Purpose The Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers provides a look at the developer features included in Internet Explorer 10, as well as the latest HTML5, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3) features available to developers of Windows apps using JavaScript for Windows 8. By using the documentation and samples in this guide, developers and designers can take full advantage of
今日は、先週発売されたWindows 8に搭載されているInternet Explorer 10(IE 10)の新機能にサイト側で対応するための情報をお届けします。 Windows 8のスタート画面にサイトをピン留めされたときのアイコン指定Windows 8のスタート画面ではアプリケーションやコンテンツを「ピン留め」できますが、IE 10でサイトをピン留めしたときにどんなアイコンがスタート画面に表示されるようにするかは、サイト側のHTMLで指定できます。 1つは、32ピクセル四方のアイコン(ファビコン)をlink要素で指定する方法。 <link href="favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />もう1つは、144ピクセル四方の画像をmeta要素で指定する方法。この方法では、高解像度の画像を使えるだけでなく、タイルの背景色も指定できます。 <meta name
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Coding style is how your code looks and it is an important part of writing code as a professional. Whether you’re writing JavaScript or CSS or any other language, deciding how your code should look is an important part of overall code quality. When I was studying computer science in college, I had one extremely tough professor. His name was Dr. Maxey and he taught the more complicated courses like
This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015. Learn moreSee full compatibilityReport feedback The Element.classList is a read-only property that returns a live DOMTokenList collection of the class attributes of the element. This can then be used to manipulate the class list. Using classList is a convenient
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