0 Whispers Lost and Found Stories Silver Screen A Corps Perdu
http://www.orientarhythm.com This work united the image of the projector with the dance. The image animation is projected from the front side with a projector. Performer do synchronize with it. ORIENTARHYTHM combined elements of traditional Japanese culture such as Nunchaku with street dance (Locking, Panking) to create a completely new type of dance style! Through our original dance style we
「Etienne de Crecy / Live Installation」より 先日ホワイトスクリーンにてご紹介した、フランスの建築アート集団Exyztによる、立方体にプロジェクション・マッピングするインスタレーション「Etienne de Crecy / Live Installation」。EXYZTの創設メンバーの一人François Wunshel(フランソワ・ウンシェル)に一体どんな仕掛けになっているのか話を聞いた(ちなみに、同じコンセプトでパフォーマンスしていたMTV Europe Music Awards 2008のKillers「Human」は、実は彼らによるものではないことが判明!)。 ■手がける仕事はTシャツのプリントやサウナの会、日本の露天風呂まで EXYZTのメンバー達。 ――EXYZTという名前の由来はどこから来てるんですか?何か意味深なものを感じますが。 フラ
So we are Rymdreglage from Sweden. We like to do music and videos and build stuff, sometimes with artistic ambitions sometimes just to save money like film equipment and stuff like that. We have also been working for three years on a digital puzzle called "Crypzzle" that you can download for free from our webpage: www.rymdreglage.se It contains over 5000 hours ambient music. 1024 albums with 99 so
IT Apparati Effimeri a giugno 2009, ha mappato e registrato le forme architettoniche della Rocca Malatestiana, ha realizzato poi i contenuti attraverso l'utilizzo di software 3D e ha sincronizzato audio e video. Il lavoro sulla Rocca non può eludere dalla storia dell'edificio posto a difesa della città. Gli elementi di rottura con l'uniformità della superficie, le decorazioni e le finestre della r
We are confronting with memos and deadlines every day. The is the senior project at the Department of Animation, Savannah College of Art and Design. I manipulate the post-it notes to create the pixel-like stop motion with the actor. Here is THE MAKING OF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArJYvaCCB3c Directed by Bang-yao Liu / www.bangyaoliu.com Music by Röyksopp / royksopp.com Sound design
At first I photographed stop motion animation. And I displayed the photographs in my room and photographed it again. Enjoy a connection with the world of the room and the world in the photograph. Thanks for watching.Some musicians add music on my video and reupload it. Thank you very much. オオカミとブタのコマ撮り写真を撮って、それを部屋に置いていく様子を再びコマ撮りにしました。2重コマ撮り。写真と部屋、2次元と3次元が織りなす、次元ハイブリッドコマドリエクスタシーー!!!!!!
Cientos de Relatos Eróticos, cuentos eroticos actualizados para que no dejes de disfrutar de las historias de sexo y eroticas más calientes. Relatos de sexo de todo tipo heteros, gays, zoofilia, amor filial…… Un sinfín de relatos eroticos destinadas a complacer todas tus fantasias voyeur y dar rienda suelta a tu imaginación. Relatos eroticos de vivencias, contactos, experiencias y fantasias sexual
The Telegraph's motoring correspondent Andrew English selects his top cars