ブックマーク / sports.yahoo.com (1)

  • Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price

    Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price TOKYO — The finish line of the men’s triathlon Monday morning looked something like a battlefield scene, bodies sprawled out on ground, trainers coming to the aid of overheated athletes, even a few being helped off with their arms draped over shoulders. This despite the Olympics moving the start time to 6:30 a

    Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price
    technocutzero 2021/07/26
    その国の気候なんて最初から分かってるんだからそれに合わせたトレーニングや対処法を考えるんだよ 東南アジアで開催される耐久レースでもレーシングスーツ着て長時間走るんだぞ もちろんエアコンなんて無い
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