ブックマーク / en.wikipedia.org (47)

  • Vitality curve - Wikipedia

    A vitality curve is a performance management practice that calls for individuals to be ranked or rated against their coworkers. It is also called stack ranking, forced ranking, and rank and yank. Pioneered by GE's Jack Welch in the 1980s, it has remained controversial. Numerous companies practice it, but mostly covertly to avoid direct criticism. The vitality model of former General Electric chair

    tick2tack 2022/08/04
    いわゆるstack ranking。社員を20-70-10に分け、下10%を解雇する。 使ってたがやめた会社:Microsoft, Adobe, Ford, GE 使ってる会社:Enron, Motrola, Dow Chemical, IBM, Yahoo, Amazon, HP, Intel, Sun
  • Error management theory - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2022/05/07
  • Behavioral immune system - Wikipedia

    The behavioral immune system is a phrase coined by the psychological scientist Mark Schaller to refer to a suite of psychological mechanisms that allow individual organisms to detect the potential presence of infectious parasites or pathogens in their immediate environment, and to engage in behaviors that prevent contact with those objects and individuals.[1][2][3] The existence of a behavioral im

    Behavioral immune system - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2022/03/29
  • Warren Mosler - Wikipedia

    Warren Mosler (born September 18, 1949) is an American hedge fund executive[1][2] and entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of the Center for Full Employment And Price Stability at University of Missouri-Kansas City[1] and the founder of Mosler Automotive.[3] Mosler is a proponent and research financier[4] of post-Keynesian Modern Monetary Theory. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Franklin Un

    Warren Mosler - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2022/03/29
  • Mea culpa - Wikipedia

    Mea culpa /ˌmeɪ.əˈkʊl.pə/ is a phrase originating from Latin that means my fault or my mistake and is an acknowledgment of having done wrong.[1] The expression is used also as an admission of having made a mistake that should have been avoided and, in a religious context, may be accompanied by symbolically beating the breast when uttering the words. The phrase comes from a Western Christian prayer

    tick2tack 2020/09/18
    ラテン語で ”私のせいで” 間違いを認めるといういみあい。
  • Risk - Wikipedia

    Firefighters are exposed to risks of fire and building collapse during their work. In simple terms, risk is the possibility of something bad happening.[1] Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property or the environment), often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences.[2] Many

    Risk - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2020/07/29
    リスクは英語辞典では「悪い出来事が起こる*可能性*」だがISOの定義では“effect of uncertainty on objectives”(目的に対する不確実な影響)。可能性に限らないし正負両方に使われる。
  • Collective action problem - Wikipedia

    A collective action problem or social dilemma is a situation in which all individuals would be better off cooperating but fail to do so because of conflicting interests between individuals that discourage joint action.[1][2][3] The collective action problem has been addressed in political philosophy for centuries, but was most clearly established in 1965 in Mancur Olson's The Logic of Collective A

    tick2tack 2020/06/27
    集合行為問題。社会的ジレンマSocial dilemmaでここに飛ばされるので同義語か。小集団だと発生しにくい。
  • Implicit stereotype - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2020/03/07
  • List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia

    Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment. They are often studied in psychology, sociology and behavioral economics.[1] Although the reality of most of these biases is confirmed by reproducible research,[2][3] there are often controversies about how to classify these biases or how to explain them.[4] Several theoretical causes are known for some

    List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2020/03/07
  • Anger - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2020/03/06
  • Illusory superiority - Wikipedia

    In social psychology, illusory superiority is a cognitive bias wherein people overestimate their own qualities and abilities compared to others. Illusory superiority is one of many positive illusions, relating to the self, that are evident in the study of intelligence, the effective performance of tasks and tests, and the possession of desirable personal characteristics and personality traits. Ove

    tick2tack 2020/03/04
    自分は平均よりも良い、と思ってしまう認知バイアス。日本語でなんて言うんだろ、これ。/ →「平均以上効果」が多そうかな?アジアは欧米よりも効果が薄いみたい
  • Social dominance orientation - Wikipedia

    Social dominance orientation (SDO)[1] is a personality trait measuring an individual's support for social hierarchy and the extent to which they desire their in-group be superior to out-groups.[2] SDO is conceptualized under social dominance theory as a measure of individual differences in levels of group-based discrimination; that is, it is a measure of an individual's preference for hierarchy wi

    Social dominance orientation - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2020/03/02
  • Minority group - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2020/02/13
    ”category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group.”
  • Hate speech - Wikipedia

    Hate speech is a legal term with varied meaning. It has no single, consistent definition. It is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation".[1] The Encyclopedia of the American Constitution states that hate speech is "usually thought to include commu

    Hate speech - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2020/02/13
  • Tax incidence - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2019/08/30
    これ日本語でなんていうの?誰が税を負担してるのか。法人税の話でよく見るが、色々あるんだな。”in the case of imperfect competition the supplier and consumer will share the burden”
  • Intralocus sexual conflict - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2019/07/12
  • Pluralistic ignorance - Wikipedia

    Research found that 80–90% of Americans underestimate the prevalence of support for major climate change mitigation policies and climate concern among fellow Americans. While 66–80% Americans support these policies, Americans estimate the prevalence to be 37–43%—barely half as much. Researchers have called this misperception a false social reality, a form of pluralistic ignorance.[1][2] In social

    Pluralistic ignorance - Wikipedia
    tick2tack 2019/05/08
  • Collective narcissism - Wikipedia

    In social psychology, collective narcissism (or group narcissism) is the tendency to exaggerate the positive image and importance of a group to which one belongs.[1][2] The group may be defined by ideology, race, political beliefs/stance, religion, sexual orientation, social class, language, nationality, employment status, education level, cultural values, or any other ingroup.[1][2] While the cla

    tick2tack 2019/03/02
  • Prohibition in the United States - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2019/01/18
  • Body odour and sexual attraction - Wikipedia

    tick2tack 2018/11/23