2013年9月30日のブックマーク (1件)

  • constituteproject.org

    A comprehensive analysis of the world's constitutions, to support constitutional design and to inform citizens. Read and Compare the World's Constitutions All of the world's currently in force constitutions, indexed by topic, are available for analysis here! Exploring what is (and isn’t) in the new Chilean Draft Constitution Chileans will vote on a new constitution on December 17 — learn how to co

    takehirohattori 2013/09/30
    世界の憲法を英語で。改憲派も護憲派も検索欄にameぐらい入れて「Constitution amendment procedure」を検索。あなたにとって不都合な事実がたくさん検索されます。そんなに単語が難しくないので英語の勉強にも。