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  • エイプリルフールに便乗しているサイトまとめ2020年版

    By mera 毎年おなじみのエイプリルフールが今年も始まりました。さまざまな意味でいろいろなネタがネットを飛び交う日です。 ◆エイプリルフール記事が更新される度にすぐ知る便利な方法 GIGAZINE編集部はエイプリルフールに便乗していろいろと仕込みまくっている各サイトを4月1日0時~24時まで、文字通り24時間リアルタイム更新し、この記事にまとめて追加し続けます。時間の経過とともに更新内容が追加されていけばいくほど、どんどん長くなっていきます。「ページを再読み込みして、追加があるかどうか確認するのはギガも無駄に減るしちょっと……」という場合は、GIGAZINEのTwitter公式アカウント・Facebook公式アカウントに随時、更新通知の投稿をしますので、フォローしておくと今後ともいろいろ便利です。さらにChromeとFirefoxの場合、右上の「通知」アイコンをクリックすると、プッシュ

    • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

      Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

        An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
      • Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade | Dominic Green | Standpoint

        Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an

          Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade | Dominic Green | Standpoint
        • The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

          A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing. The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence. Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the r

            The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
          • Dan Kogai On Twitter: Kindle For Mac

            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4431 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 90 This is why I bought a Nook instead. Well, that and Kindle didn’t have ANY lending support when I got my Nook. Both my Nook and the wife’s new Nook touch can sideload ePubs via the USB cable. Dan Kosai On Twitter: Kindle For Mac PcDankogai On Twitter Kindle For MacDaniel Danger's The Jungle Book print Jungle Book MoviesTh

              Dan Kogai On Twitter: Kindle For Mac
            • Countering threats from North Korea

              On February 10, Threat Analysis Group discovered two distinct North Korean government-backed attacker groups exploiting a remote code execution vulnerability in Chrome, CVE-2022-0609. These groups' activity has been publicly tracked as Operation Dream Job and Operation AppleJeus. We observed the campaigns targeting U.S. based organizations spanning news media, IT, cryptocurrency and fintech indust

                Countering threats from North Korea
              • On Leaving Facebook

                I left Facebook (Meta) in 2021 to join a small startup called Replit. Leaving wasn’t easy, and during the process I’ve talked to half a dozen friends who were in the similar situation. I hope this post would be useful to senior engineers who are looking to leave. Disclaimers: This post isn’t sponsored by Replit, Facebook (Meta), or any other company or product mentioned here. The advice might not

                  On Leaving Facebook
                • 利用者:さえぼー/英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナー - Wikipedia

                  本ページは、大学の授業で実施する英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナーのためのサブページです。基本的に、英語版ウィキペディアの記事を日本語版ウィキペディアに翻訳します。 この授業は、学生の皆さんの英語力・調べ物技術の向上と、日本語版ウィキペディアの発展を2本の柱とするプロジェクトです。 2024年度は担当教員のさえぼーがサバティカル中であるため、プロジェクトクラスは1年間休止いたします。こちらの候補記事リストは随時更新します。 学生の皆さんへ[編集] ウィキペディアにはいろいろなルールがあり、記事を作成するのは予想以上に大変だと思います。しかしながら、翻訳記事を作成するのは英語と日本語両方の勉強になり、また自分の知識を生かして社会に貢献できるチャンスでもあります。教員ができるだけサポートするので、めげずに頑張りましょう。 以下は、記事執筆前に必ず読んで欲しいルール一覧です。 Help:ログイ

                  • How America Fractured Into Four Parts

                    The libertarians were different. They slipped more easily into the American stream. In their insistence on freedom they could claim to be descendants of Locke, Jefferson, and the classical liberal tradition. Some of them interpreted the Constitution as a libertarian document for individual and states’ rights under a limited federal government, not as a framework for the strengthened nation that th

                      How America Fractured Into Four Parts
                    • The Taiwan Temptation

                      For more than 70 years, China and Taiwan have avoided coming to blows. The two entities have been separated since 1949, when the Chinese Civil War, which had begun in 1927, ended with the Communists’ victory and the Nationalists’ retreat to Taiwan. Ever since, the strait separating Taiwan from mainland China—81 miles wide at its narrowest—has been the site of habitual crises and everlasting tensio

