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  • 『はじめてゲームプログラミング』でデザインされた名作ゲームの再現版が続々登場。「マリオ」や「ポケモン」のほか「GTA」なども、「スマブラ」シリーズの生みの親の桜井政博氏も試作のデモ映像を発表

    任天堂の新作Nintendo Switch向けソフト『ナビつき! つくってわかる はじめてゲームプログラミング』(以下、『はじめてゲームプログラミング』) が大きな話題を集めている。多彩な機能を持つ「ノードン」を直感的に線でつなぎ、思い思いにデザインしたオリジナルゲームをプラットフォーム上でシェアできる本ソフトは、6月11日(金)の発売以来、数々のクリエイターを国内外で生み出している。 (画像はYouTubeより) またその中には、往年の名作からインディータイトルに至るまで、さまざまな有名ゲームの再現を試みる者も現れている。今回は筆者が見つけた6つの再現作品をピックアップして紹介したい。なおゲームIDもあわせて記載しているので、ソフトをお持ちの方は気になった作品をプレイしていただけると幸いだ(本稿執筆時点でのIDにつき、変更となっている場合あり)。 ①『Super Mario Bros 1

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                      しばらく前に Aruba Instant On AP11 が特価販売されており,自宅用に 2 台購入した. そのまま使っても十分すぎるほど良い AP だが,個人的には LAN 内のネットワーク機器の管理がクラウドサービスに依存している点は好ましくないと思い,LAN 内の Virtual Controller で管理できる Unified AP (旧称 Instant AP; IAP) 化をしてみた. 追記:Instant AP (IAP) を Unified AP の旧称として紹介していたが,これは誤解だった.仮想コントローラ機能のみ対応のものが Instant AP,仮想コントローラ + コントローラの両対応が Unified AP であるらしい. Aruba Instant On AP11 = Aruba AP-303 Aruba Instant On AP11 の Aruba AP-

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                        Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4505 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 20 Adobe Flash Download For MacAdvertisements Portal: The Flash Version – Flash Games Download – Overview This Portal: The Flash Version side scrolling puzzle platformer flash game is based on the first person puzzle game back in year 2007. Originally posted in this blog with the title “” back in 26 November 2007. Time flies

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                        • Spider-Man NWH - Revised Final Cut Script Conform - 1.21.22

                          SERENITY NOW Written by Chris McKenna & Erik Sommers 1. OVER SONY LOGO: NY1 REPORTER (V.O.) We come to you now with revelations about last week’s attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, moments before his death. Warning: you may find this video disturbing. OVER COLUMBIA LOGO: QUENTIN BECK (V.O.) I managed to send the Elemental back through th

                          • 10 Weird HTML Hacks That Shaped The Internet

                            Today in Tedium: As an experienced survivor of the email wars, I have seen many things over the years that should not work, but ultimately pull off unexpected and weird tricks. Some of these are absolutely necessary because of code failures created by larger entities who failed to properly implement proper HTML code, or more egregiously, forced users to create code that was the opposite of elegant

                              10 Weird HTML Hacks That Shaped The Internet
                            • Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics

                              WT Microelectronics buys Future Electronics for $3.8bn Taiwan's WT Microelectronics has completed its acquisition of Canada's Future Electronics to create "a global electronic components distribution powerhouse". It's a bold claim, but the two firms can each boast considerable market strength. WT is a global top three electronic components distributor with reach across Asia Pacific, the Americas a

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                              • MoonBounce: the dark side of UEFI firmware

                                What happened? At the end of 2021, we were made aware of a UEFI firmware-level compromise through logs from our Firmware Scanner, which has been integrated into Kaspersky products since the beginning of 2019. Further analysis has shown that a single component within the inspected firmware’s image was modified by attackers in a way that allowed them to intercept the original execution flow of the m

                                  MoonBounce: the dark side of UEFI firmware
                                • Flatpak Is Not the Future

                                  ← ludocode.com Flatpak Is Not the Future Original date: 2021-11-18 Last updated: 2021-11-23 Deploying apps for the Linux desktop is hard. A major problem has historically been library compatibility. Different Linux distributions, and even different versions of the same distribution, have had incompatible libraries. Unfortunately, there hasn’t always been a culture of backwards compatibility on the
