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  • Windows 7 Technical Library Roadmap

    Applies To: Windows 7 Welcome to the Windows® 7 Technical Library for IT professionals! This library provides the core content that IT professionals need to evaluate, plan, deploy, manage, troubleshoot, and support Windows 7 client computers in a server environment. To find the content you need, browse the content collections listed below, or use our search feature. Windows 7: Product Evaluation Q

    Windows 7 Technical Library Roadmap
    takuya5455 2009/09/19
    # 90 日間評価版は、ほとんどのお客様の企業環境で使用される Windows 7 Enterprise の完全動作バージョンです。プロダクト キーは必要ありません (ダウンロードに組み込まれています)。 # 90 日間評価版は、90 日の評価期間が終
  • Capitalization Conventions

    Many of the naming conventions pertain to the casing of identifiers. It is important to note that the common language runtime (CLR) supports case-sensitive and case-insensitive languages. The capitalization conventions described in this topic make it easy for developers to understand and work with a library. Casing Styles The following terms describe different ways to case identifiers. Pascal Casi

    Capitalization Conventions
    takuya5455 2009/04/27
    Pascal 形式 識別子の最初の文字と、後に続いて連結されている各単語の最初の文字を大文字にします。Pascal 形式は、3 文字以上から構成される識別子に対して使用できます。次に例を示します。 BackColor
  • General Naming Conventions

    The general naming conventions discuss choosing the best names for the elements in your libraries. These guidelines apply to all identifiers. Later sections discuss naming specific elements such as namespaces or properties. Word Choice Do choose easily readable identifier names. For example, a property named HorizontalAlignment is more readable in English than AlignmentHorizontal. Do favor readabi

    General Naming Conventions
    takuya5455 2009/04/27
    必ずわかりやすい識別名を選択してください。たとえば、プロパティの名前としてわかりやすいのは、英語では AlignmentHorizontal よりも HorizontalAlignment です。 簡潔さよりもわかりやすさを優先します。
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