
2009年1月23日のブックマーク (10件)

  • Japan’s Outcasts Still Wait for Acceptance (Published 2009)

    Hiromu Nonaka, second from left in the front row of a photo of Japan’s 1998 cabinet that hangs in his office, and at right last month. Mr. Nonaka rose to chief cabinet secretary, but as a descendant of a class of outcasts further advancement was blocked.Credit...Ko Sasaki for The New York Times KYOTO, Japan — For Japan, the crowning of Hiromu Nonaka as its top leader would have been as significant

    Japan’s Outcasts Still Wait for Acceptance (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "..not everyone inside the party was ready for leader of buraku origin..Taro Aso..made his views clear to closest associates in closed-door meeting in 2001. “Are we really going to let those people take over leadership of Japan?” Aso said, according to Hisaoki Kamei, politician who attended the meeting."
  • Geithner Hints at Harder Line on China Trade (Published 2009)

    WASHINGTON � Timothy F. Geithner, who moved closer to confirmation as Treasury secretary on Thursday, told senators that President Obama believed China was “manipulating” its currency, suggesting a more confrontational stance toward that country than under the Bush administration. Mr. Geithner’s comment was made in writing to the Senate Finance Committee hours before it voted 18 to 5 to recommend

    Geithner Hints at Harder Line on China Trade (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    " Timothy F. Geithner, who moved closer to confirmation as Treasury secretary on Thursday, told senators that President Obama believed China was “manipulating” its currency, suggesting a more confrontational stance toward that country than under the Bush administration."
  • Helen Suzman, Relentless Challenger of Apartheid System, Is Dead at 91 (Published 2009)

    Helen Suzman, the internationally renowned anti-apartheid campaigner who befriended the imprisoned Nelson Mandela and offered an often lonely voice for change among South Africa’s white minority, died in Johannesburg early on Thursday, a family member said. She was 91. Her son-in-law, Jeffrey Jowell, a law professor in London, said she died peacefully at her home in the affluent northern suburbs o

    Helen Suzman, Relentless Challenger of Apartheid System, Is Dead at 91 (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "As the liberal Progressive Party’s lone representative in all-white Parliament for 13 yrs until the mid-1970s, a period when many of apartheid’s most repressive features were being devised, she used her parliamentary immunity to speak out when other avenues of protest were harshly suppressed."
  • Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government (Published 2009)

    KABUL, Afghanistan � When it comes to governing this violent, fractious land, everything, it seems, has its price. Want to be a provincial police chief? It will cost you $100,000. Want to drive a convoy of trucks loaded with fuel across the country? Be prepared to pay $6,000 per truck, so the police will not tip off the Taliban. Need to settle a lawsuit over the ownership of your house? About $25,

    Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "Many Afghans..place responsibility for collapse of the state on Karzai, who, they say,..failed..to confront powerful figures..behind..corruption....govt accumulated vast amounts of land during..Communist rule..since 2001, govt has given much of it away..to shady developers at extremely low prices."
  • Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government (Published 2009)

    KABUL, Afghanistan � When it comes to governing this violent, fractious land, everything, it seems, has its price. Want to be a provincial police chief? It will cost you $100,000. Want to drive a convoy of trucks loaded with fuel across the country? Be prepared to pay $6,000 per truck, so the police will not tip off the Taliban. Need to settle a lawsuit over the ownership of your house? About $25,

    Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    " From..traffic policeman to..family of President Karzai.. the state..now..seems to exist for little more than enrichment of those who run it...“govt has lost capacity to govern b/c shadow govt has taken over” said former finance minister...“narco-mafia state is now completely consolidated” "
  • A New PBS Special Revisits the Stax/Volt Revue’s 1967 European Tour (Published 2009)

    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "The revue was videotaped for television on April 7, 1967, in Oslo. (The PBS special is a shorter version of a DVD, “Stax/Volt Revue: Live in Norway 1967,” which is available from the Stax Museum in Memphis, staxmuseum.org.) "
  • Preaching Moderate Islam and Becoming a TV Star (Published 2009)

    Ahmad al-Shugairi, host of a TV show on religious themes, with students at his cafe in Jidda.Credit...Bryan Denton for The New York Times JIDDA, Saudi Arabia — As Ahmad al-Shugairi took the stage, dressed in a flowing white gown and headdress, he clutched a microphone and told his audience that he had no religious training or titles: “I am not a sheik.” But over the next two hours, he worked the c

    Preaching Moderate Islam and Becoming a TV Star (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "“satellite sheiks” whose religion-themed television shows helped fuel religious revival across Arab world.... appealing to young audience..hungry for religious identity but..alienated from politics and..traditional religious establishment, esp. in fundamentalist forms..common in Saudi and Egypt."
  • China Losing Taste for Debt From U.S. (Published 2009)

    HONG KONG — China has bought more than $1 trillion of American debt, but as the global downturn has intensified, Beijing is starting to keep more of its money at home, a move that could have painful effects for American borrowers. The declining Chinese appetite for United States debt, apparent in a series of hints from Chinese policy makers over the last two weeks, with official statistics due for

    China Losing Taste for Debt From U.S. (Published 2009)
    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "China has bankrolled its..reserves by..requiring..banking sector, which is state-controlled, to take nearly 1/5 of deposits and hand them to the central bank, (which) has used the money to buy foreign bonds. Now it is rapidly reducing this requirement and pushing banks to lend more money in China"
  • 17歳にして7人の子どもを持つ少女

    でも高校生や中学生が母親になるという話を聞くことがありますが、アルゼンチンには17歳で7人も子どもがいる少女がいるそうです。年齢と子どもの数を見ると何歳のときに初めて子どもを生んだのか計算が合わなくなりそうですが、なぜ7人も子どもができたのか気になるところです。 詳細は以下より。 Argentine girl, 17, has 7 children 17 year old girl has 7 kids - Interesting : Photos, videos and fun アルゼンチン・コルドバ州にあるレオーネという街に住む少女が、男の子1人・女の子6人、合計7人の子どもを産んで育てているそうです。少女は14歳の時に初めて長男を出産し、続いて15歳の時に女の子の三つ子を出産、そして今年に入って更に女の子の三つ子を出産したとのこと。また、少女は流産の経験もあるそうです。 少女と子

    takaramen 2009/01/23
  • YouTube - The Shoop Shoop Song by Aretha Franklin 1964

    Aretha's version of the Betty Everett classic.

    takaramen 2009/01/23
    "Aretha's version of the Betty Everett classic."