ブックマーク / news.yahoo.com (1)

  • Judge awards iPhone user $850 in throttling case

    SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — When AT&T started slowing down the data service for his iPhone, Matt Spaccarelli, an unemployed truck driver and student, took the country's largest telecommunications company to small claims court. And won. His award: $850. Pro-tem Judge Russell Nadel found in favor of Spaccarelli in Ventura Superior Court in Simi Valley on Friday, saying it wasn't fair for the company

    Judge awards iPhone user $850 in throttling case
    truekissdisc 2012/02/25
    データ通信無制限プランを販売したATTが通信速度を制限したことに対して、訴えたユーザーが勝訴。Judge awards iPhone user $850 News
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