
ブックマーク / www.designer-daily.com (1)

  • 30 high-quality free fonts for great designs

    EDIT: Please note that some of these fonts are for personal use only, make sure you always check the license before using the font. Even though you’ll have to pay for the best fonts, like Helvetica or Univers, the web is full of quality fonts that are perfectly suitable for professional design work and business printing. The fonts are classified to make the page easier to scan and can also be grea

    30 high-quality free fonts for great designs
    urakey 2009/04/10
    紹介されているフォントは基本的に無料でダウンロードできるが、各々で利用規約が異なる。 スタンダードで汎用性の高いフリーフォントが多い気がする。
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