
iphoneとwebclipに関するsugarshinのブックマーク (16)

  • Good night, Posterous

    sugarshin 2010/11/04
    iPhone で Flashビデオが見られるSyfire 2.0 ブラウザが発売数時間にしてApp Store から消え入手できなくなりました。メーカー Skyfire いわく、App Storeから取り下げたのはアップルとは関係なく「売り切れ」が理由。発売5時間で iPhone
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/10/30
    形はiPhone3GSあたり、iPadにそっくりで形だけでなく指先でスクロールすると加速して画面が左右に切り替わる動きとか、中に仕込まれたアプリのメニューとかもうそっくりだ。 Made In KoreaのiPhone、iPadと思ってほぼ間違いない
  • Good night, Posterous

    sugarshin 2010/10/27
    Boy Genius Reportでは、Apple Inc.が、iOS用「Apple Store」[App Store]アプリをアップデートし、予約ページに「iPhone 4」のホワイトモデルを追加しいると伝えています。しかし、予約はできないようです。 via applelinkage.com もう遅いで
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/08/05
    *#06# ……『IMEIナンバー』という固有の番号を表示する事ができる *#21# ……『iPhone』のさまざまな機能の設定状態をチェックできる *#30# …… 自分の番号通知設定を表示することができる *#33# …… 通信規制の状態をチェック
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/08/03
    「Remote」アプリはチームではなく1人の人物が開発したもの AppleInsiderでは、iOS用iTunesコントローラーアプリ「Remote」は、チームではなく1人の人物が開発したもので、この人物は現在他のプロジェクトに取り組んでいるため、
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/23
    ホワイトモデル iPhone 4の発売がまた延期されました。新たな出荷予定時期は「later this year」。年末までのなかなか広い範囲です。白戸 iPhone は iPhone 4発表ですでに披露されていたものの発売直前に「予想より製造が難しかっ
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/17
    噂は本当だったのですね! いやいや、ついにドコモやauなど、日本でもソフトバンク以外のキャリアから自由にiPhoneが購入できる時代が迫っているのでは? そんな期待も高まっておりましたが、本日のアップルのプレスカ
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/17
    ヤフオクで値段高騰しそうですよ...。 7月末に発売予定のiPhone 4ホワイトモデルですが、先程終了したiPhone 4プレスカンファレンス内のジョブズの発言によれば「数量限定モデル」となるようです。 どの程度の数になるかは
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/12
    via youtube.com 相変わらず微笑ましいCMだわ。 ...
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/11
    元ボーダフォン社員です。(販売などのショップ店員ではなく愛宕の東京本社にいました。) なるべく専門用語などは咀嚼して、分かりやすく解説したいと思います。 結論から言いましてasdfpoiuqwerさんのご回答どおり電波は
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    This is it. Here’s the long waited white iPhone 4 with full packaging which Apple thinks it’s more challenging to manufacture. For those of you who’ve waited this long for the white iPhone ...
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
    色々な応用ができそうな、デフォルトアプリのTipsを紹介しておきます。 MailAppで受け取ったメールの添付ファイルに「PDF」ファイルが含まれている場合、そのプレビューはMailAppで確認することが出来ますが、右上のメニュ
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/08
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/02
    ☺、♥や♪など、Appleのシンボル記号をiPhoneで簡単に入力できるようにするWebアプリあるそうだ。Safariで http://mrgan.com/gb/ にアクセスして、"+"を押し、"Add to Home Screen" で登録するだけ。「Glyphboard」というアイコンがホーム画
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/07/02
    « iPlunge, The iPhone Kickstand That Sucks So Good | Main This Wooden Back iPhone 4 Costs $3,000 Extravagant luxury knows no limits with thi ...
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    sugarshin 2010/06/30
    via maclalala2.wordpress.com 撮影から編集までiPhone 4だけで行ったショートフィルム。他のスマートフォンでここまではできないでしょ。 ...
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