Sienda, home of Sonalksis Plug-ins
Akihiko Matsumoto Blog松本昭彦ブログ <max/msp、openmusic、Java、アルゴリズミックコンポジション、 音響合成、音響処理、和声学、対位法、ピッチクラスセット理論、エレキギター Proce55ing、iPhone、ajax、Webプログラミング> 開発したVSTプラグインや音楽作品はHPにて公開中max/msp/VSTプラグインで誰でもPerfume"パフューム" max/mspにて歌声などのモノフォニックな音声信号をクロマティックな音階のピッチに自動補正、スケーリングするためのVSTプラグインを作りました。 若者ならご存知パフュームという3人組の日本のポップグループのようなヴォーカルの音声処理が可能になります。微分音やポルタメントなどの歌唱法の場合ピッチの自動補正が顕著になります。 summer sonic 08にも出演するようです
Come appassionato di giochi online e osservatore attento del settore dei casinò, ho notato un trend interessante negli ultimi tempi: un numero crescente di giocatori italiani si sta orientando verso i casino non AAMS. Questa tendenza mi ha spinto a indagare più a fondo, cercando di comprendere le ragioni di questa scelta e, soprattutto, di valutare la sicurezza e l’affidabilità di queste piattafor
Applications Real-time guitar processing Speaker cabinet simulation Stereo convolution processing Guitar reverb effect Boogex is a free guitar amplifier AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin with a variety of sound shaping features, for professional sound and music production applications. With Boogex it is possible to get a heavy distorted sound as well as slight “jazzy” saturation sound. Boogex is al
It is a suite of vst plugin with amplifiers and analog processors for guitarists, currently containing the simulation* of: - Boss DS-1 (Distortion stompbox) - Boss SD-1 (Super Overdrive stompbox) - Tube Screamer (Overdrive stompbox) - Oberheim PS-1 (Phaser stompbox) - Univox Univibe (Modulations stompbox) - Fender Twin 1969 (Guitar amplifier) - Marshall JCM900 Dual Reverb (Guitar amplifier) This s
Tune It! is a piece of software that helps musicians to tune their instrument. It can also be used to monitor the pitch during live performance. Tune It! is based on a original and very accurate pitch detection algorithm. It can tune a wide range of instruments such as guitar, bass, piano, flute, violin, saxophone, etc... Tune It! is available for both Windows and Macintosh platforms. It can be ra