
金融に関するtakaramenのブックマーク (6)

  • http://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/2191?page=4

    takaramen 2009/11/24
  • 輝きを失ったゴールドマン  JBpress(日本ビジネスプレス)

    (2009年11月19日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙) コンスティチューション・アベニュー101番地にあるゴールドマン・サックスのワシントン事務所。10階から望遠鏡で外を眺めると、米連邦議会議事堂のドームが目の前に見える。世界の金融界で最も強力なプレーヤーである同社が占有するオフィスは落ち着いた色調で装飾されており、飾りの風見鶏が2つ、花を添えている。 だが今週、ゴールドマンの幹部らが風向きを知りたいと思ったら、議事堂とは向きが違う東側を見なければならなかった。オフィスの外に大勢のデモ参加者が集まっていたのである。 米国の労働組合SEIU(サービス従業員労働組合)が組織したデモで、参加者たちはゴールドマンと米政府の異様に緊密な関係――ゴールドマン出身者の中には、元財務長官やホワイトハウス高官がいるほか、世界中の規制当局に出身者が散らばっている――を批判し、折しも米国人の10人に1人以上

    takaramen 2009/11/24
  • Geithner Hints at Harder Line on China Trade (Published 2009)

    WASHINGTON � Timothy F. Geithner, who moved closer to confirmation as Treasury secretary on Thursday, told senators that President Obama believed China was “manipulating” its currency, suggesting a more confrontational stance toward that country than under the Bush administration. Mr. Geithner’s comment was made in writing to the Senate Finance Committee hours before it voted 18 to 5 to recommend

    Geithner Hints at Harder Line on China Trade (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    " Timothy F. Geithner, who moved closer to confirmation as Treasury secretary on Thursday, told senators that President Obama believed China was “manipulating” its currency, suggesting a more confrontational stance toward that country than under the Bush administration."
  • China Losing Taste for Debt From U.S. (Published 2009)

    HONG KONG — China has bought more than $1 trillion of American debt, but as the global downturn has intensified, Beijing is starting to keep more of its money at home, a move that could have painful effects for American borrowers. The declining Chinese appetite for United States debt, apparent in a series of hints from Chinese policy makers over the last two weeks, with official statistics due for

    China Losing Taste for Debt From U.S. (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "China has bankrolled its..reserves by..requiring..banking sector, which is state-controlled, to take nearly 1/5 of deposits and hand them to the central bank, (which) has used the money to buy foreign bonds. Now it is rapidly reducing this requirement and pushing banks to lend more money in China"
  • The Becker-Posner Blog

    The US embargo of Cuba began in 1960, a year after Fidel Castro turned this island toward communism. It was extended to food and medicines in 1962, the same year as the showdown with Russia over the installation of missiles there. The embargo has prevented American companies from doing business with Cuba, and discouraged tourism to Cuba. The American government also tried with quite limited succes

    takaramen 2008/11/21
    "The alternative to liquidation-reorganization-can work well in normal times, as in the United Air Lines bankruptcy..The reorganized business is able to borrow money b/c its post-bankruptcy borrowings..are given priority over its pre-bankruptcy debts, which are usually written down in bankruptcy.."
  • How This Bear Market Compares - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com

    Skip to article Home Page My Times Today's Paper Video Most Popular Times Topics Search All NYTimes.com Business Search Business Financial Tools Feedback October 11, 2008 How This Bear Market Compares In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player here. Sources:: Standard and Poor's; Robert J. Shiller Amanda Cox, Xaquín G.V. and David Leonhardt Home World U.S.

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