    Quality Raw Materials Twitter Sniper Nike.com For Mac
                  • Best Office Suite For Mac

                    Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4015 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 9 How To Best Use Office SuiteBest Office Suite For Mac 2017Jun 7, 2018 - Microsoft offers two versions of Office for Mac: Microsoft Office 2016. Which programs you need in your Microsoft Office suite will also be a. There are different versions of Office that are available for Mac users. All these versions come with differe

                      Best Office Suite For Mac
                    • Housing in Tokyo is Cheaper and More Spacious Than You Think

                      This is a follow-up article to my post about how Tokyo managed to avoid an affordable housing crisis. Please read it first if you haven't already: Konichi-Value[Contrarian Investing] How Tokyo Avoided the Affordable Housing CrisisDisclaimer: The information in this article represents my opinions, and should not be construed as personalized or individualized investment advice and are subject to cha

                        Housing in Tokyo is Cheaper and More Spacious Than You Think
                      • Apple + NeXT, 25 years ago today.

                        #haymanSplaining Let's see if this works. I sure hope I can change this description later. 25 years ago today, I was a field systems engineer for NeXT, one of three NeXT employees in Canada – and our family was in Scranton, Pennsylvania, introducing a three week old baby to his grandmother. Nobody had reliable cell phones back then, so most messaging was done through a voice mail system called Aud

                          Apple + NeXT, 25 years ago today.
                        • Product News Matias Releases Jis Tactile Pro For Mac

                          Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5581 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Product News Matias Releases Jis Tactile Pro For MacProduct News Matias Releases Jis Tactile Pro For Mac ProProduct Requirements: Device: Mac OS X computer or laptop with a free USB port, Windows PC or laptop with a free USB port Do high schools still teach touch typing these days? I don’t think I’ll ever forget Typing 10

                            Product News Matias Releases Jis Tactile Pro For Mac
                          • Your First THINK C Program

                            Your First THINK C Program Welcome, child! Come in, come in! I have so few visitors to this little hut. Pull up a chair, and I’ll put on some tea. I can see from the wedge of machined aluminum you cradle, its outer surface festooned with glyphs and incantations, that you, too, are a programmer. Things have changed so much over the years. What’s that? Oh, you noticed one of my antiques: An elegant

                            • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


                                HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
                              • buscopan alternative canada next day delivery – TrEd College

                                Reliable Pharmacy USA next day delivery http://url-qr.tk/pharmacy – Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy – Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin – Fast delivery and complete anonymity – 100% legal products. – Bonus pills and big discounts for every order – Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. – Fast delivery guaranteed. – Your full satisfaction is guarantee

                                • Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune

                                  I am starting this new year the same way I ended the last: taking antibiotics because my biological daughter brought home a nasty sinus bug from Carnegie Mellon’s preschool. This was after my first wife betrayed me and gave me COVID. Nevertheless, it is time for my annual screed on last year’s major database happenings and trends since a lot has happened. My goal is to keep my trenchant opinions f

                                    Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune
                                  • 2000円以内で買えるSwitch向けゲームから,2023年内に発売されたオススメの20本を紹介! 年末年始に旅先で遊ぶゲームを見つけ出そう

                                    2000円以内で買えるSwitch向けゲームから,2023年内に発売されたオススメの20本を紹介! 年末年始に旅先で遊ぶゲームを見つけ出そう ライター:蒼之スギウラ 年末年始,出先で手軽に遊ぶゲームを探し求めてニンテンドーeショップを開く人は多いだろう。しかし同時に,そこに並ぶタイトルは年々増え続け,ショップから直接ゲームを選ぶのは難しくなってきている。 一方で,低価格なタイトルの中でもバリバリに遊べる作品はたくさん存在する。2021年12月に発売され,2023年にブームを巻き起こした「スイカゲーム」や,PC版の人気を受けて移植が行われた「Vampire Survivors」の大流行も記憶に新しい。 というわけで,今回はニンテンドーeショップで2023年内に発売された新作タイトルの中から,2000円以内で遊べる20作品をピックアップして紹介していく。以下に記事内リンクを掲載するので,タイト

