
2010年7月8日のブックマーク (5件)

  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    This is it. Here’s the long waited white iPhone 4 with full packaging which Apple thinks it’s more challenging to manufacture. For those of you who’ve waited this long for the white iPhone ...
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    via thedailyswarm.com ドラゴンボールのキャラクターが気を溜めてるときの音みたい ...
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    色々な応用ができそうな、デフォルトアプリのTipsを紹介しておきます。 MailAppで受け取ったメールの添付ファイルに「PDF」ファイルが含まれている場合、そのプレビューはMailAppで確認することが出来ますが、右上のメニュ
  • Good night, Posterous

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、 寄生性原生生物「トキソプラズマ」とサッカーのワールドカップ(W杯)での各国の勝率には意外な関係性がみられるそうだ(Slate、本家/.記事)。 トキソプラズマは多くの哺乳類や鳥類を中間宿主と
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08