
ブックマーク / m.signalvnoise.com (2)

  • Fuck hard work

    If I have to listen to one more banal ode to “hard work”, I’m going to puke. It’s such a trite tribute that keeps getting heaped on anyone who’s ever become even mildly successful, as though it was somehow this unique aspect of their achievement. The first rebuke to this reflexive compliment should always be to point out the survivorship bias. The world is full of people who work very hard, in tha

    Fuck hard work
    tuki0918 2019/06/27
  • What my calendar looks like – Signal v. Noise

    via Google ImagesWhat?? I can’t identify with this level of busy. Here’s my actual calendar for January and the first couple weeks of February, 2017: My calendar as of Jan 9, 2017I always leave Monday’s open, and only pop something on there that’s casual or spontaneous. Like today I’m going to over to a friend’s office to check out their new space. Fridays are for nothing, too. That way if somethi

    What my calendar looks like – Signal v. Noise
    tuki0918 2017/01/10
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