Ansible lint マニュアルの日本語訳です。英語版では理解しにくい部分を補足しています。
こんにちは、CX事業本部 IoT事業部の若槻です。 最近ドキュメントを見ていて知ったのですが、GitHubでは地理空間データを地図としてレンダリング表示できるようです。 Creating GeoJSON and TopoJSON maps - Creating diagrams - GitHub Docs 対応している記法はGeoJSONとTopoJSONの2つになります。この機能自体は公式ブログによると2013年頃からあったようです。 やってみる ここではGeoJSONを使って地理空間データのGitHub上でのレンダリング表示を試してみます。 Markdown文書で表示 Markdown文書内でレンダリング表示する場合は、タイトルにgeojsonと指定したコードブロックにGeoJSONでチリ空間を記述するだけです。 { "type": "FeatureCollection", "feat
I have been a user of Nix (a “reproducible” package manager) and NixOS (the Linux distribution based on this package manager) for almost two years. I use it in a personal and professional context. In this article I will focus on the “pain points” in my use of Nix and NixOS. While there are many positives, the NixOS experience is far from being a smooth ride. I still mostly enjoy using Nix and NixO
The recent (2022) compromise of Lastpass included email addresses, home addresses, names, and encrypted customer vaults. In this post I will demonstrate how attackers may leverage tools like Hashcat to crack an encrypted vault with a weak password. In this post I will go into technical details on what attackers could do with the stolen encrypted vaults, specifically how they could use tools like H
This week I received a new 12th Gen Intel laptop from Framework. And like with any new piece of hardware I get these days, my first instinct was to put NixOS on it 😄. But I wasn’t just content with firing up the NixOS installer and getting to work. Oh no no no. You see, I knew there was a better way. I didn’t now exactly what that better way looked like just yet, but I could feel in my bones that Last Updated: 28 August, 2024 A self-updating list of the latest and most common useragents seen on the web across all device types, operating systems, and browsers. Data is always fresh, updating weekly. This user agent list is perfect for web scrapers looking to blend in, developers, website administrators, and researchers. The most common useragents list is compiled from the user