
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


bhyveに関するsuu-gのブックマーク (2)

  • BHyVe - FreeBSD Wiki

    BSD Hypervisor (BHyVe) This page will be used as a resource for discussing development of the BSD Hypervisor (BHyVe). Discussions will take place on FreeBSD virtualization mailing list, see: freebsd-virtualization@FreeBSD.org . Required Hardware BHyVe requires Intel CPUs with VT-x and NPT support. These features are on all Nehalem models and beyond (e.g. SandyBridge), but not on the lower-end Ato

  • CFT: Hands-on bhyve

    Hands-on bhyve http://cft.lv/4 #FreeBSD #bhyve #Virtualization April 25th, 2012 Version 4.0 © Michael Dexter The History and Architecture of the BSD Hypervisor bhyve, the BSD Hypervisor was unveiled at BSDCan 2011 by FreeBSD developers neel@ and grehan@ bhyve Overview bhyve is a type 2 Hypervisor for FreeBSD and PC-BSD that is similar to Linux KVM and consists of the vmm.ko kernel module, a few su

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