What is Patternify? Patternify is a simple pattern generator. I built it to save myself the pain of launching Photoshop just to export a 2px by 2px stripe pattern. Not only can you build your pattern online, but with the base64 code, you don't even need an image file anymore: just include the code in your CSS and you're ready to go! Instructions Draw your pattern on the grid. You can use the curso
A carefully selected list of useful (and powerful!) CSS techniques and tools. Collected, analyzed and curated resources for you to use them right away or save them for future reference! The hard work of front-end designers never ceases to amaze us. Over the last months, we’ve seen Web designers creating and presenting a plethora of truly remarkable CSS techniques and tools. We have collected, anal
A collection of inspirational websites made by real Squarespace users. Stories and solutions for the modern entrepreneur. In-depth guides and videos about the platform, our services, and how to get started. An online community for Squarespace users and professionals to discuss best practices and seek advice. Free, online sessions where you’ll learn the basics and refine your Squarespace skills. Ea
We built screensiz.es to help you quickly find the screen specifications of the most popular devices and monitors currently on the market. The size data comes from a variety of sources. For a better understanding of Pixel Density, check out this great post by Teehan+Lax. Our “popularity” guesstimates are derived from annualized monthly Google queries (from AdWords traffic estimator), and some fuzz
Distributors of Wisdom In 2010, Quipper was founded in London, England. "Distributors of Wisdom" – We provide online learning service, aiming to realize "distribution revolution of knowledge", that lets everyone learn what he/she wants to learn as much as he/she would like, beyond the boundaries of border and rich and poor. Since 2015 the company has joined Recruit Marketing Partners. We keep chal
Keynoteの使い方よくわからないし、なんでこんなものに数千円はらったのか意味がわからない。だいたい、マスタという概念はwebでいうCSSなんだからテキストファイルとして定義できるようにすればいいのに。そうすれば、githubとかで共有できるから、かっこいいスライドのマスタを再利用することができる。そういうところでLTのスライドつくるのがだるくなる。明らかな非効率性を目の前にするとまったく手が進まなくなる。 だるいことは自動化するのがプログラマの美徳なので、土日で自動化を試みた。 naoty/slide_template · GitHub cloneして、content.mdというファイルにスライドの内容をmarkdownで書いて、rakeすればHTMLのスライドができる。cssでスライドを自由にデザインできる。面倒なGUIの操作をいちいち覚える必要はなくなった。cssということはそれを