                        The Taiwan Temptation
                      • ビデオゲーム配信ガイドライン集積所

                        当ブログは権利的にクリーンな配信を心がける個人ストリーマー向けに各ビデオゲームの配信ガイドラインや同様の表明などを一箇所にまとめたものです。ブログ記事の表記はあくまで利便性向上のために要点をまとめただけであり、必ずご自身で1次ソースをご覧になり配信活動は自己責任でお願いします。 当ブログおよび管理者はいかなる責任も負いかねます。(そのためにこそ、全てにおいて1次ソースを提示しています) 基本的に各社のガイドラインは企業に所属したストリーマーを対象にしていない、もしくは考慮していないため当ブログも企業に所属するストリーマー向けの記載はしていないことをご理解お願いします。 使い方 ・ブログ内検索は基本的に英語表記、シリーズ化されているゲームの場合タイトル全文ではなくシリーズ名で検索してください。また™や®などは含めないでください 例 The Elder Scrolls :◯ The Elder

                        • デヴィッド・グレーバーと東アジア/日本と韓国の友人からの追悼

                          追悼 デヴィッド・グレーバー David Graeber and those of us in Japan and Korea 編集部より 追記:当初、英語版のみ掲載していた韓国の方々による追悼文であるが、日本語訳が完了したため(原文のハングルとともに)追加掲載をする運びとなった。非常に胸に迫る4本の追悼文(韓国でのグレーバー「読み」の早さも窺える)をぜひお目通しいだければ幸いである。 なお、これら追悼文は、遅れての掲載となったため、しばらくの間「はじめに」の後に4本続けて掲載させていただくこととした。 また、日本語では「デヴィッド」として記載されることの多い、グレーバーのファースト・ネームであるが、ハングルの表音表記に合わせ、今回の訳文では「デイヴィッド」で統一させていただいたことをお断りしておく。 韓国語からの日本語訳は今政肇氏によるもので、英語訳は今政氏とジェフ・ラザール氏によるもの

                          • Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK

                            Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK While the links between the anti-trans moral panic and the far-right are well-documented, 'Gender Critical' feminists are able shield themselves from that connection because of the common assumption that feminism and fascism are polar opposites. But, at many points in history, the distinction between feminism

                              Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK
                            • How ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really?

                              To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. Alyssa Blackburn, a data scientist at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, has spent several years performing digital detective work with her trusty lab assistant, Hail Mary, a shiny black computer with orange trim. She has been collecting and analyzing leaks from the Bi

                                How ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really?
                              • Spider-Man NWH - Revised Final Cut Script Conform - 1.21.22

                                SERENITY NOW Written by Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers 1. OVER SONY LOGO: NY1 REPORTER (V.O.) We come to you now with revelations about last week’s attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, moments before his death. Warning: you may find this video disturbing. OVER COLUMBIA LOGO: QUENTIN BECK (V.O.) I managed to send the Elemental back through th

                                • Institute for the Study of War

                                  This page collects ISW and CTP's updates on the conflict in Ukraine. In late February 2022, ISW began publishing daily synthetic products covering key events related to renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine. These Ukraine Conflict Updates replaced ISW’s previous “Indicators and Thresholds for Russian Military Operations in Ukraine and/or Belarus,” which we maintained from November 12, 2021, t

                                  • Ways To Help

                                    Ways You Can HelpWhen You’re Done: Educate Yourself. This Doesn’t Go Away Once The Topic Isn’t, “Trending.” Map Of ProtestsSIGN PETITIONSTEXT, CALL, AND E-MAILDONATEVOTEMORE RESOURCESFOR PROTESTERSOTHER CAUSESFAQTranslations#BLM Canada#BLM Australia#BLM UKPb-Resources*Wanted to especially highlight pb-resources as it is an amazing site created by a black women and consistently updated! *Translated

                                      Ways To Help
                                    • TOPGUN DAYS - Top Guns, by Ehud Yonay

                                      Here's the original article from the California magazine May 1983 issue, presented as a tribute to author Ehud Yonay. This article and these photos inspired the Paramount motion picture "Top Gun." Think back to the days before the movie, before GoPro cameras and squadron videos on YouTube ... Yonay took readers into the cockpit with incredibly vivid descriptions. Be sure to read his sidebar at the

                                      • Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

                                        🧠 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts Be my sponsor and your logo will be here and prompts.chat! Welcome to the “Awesome ChatGPT Prompts” repository! This is a collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model. The ChatGPT model is a large language model trained by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text. By providing it with a prompt, it can generate responses that continue the co

                                        • Call 7045533786 Chennai Escort Service in Hotel or Flat

                                          Hire Our Profile Independent Call Girl Services Agency in Chennai We have a team of talented independent escort girls who are well-known. They have skill, experience are very attractive. All you need is to search our gallery. You can find and talk to talented and comfortable Chennai escorts. They commit to providing endless pleasure. Our well-trained and polite escorts fulfill your sexual fantasie

                                            Call 7045533786 Chennai Escort Service in Hotel or Flat