ブックマーク / www.bbc.com (10)

  • What Marie Kondo says about our new era of self-help

    Each decade has a break-out self-help star, like today’s current queen of clean. But what exactly is it that makes us embrace them? Marie Kondo is an unlikely guru. The twinkle-toed expert that skips onto our TV screens, rifles through a householder’s drawers and encourages them to squeeze a jumper to ‘spark joy’ has got the world transfixed. She motivates people to declutter and create a zen-like

    What Marie Kondo says about our new era of self-help
    shimoya-show 2019/02/23
  • 【英総選挙】 労働党コービン党首 「国民は未来への希望に投票」 - BBCニュース

    8日に投開票された英下院(定数650)の総選挙で、与党・保守党が過半数を割り込み、下院は過半数議席の政党のない「宙吊り議会(hung parliament)」となることが確実となった。議席を伸ばした最大野党・労働党のジェレミー・コービン党首は、国民は「未来への希望に投票した」「緊縮に背を向けた」と述べ、テリーザ・メイ首相の辞任を求めた。 ロンドン北部のイズリントン・ノース選挙区で再選が決まったコービン党首は、「首相は国民の信任を求めて総選挙を実施した。だがその信任は得られず、保守党の議席を失い、票を失い、支持を失い、信頼を失った」と述べた。

    【英総選挙】 労働党コービン党首 「国民は未来への希望に投票」 - BBCニュース
    shimoya-show 2017/06/09
  • トランプ氏「FBIにフリン氏の捜査中止を要請」=米報道 - BBCニュース

    複数の米メディア報道によると、ドナルド・トランプ米大統領は今年2月、連邦捜査局(FBI)のジェイムズ・コーミー長官(当時)に対して、大統領補佐官(国家安全保障問題担当)を辞任したばかりのマイケル・フリン氏に対する捜査を中止するよう要請していたという。9日にトランプ氏に解任されたコーミー前長官が、この会話の直後に詳細なメモを取っていたことが明らかになった。 米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズの初報に続き、ワシントン・ポストなど米メディア各社が報じたところによると、トランプ氏は2月14日にホワイトハウスの大統領執務室で、フリン氏は「いい奴」なので、捜査を「やめる道筋がはっきり見えるといい」とコーミー氏に伝えたと言う。この発言の前まで、マイク・ペンス副大統領とジェフ・セッションズ司法長官も同席していたが、トランプ氏に席を外すように言われたため退席したと、同紙は書いている。 記事が伝えるコーミー氏のメモ書

    トランプ氏「FBIにフリン氏の捜査中止を要請」=米報道 - BBCニュース
    shimoya-show 2017/05/17
  • BBC

    Gaza hit by intense strikes as Israel says it has cut Strip in two The BBC's reporter in Gaza says Sunday night's air strikes feel like the most intense since the war began. Middle East

  • Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU

    Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street, he said "fresh leadership" was needed. The PM had urged the country to vote Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day", while Boris J

    Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU
    shimoya-show 2016/06/24
  • Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

    The former heavyweight champion was widely regarded as the greatest boxer of all time Boxing legend Muhammad Ali - one of the world's greatest sporting figures - has died at the age of 74. The former world heavyweight champion died late on Friday at a hospital in the US city of Phoenix, Arizona, having been admitted on Thursday. He had been suffering from a respiratory illness, a condition that wa

    Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74
    shimoya-show 2016/06/04
  • Japanese missing boy Yamato Tanooka found alive in Hokkaido

    Yamato Tanooka, seen here in an older picture, had not been seen since last Saturday A boy missing in remote woods in Japan since Saturday after being left alone by his parents as punishment has been found alive and well. Seven-year-old Yamato Tanooka was found in a military training base near Shikabe in Hokkaido, just a few kilometres from where he was left. His parents initially said he had got

    Japanese missing boy Yamato Tanooka found alive in Hokkaido
    shimoya-show 2016/06/03
  • Selling Abenomics to the G7

    Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had one very important mission at this year's G7 summit: sell his brand of economic policies "Abenomics" to the world, and convince world leaders that they should all agree to spend more money in their economies to avert the next crisis. He failed. Yes, Mr Abe did get an agreement from the G7 that global growth is an urgent priority, and that risks remain - in par

    Selling Abenomics to the G7
  • 国連が批判する日本の漫画の性表現 「風と木の詩」が扉を開けた - BBCニュース


    国連が批判する日本の漫画の性表現 「風と木の詩」が扉を開けた - BBCニュース
    shimoya-show 2016/03/16
  • Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?

    Japan's comics and cartoons - known as manga and anime - are a huge cultural industry and famous around the world. But some are shocking, featuring children in sexually explicit scenarios. Why has Japan decided against banning this material? It's a Sunday afternoon in Tokyo and Sunshine Creation is in full swing. Thousands of manga fans, mostly men, crowd into an exhibition centre, poring over man

    Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?
    shimoya-show 2015/01/07
    本筋とは関係ないが思わず笑ってしまった。“I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby". "She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."”
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