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  • Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count

    For weeks now, Elon Musk has been preoccupied with worries about how many people are seeing his tweets. Last week, the Twitter CEO took his Twitter account private for a day to test whether that might boost the size of his audience. The move came after several prominent right-wing accounts that Musk interacts with complained that recent changes to Twitter had reduced their reach. On Tuesday, Musk

      Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count
    • Python パッケージングの標準を知ろう

      こんにちは、CET チームの田村真一です。リクルートライフスタイル Advent Calendar 2019 最終日の記事をお届けします。 本記事では Python のパッケージングに焦点を当て、2019年末時点で ライブラリのパッケージングについて 標準がどう定められているのか を紹介します。 逆に言うと アプリケーションの依存管理の話 ベストプラクティスや便利なツールの紹介 Pipenv と Poetry どちらを使うべきか論争 は一切しませんのでご了承ください。 そもそも「標準」とは さて、本題に入る前に Python における「標準」とは何なのか確認しておきましょう。 まず言語仕様に関していえば、C や Ruby のような国際規格に則った「仕様」は存在しません。 かわりに language reference と CPython の実装 がデファクトスタンダードとなっています。 い

        Python パッケージングの標準を知ろう
      • [Botany • 2020] <i>Tiganophyton karasense </i>• <small>From the Frying Pan:</small> An Unusual Dwarf Shrub from Namibia Turns Out To Be<small>, <b>Tiganophytaceae</b>,</small> A New Brassicalean Family

        Tiganophyton karasense, an evergreen dwarf shrub, is described as a new species. A new genus and family are also proposed for it in the order Brassicales. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data indicate that Tiganophyton is sister to Bataceae/Salvadoraceae, and all three sister to Koeberliniaceae. First realized to be undescribed in 2010, T. karasense is a rare species known only from three lo

          [Botany • 2020] <i>Tiganophyton karasense </i>• <small>From the Frying Pan:</small> An Unusual Dwarf Shrub from Namibia Turns Out To Be<small>, <b>Tiganophytaceae</b>,</small> A New Brassicalean Family
        • 「AdobeのFigma買収は市場競争の妨害」とイギリスの規制当局が認定

          イギリスの競争・市場庁(CMA)が2023年11月28日に、「PhotoshopやIllustratorなどを手がけるAdobeが、デザインツール業界で最大のライバルであるFigmaを買収すると市場競争が妨げられる恐れがある」とする暫定的な調査結果を発表しました。 Adobe / Figma deal could harm UK digital design sector - GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/government/news/adobe-figma-deal-could-harm-uk-digital-design-sector Adobe’s $20 Billion Purchase of Figma Would Harm Innovation, U.K. Regulator Provisionally Finds - WSJ https://www.w

          • The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?

            The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus arrive by car at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on February 3. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images) The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach th

              The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?
            • Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

              The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach three million people. Yet the origin of pandemic remains uncertain: the political agendas of governments and scientists have generated thick clouds of obfuscation, which the mainstream press seems helpless to dispel. In what follows I will sort through the available scientific facts, which

                Origin of Covid — Following the Clues
              • Stagflation revisited

                Hello, world. I’m back. OK, I never went away. You can read me at the New York Times and on Twitter, and you might think I don’t need another outlet. But I’ve been feeling for a while that I needed to resume blogging, at least to a limited extent, and neither Twitter nor The Times filled the need. True, I used to blog at The Times, and I’m still free to post whatever I want, whenever I want. Howev

                  Stagflation revisited
                • EU ready to back immediate open access without author fees - Research Professional News

                  Provisionally agreed position also expresses support for non-profit publishing models The EU is ready to agree that immediate open access to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, without authors having to pay fees, and that the bloc should support non-profit scholarly publishing models. In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly publishing, the po

                    EU ready to back immediate open access without author fees - Research Professional News
                  • Coordinated Universal Time - Wikipedia

                    "UTC" redirects here. For the time zone that lies between UTC−1 and UTC+1, see UTC+00:00. For other uses, see UTC (disambiguation). Current time zones Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard globally used to regulate clocks and time. It establishes a reference for the current time, forming the basis for civil time and time zones. UTC facilitates international communication,

                      Coordinated Universal Time - Wikipedia
                    • Don’t Panic: The comprehensive Ars Technica guide to the coronavirus [Updated 4/5]

                      This guide is no longer being updated as of April 5. You can follow our ongoing Covid-19 coverage on our dedicated Covid-19 coverage page. More than 1.2 million people have been infected with a new coronavirus that has spread widely from its origin in China over the past few months. Over 67,000 have already died. Our comprehensive guide for understanding and navigating this global public health th

                        Don’t Panic: The comprehensive Ars Technica guide to the coronavirus [Updated 4/5]