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  • Dog sledding

    As winter begins to wind down, we are still in the middle of sled dog racing season. The Iditarod in Alaska had its ceremonial start in Anchorage last Saturday (the 7th), the Yukon Quest race from Canada's Yukon Territory to Alaska took place back in mid-February, and the Can-Am Crown races were held in Maine only a couple of weeks ago. The most well-known of the races, the Iditarod Iditarod Trail

    Dog sledding
    spica 2009/03/11
    犬ぞりレースの犬達、らしい。ハスキー好きにはたまらない写真ばかり――と言いたいところだが、ハスキーとマラミュートの違いが良くわからない(ハスキーの元飼い主なのに)。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kyocabu/20090310#p1 KU。
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