                                      2000円以内で買えるSwitch向けゲームから,2023年内に発売されたオススメの20本を紹介! 年末年始に旅先で遊ぶゲームを見つけ出そう
                                    • Viramune buy - Can I Buy Nevirapine Safely - Colibris-wiki Q&A

                                      Welcome to Colibris-wiki Q&A, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community. Excellent Quality Viramune at Cheap Prices - Excellent Quality VIRAMUNE ! Purchase VIRAMUNE Online Now! Cheapest Prices Guaranteed! Really Amazing Prices and Fast Delivery Best Online Pharmacy to Buy Viramune Discreet packaging, Anonymous Delivery No Prior Prescription Needed VIRAMUNE

                                      • Moe Shop - WWW (feat. EDOGA-SULLIVAN)

                                        Moe Shop - WWW (feat. EDOGA-SULLIVAN) Stream/Download: https://moeshop.fanlink.to/www Produced by Moe Shop Vocals by Moe Sasaki Lyrics by Moe Sasaki Art by Shota Iwasaki Design by GraphersRock Lyrics (English): Sleepless nights With my display lights Going through DMs Surfing for that same Feeling hits close to home Sliding through my phone Through these messages Through and through This mi

                                          Moe Shop - WWW (feat. EDOGA-SULLIVAN)
                                        • How to Silence a Noisy Laptop Fan: 7 Things You Can Do

                                          Why is your laptop fan so loud? Here are several ways to make your noisy laptop fan quieter and finally get some peace and quiet! You can't beat a laptop computer when it comes to getting work done in the surroundings of your choice. But portability comes at a cost. Heat buildup is often a problem, thanks to the cramped space inside and the high-capacity batteries. As soon as things get hot, your

                                            How to Silence a Noisy Laptop Fan: 7 Things You Can Do
                                          • コンデンスドフォントは、本当に使ってはダメなのか? | デザインクラフト コラム

                                            和文から英文への差替えレイアウトの仕事を多くさせていただく中で、時々お客様から「コンデンスドフォントは使わないでください」と言われることがあります。必ずしも合理的な根拠がない場合もあるのですが、英文レイアウトでコンデンスド書体を使ってはいけないというのは、果たして一般的なルールなのでしょうか? 「コンデンスドフォント」(condensed font)とは、簡単に言うと、そのフォントファミリーの通常形よりも横幅を狭くデザインしたフォント(書体)のことです。ちなみに、フォントファミリーとは、太さや字幅などのバリエーションを含む同じフォントの系列をいいます。太さであれば「Bold」「Heavy」(太い)や「Light」「Thin」(細い)など、字幅であれば「Condensed」(狭い)や「Extended」(広い)、そのほかにいわゆるイタリック形(「Italic」や「Oblique」)などの種類

                                            • Attack Of The Flying 18650s

                                              When somebody builds a quadcopter with the express purpose of flying it as fast and aggressively as possible, it’s not exactly a surprise when they eventually run it into an immovable object hard enough to break something. In fact, it’s more like a rite of passage. Which is why many serious fliers will have a 3D printer at home to rapidly run off replacement parts. Avid first person view (FPV) fli

                                                Attack Of The Flying 18650s
                                              • The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism

                                                Enough already. When people try to be cheerful about social distancing and working from home, noting that William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton did some of their best work while England was ravaged by the plague, there is an obvious response: Neither of them had child-care responsibilities. Shakespeare spent most of his career in London, where the theaters were, while his family lived in Stratford-

                                                  The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
                                                • 1Feed

