DownloadGrowler has been abandoned due to the problems of getting it to work well.
Gmail Browser is a web browser that is dedicated to running Gmail (and Google calendar, Google docs, etc). Why? Well, for me, reading email is usually a work activity, while web browsing is mostly play. And so, when I check my email, I easily get distracted by other web sites. Separating Gmail from the rest of the internet helps me concentrate. Gmail Browser is an enhanced version of an idea I saw
Isolator is a small menu bar application that helps you concentrate. When you're working on a document, and don't want to be distracted, turn on Isolator. It will cover up your desktop and all the icons on it, as well as the windows of all your other applications, so you can concentrate on the task in hand. Isolator is designed to stay out of your way, and so it isn't loaded with flashy features.