
streamとCSSに関するtaninswのブックマーク (1)

  • Tab Completion

    Last updated: Monday, January 23 2023 A few years back I laid out some houserules I was planning to use for an upcoming D&D campaign. That campaign finished up, and I'm thinking about running another, so I've spent some time thinking over what I liked and disliked with what I did, and what I'd tweak further. I'll start with my current plans, then go over my evaluations and reasoning later. Carried

    Tab Completion
    taninsw 2011/09/09
    "Flexbox and Grid Layout now share many concepts, so learning one of them will help you understand the other" (光明のことsilver liningというのか。てっきりレイアウト用語かとおもった)
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