                                                  1Feed is designed to replace the part of your day when you open a website or app to see “what’s up”. This could be Apple/Google News, Twitter, or something else. 1Feed is a calm alternative that allows you to answer the question “what’s up” faster than ever before, without the addictive tactics of platforms that make money from your attention. On 1Feed, you only ever see content from sources that

                                                  • How to Configure Your Mouse For Comfort

                                                    You use a mouse for hours each day. If it leaves your wrists and hands feeling tired, it's time to change things. The mouse is a key accessory for using a PC, but people don't pay enough attention to them and hurt their wrists and hands as a result. If you have an aching hand after a hard day of work and play, you may need to make some tweaks to how you use your mouse. Let's explore how to configu

                                                      How to Configure Your Mouse For Comfort
                                                    • PETA's Vegan Guide to 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'

                                                      With everyone self-isolated at home and finding themselves on social media more than ever, by now, you’ve probably heard about Nintendo’s new game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This vegan guide to it will help answer some of the tough ethical questions that it presents as well as give you an opportunity to help real animals while living your island life. Is fishing in Animal Crossing vegan? This

                                                        PETA's Vegan Guide to 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'
                                                      • Translating Against World Literature | Los Angeles Review of Books

                                                        IN A 1977 short story called “The Railroad Storytellers — A Dream,” Turkish author Oğuz Atay depicted the lives of three writers of short stories under the semi-employ of a provincial railroad station. Narrated by one of the writers, the story follows the three of them as they spend their days writing stories on an old typewriter and their nights competing with food vendors to peddle these composi

                                                          Translating Against World Literature | Los Angeles Review of Books
                                                        • Moe Shop - "Moe Moe" Live Mashup 2021 - YouTube

                                                          Three years after releasing their seminal "Moe Moe" EP from a cramped sharehouse space in Japan, Moe Shop returns with an all-new live mashup featuring all six tracks remastered for this performance. ----- Moe Shop - Moe Moe (March 15, 2018) 1. Magic (w/ MYLK) https://twitter.com/mylkofficial 2. Virtual (w/ Puniden) https://twitter.com/puniden 3. Baby Pink (w/ YUC'e) https://twitter.com/yuce_e

                                                            Moe Shop - "Moe Moe" Live Mashup 2021 - YouTube
                                                          • Physical Books vs. Audiobooks: Which Is Better?

                                                            The physical feel of a book in your hands is great, but is it better than hearing the story read to you? For a book lover, few things compare to the joy of a new book. We live in a time when you can get the same book in audio format and as a physical copy. But does one medium stand above the rest? What's the best way to consume a book? Let's compare the pros and cons of audiobooks and physical cop

                                                              Physical Books vs. Audiobooks: Which Is Better?
                                                            • Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Steep Hillsides

                                                              Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Hillsides Based in London and Singapore, Finbarr Fallon is a RIBA-nominated photographer known for his architectural imagery. In his long-term photography project Dead Space, he uses his architectural sensibilities to create evocative imagery. In this set of twelve photographs, shot over the course of five years, Fallon immortalizes

                                                                Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Steep Hillsides
                                                              • Average Rent in Tokyo and Affordable Areas to Live - 2023 Guide

                                                                So, you are considering finding a job and living in Tokyo and are wondering what it’s like living here? And, yes, how much is the average rent in Tokyo? This is a very natural question; after all, renting an apartment is one of the first steps and a major cost factor. Moreover, you may also be looking for more affordable areas in Tokyo to save on rent. Well, you have come to the right place to fin

                                                                  Average Rent in Tokyo and Affordable Areas to Live - 2023 Guide
                                                                • Eight minutes that could change the world - Asia Times

                                                                  In parts of Southeast Asia, where ethnic and religious divides are less stark but have been increasingly politicised, there have been more vocal calls to address the persecution of minorities. They include the Muslim Rohingya of Myanmar, ethnically Melanesian Papuans in Indonesia, and the urban poor who are victims of President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs. George Floyd’s now famous almost last

                                                                    Eight minutes that could change the world - Asia Times